War Child returns from epic surfing trip
(too old to reply)
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-30 23:22:06 UTC
What can I say, this weekend was epic. The sets kept a comin' , and
lots of rides in the green room. The parties raged by the campfire on the
beach, at night, and perfect surf in the days. It was, a way to become one
with the universe. Now I return to the grim business of trying to block the
Democrats from taking my, and your freedom away.
Mitchell Holman
2006-05-30 23:29:57 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
What can I say, this weekend was epic. The sets kept a comin' , and
lots of rides in the green room. The parties raged by the campfire on
the beach, at night, and perfect surf in the days. It was, a way to
become one with the universe.
What were you smoking, pray tell?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Now I return to the grim business of
trying to block the Democrats from taking my, and your freedom away.
What ARE you smoking, pray tell?

Mitchell Holman

"There ought to be limits to freedom."
George Bush, 1999.
2006-05-31 13:28:30 UTC
On Tue, 30 May 2006 18:29:57 -0500, Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Now I return to the grim business of
trying to block the Democrats from taking my, and your freedom away.
What ARE you smoking, pray tell?
He isn't smoking anything---he's that stupid naturally

he not only doesn't read history, but he (apparantly)
doesn't read current news

The fortunes of loonytarians became a laughable item in
the 30's and now are merely ancient relics doomed to
suffer ridicule today.
2006-05-31 01:31:13 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
What can I say, this weekend was epic. The sets kept a comin' , and
lots of rides in the green room. The parties raged by the campfire on the
beach, at night, and perfect surf in the days. It was, a way to become one
with the universe. Now I return to the grim business of trying to block the
Democrats from taking my, and your freedom away.
Wow, a real life Butthole surfer.
2006-05-31 13:26:44 UTC
On Tue, 30 May 2006 23:22:06 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
What can I say, this weekend was epic.
You can't say anything that anyone would believe, you
pathetic fuckwit

You're a braggart and a usenet idiot---our comic relief
Callistus Valerius
2006-05-31 14:37:03 UTC
You're a braggart
$80 for a 3 day surfing trip. How's that bragging? You don't have $80?
Gas in Mexico is $2.12 / gallon, beer even cheaper. Camped on the beach,
brought our own food. Hardly the stuff of the rich and famous. Just have
to think positive, independent, don't have to wait for a government check in
order to do something. Don't wait for a Democrat politician to point the
way, find your own way. It's called freedom of the mind, freedom of the
spirit. It's called FREEDOM, Gary.
2006-05-31 15:02:52 UTC
Post by Callistus Valerius
You're a braggart
$80 for a 3 day surfing trip. How's that bragging? You don't have $80?
Gas in Mexico is $2.12 / gallon, beer even cheaper. Camped on the beach,
brought our own food. Hardly the stuff of the rich and famous. Just have
to think positive, independent, don't have to wait for a government check in
order to do something. Don't wait for a Democrat politician to point the
way, find your own way. It's called freedom of the mind, freedom of the
spirit. It's called FREEDOM, Gary.
It's bragging since most of us don't post our trips on a ng. I am sure no
one in your real life gives a damn, so you feel the need to tell us - you
know what? None of us give a damn about your trips either. Frankly I go
to Mexico several times a year, I have also dived Belize, Cayman Islands,
Fiji, done a liveaboard in Hawaii and dove many lesser known sites.
Frankly your trips sound boring as fuck, but that is just me.
Randomly generated signature --
On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key.
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-31 18:33:33 UTC
Post by eldorado
It's bragging since most of us don't post our trips on a ng. I am sure no
one in your real life gives a damn, so you feel the need to tell us - you
know what? None of us give a damn about your trips either. Frankly I go
to Mexico several times a year, I have also dived Belize, Cayman Islands,
Fiji, done a liveaboard in Hawaii and dove many lesser known sites.
Frankly your trips sound boring as fuck, but that is just me.
Haven't done Belize, did the rest. What bores the fuck out of me is
having some retarded government fuck go through my stuff, so I don't fly
anymore. Anyway ocean is ocean, if you want to waste your vacation time
sitting in an aluminum tube for 8 hours, go for it.
2006-05-31 21:36:44 UTC
On Wed, 31 May 2006 18:33:33 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by eldorado
It's bragging since most of us don't post our trips on a ng. I am sure no
one in your real life gives a damn, so you feel the need to tell us - you
know what? None of us give a damn about your trips either. Frankly I go
to Mexico several times a year, I have also dived Belize, Cayman Islands,
Fiji, done a liveaboard in Hawaii and dove many lesser known sites.
Frankly your trips sound boring as fuck, but that is just me.
Haven't done Belize, did the rest. What bores the fuck out of me is
having some retarded government fuck go through my stuff, so I don't fly
anymore. Anyway ocean is ocean, if you want to waste your vacation time
sitting in an aluminum tube for 8 hours, go for it.
You seem to think we need to listen to your lies and
bullshit isn't a waste.

