(too old to reply)
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-03-23 19:14:10 UTC
Charlie Sheen, and the Sheen family think that World Trade Center collapse
was a controlled demolition. They think only nut bags could believe that
people with box cutters took over 4 planes and flew them into their targets.

Rush Limbaugh stated on his show that he is letting other people buy economy
cars, so that there will be enough fuel for his gas-guzzler (I'm guessing
it's a Hummer).

The word is Michael Savage (the Savage Nation), is nearing it's end. His
boss, Roy Masters, has said that the inconsistencies in the show, are
scaring off the conservatives in his audience. Many conservatives suspect
Savage is not an authentic conservative, and is a phony.

I will be speaking to the Vice-President Cheney tonight. Gave the people
here a chance to ask the VP a question through me, but all the questions
submitted failed to reach the intellectual level necessary to have their
question asked.
2006-03-23 19:40:50 UTC
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:14:10 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Rush Limbaugh stated on his show

What a butt-nugget muncher you are, Vaselinitus

Stupid as Knickkers
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-03-23 21:44:03 UTC
Post by unknown
What a butt-nugget muncher
how obtuse you have become, watching the History channel. Stuck in the
politics of 1930's, you have excluded yourself from the political process.
You have no say, and will have no say in the future political landscape of
this country. You are obsolete, a refugee from 1930's Germany caught in a
confusing modern world. Be that good German who speaks against der Fuhrer
in your bong created twilight zone. Zie Fuhrer is a beast!
2006-03-24 00:05:28 UTC
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 21:44:03 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by unknown
What a butt-nugget muncher
how obtuse you have become, watching the History channel. Stuck in the
politics of 1930's, you have excluded yourself from the political process.
Kicking your ass extends back that far, I agree.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
You have no say, and will have no say in the future political landscape of
this country.
Isn't that what you said just prior to the 30's,
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
You are obsolete, a refugee from 1930's Germany caught in a
confusing modern world. Be that good German who speaks against der Fuhrer
in your bong created twilight zone. Zie Fuhrer is a beast!
The only one whining about a "fuhrer" is you, ya
goddamn rightwing moron.

You're making blathering noises like a
loonytarian---one that hasn't figured out yet that
their loony ideas FAILED miserably when we had policies
they liked.

How fucking stupid can you be?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
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