Post by checker playerI believe this is exactly what he(shrub) wanted, to set the bar way too high
for kim jong ill, wanting him to basicaqlly kiss the ass of russia, japan, usa
and whoever else we specify, so kim said screw you cunts, and now we have nukes
in the hands of a madman, all thanks to bush..
First of all, Bush is irrelevant. Do you really think he has anything to do
with foreign affairs? Not at all. The problem with N. Korea is the same as
with Iran. They have not signed on to the New World Order. They will be
destroyed, and globalist-friendly regimes installed. As for their nukes (if
they even have any), this is merely a bogeyman to be used as a pretext for their
destruction. Same with Iran.
Nothing is happening by accident. A carefully-made plan for complete
globalization is in play. The final stage will be a great social cataclysm.
This will happen at the discretion of the international financial elite who will
surreptitiously instigate it. It will be designed to elicit a "Somebody please
save us!" response from the sheep. This will usher in a fascist global super
state which will rescue the West from their insolvency and distress.
When their control is firmly established, the Illuminati will finally reveal
themselves and their occultist designs for governing human affairs. Of course,
this will be presented as something "for the good of all" or a "sustainable
earth." If you are under 30, you will likely see all this take place in your