However, you sound a lot like a disgraced, ridiculed
and disgusting idiot named FILEFART who is legendary in
the fuckwit category

Only BIlly Beck could brag more than he could.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
2006-05-31 21:45:54 UTC
On Wed, 31 May 2006 18:33:33 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by eldorado
It's bragging since most of us don't post our trips on a ng. I am sure no
one in your real life gives a damn, so you feel the need to tell us - you
know what? None of us give a damn about your trips either. Frankly I go
to Mexico several times a year, I have also dived Belize, Cayman Islands,
Fiji, done a liveaboard in Hawaii and dove many lesser known sites.
Frankly your trips sound boring as fuck, but that is just me.
Haven't done Belize, did the rest. What bores the fuck out of me is
having some retarded government fuck go through my stuff, so I don't fly
anymore. Anyway ocean is ocean, if you want to waste your vacation time
sitting in an aluminum tube for 8 hours, go for it.
You seem to think we need to listen to your lies and
bullshit isn't a waste.
The funny thing is that he claims to have been to several exotic beaches
and then claims "ocean is ocean". If he had indeed been to more than one
area of the world's beaches he would know how inane that sounds.

Randomly generated signature --
"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly." -Batman Costume warning label
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-31 22:53:25 UTC
Post by eldorado
The funny thing is that he claims to have been to several exotic beaches
and then claims "ocean is ocean". If he had indeed been to more than one
area of the world's beaches he would know how inane that sounds.
You think Hawaii is exotic? That's your description. As you know,
there is some differences, water is warmer or colder, clear or turbid, rain
forest or desert background, or the most important is the color of your
bartender, whether he's black, brown, yellow, red, or white. But to me,
after all of that, the ocean is the ocean, like I said. I've never been to
the Alps because to me, mountains are mountains, so I'll stick with Rocky
Mountains. I prefer Coors to some Krautmiester brew or whatever they have
over there anyway. I do have some conditions on beaches though. I will not
visit blue state beaches. No California, Hawaii, west coast, Louisiana, or
Northeast. They try to get visitors to pay for their welfare state, with
all kinds of tourist specific taxes, and I'll let them pay for it
themselves, they don't need my help.
2006-05-31 23:18:12 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by eldorado
The funny thing is that he claims to have been to several exotic beaches
and then claims "ocean is ocean". If he had indeed been to more than one
area of the world's beaches he would know how inane that sounds.
You think Hawaii is exotic? That's your description. As you know,
there is some differences, water is warmer or colder, clear or turbid, rain
forest or desert background, or the most important is the color of your
bartender, whether he's black, brown, yellow, red, or white. But to me,
after all of that, the ocean is the ocean, like I said.
Wow! You really do miss the best parts of any trip to the ocean. The
different life. The manatees in California, the turtles in La Playa del
Carmen, the sharks near San Diego, the puffers in Puerta Vallerta, the
rays in Hawaii, the eels, the seahorses in Cozumel. You also miss the
striking colors of the corals on the wall in Belize, the brilliant soft
corals in Fiji. I could go on and on. I feel bad that you miss it all
and believe "ocean is ocean".

Randomly generated signature --
Eagles fly; but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines.
2006-06-01 04:16:27 UTC
On Wed, 31 May 2006 22:53:25 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by eldorado
The funny thing is that he claims to have been to several exotic beaches
and then claims "ocean is ocean". If he had indeed been to more than one
area of the world's beaches he would know how inane that sounds.
You think Hawaii is exotic? That's your description.
You think your pathological bullshit is exotic? That's
my description of a usenet piece of shit.

You're even more loony that File of the Dud who used to
be around here and make us laugh
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
Callistus Valerius
2006-06-01 12:39:32 UTC
a usenet piece of shit.

Gary I want to give you a mental image of what you missed, while you
wait for Democrats to give you social justice. We surfed all day, the sun
had set, darkness finally came. We had firewood stacked up, now lit. We
started drinking our tecate, then we passed a bottle of tequila for a
chaser. Before you knew it, we were dancing like wild indians around that
campfire. You're missing good times, while you boycott life because there
is no social justice.
2006-06-01 13:05:47 UTC
On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:39:32 GMT, "Callistus Valerius"
a usenet piece of shit.
Gary I want to give you a mental image of what you missed, while you
wait for Democrats to give you social justice.
Didn't miss a thing

I've read history, experienced quite a bit whilst
assholes of yours ran things, and would never be stupid
enough to embrace any kind of idiotic crap you believe.

As for "waiting", you worthless scumbag----

"We" got rid of child labor, using militias to enforce
corporate and business policies, addressed old age
poverty, did a massive national turnaround to alleviate
the disaster caused by conservative fiscal policies,
stopped Jim Crow, desegregated schools, fought for
civil rights, womens rights (and still are), disabled
rights, childrens rights, rights of accused, dismantled
the "unjust" arbitrary reactionary government that
unfairly applied laws against minorities, passed the
Interstate Highway system, funded the GI Bill, made it
possible for the rise of the middle class by siding
with workers against excessive wealth and power of a
greedy white corporate class, fought two World wars and
a Korean conflict successfully, enhanced Civil
lliberties at the expense of a conservative
government(s) and, in general, helped produce "the
greatest generation" that made it possible for
halfwitted idiots like you to brag and spread your hate
and lies.

I did wait around until the 60's when experience the
ass-whipping you poor assholes got at the hands of
young students FAR surpassed any transient wet-dream
"ocean" crap you think is important.
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-06-01 19:03:43 UTC
transient wet-dream
"ocean" crap you think is important.
you live in a dark world.
2006-06-01 20:58:01 UTC
On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 19:03:43 GMT, "Crescentius
transient wet-dream
"ocean" crap you think is important.
you live in a dark world.
Not as dark as the buttcheeks of loonytarianism where
you reside, you bablling idiot.
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
2006-06-01 04:15:22 UTC
On Wed, 31 May 2006 16:45:54 -0500, eldorado
Post by eldorado
On Wed, 31 May 2006 18:33:33 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by eldorado
It's bragging since most of us don't post our trips on a ng. I am sure no
one in your real life gives a damn, so you feel the need to tell us - you
know what? None of us give a damn about your trips either. Frankly I go
to Mexico several times a year, I have also dived Belize, Cayman Islands,
Fiji, done a liveaboard in Hawaii and dove many lesser known sites.
Frankly your trips sound boring as fuck, but that is just me.
Haven't done Belize, did the rest. What bores the fuck out of me is
having some retarded government fuck go through my stuff, so I don't fly
anymore. Anyway ocean is ocean, if you want to waste your vacation time
sitting in an aluminum tube for 8 hours, go for it.
You seem to think we need to listen to your lies and
bullshit isn't a waste.
The funny thing is that he claims to have been to several exotic beaches
and then claims "ocean is ocean". If he had indeed been to more than one
area of the world's beaches he would know how inane that sounds.
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth
Bert Bishop
2006-05-31 15:16:55 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
What can I say, this weekend was epic. The sets kept a comin' , and
lots of rides in the green room. The parties raged by the campfire on the
beach, at night, and perfect surf in the days. It was, a way to become one
with the universe. Now I return to the grim business of trying to block the
Democrats from taking my, and your freedom away.
Stop the Democrats from taking power? How? Certainly not by posting to
newsgroups, no matter how well crafted the posts are. (And I'll leave it to
others to evaluate Crescentius Vespasianus' posts).
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-31 18:38:43 UTC
"> Stop the Democrats from taking power? How? Certainly not by posting to
Post by Bert Bishop
newsgroups, no matter how well crafted the posts are. (And I'll leave it to
others to evaluate Crescentius Vespasianus' posts).
Bert, you still have that red army hat in drawer? Bet you can't wait to
put that silly thing on your head, and walk outside after the Democrat
landslide in November.
2006-05-31 19:03:06 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
"> Stop the Democrats from taking power? How? Certainly not by posting to
Post by Bert Bishop
newsgroups, no matter how well crafted the posts are. (And I'll leave it
Post by Bert Bishop
others to evaluate Crescentius Vespasianus' posts).
Bert, you still have that red army hat in drawer? Bet you can't wait to
put that silly thing on your head, and walk outside after the Democrat
landslide in November.
Sad day for the right wing when even CV admits that Democrats are gonna
own the republicans come November.
Randomly generated signature --
wher eis the spllchkr when u need it...
Bert Bishop
2006-06-01 13:20:52 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by Bert Bishop
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Now I return to the grim business of trying to block
"> Stop the Democrats from taking power? How? Certainly not by posting to
Post by Bert Bishop
newsgroups, no matter how well crafted the posts are. (And I'll leave it
Post by Bert Bishop
others to evaluate Crescentius Vespasianus' posts).
Bert, you still have that red army hat in drawer? Bet you can't wait to
put that silly thing on your head, and walk outside after the Democrat
landslide in November.
May I suggest Crescentius Vespasianus's desire is to prevent Democrats from
gaining power is hindered rather than helped by needless insults in the
public discourse.

I'm not counting on a Democratic landslide in November, but, given that some
constraints are obviously needed on the current executive, I will indeed
welcome such an event. I wonder if Crescentius Vespasianus thinks that
there will indeed be a Democratic landslide.
2006-06-01 14:08:47 UTC
On Thu, 1 Jun 2006 09:20:52 -0400, "Bert Bishop"
Post by Bert Bishop
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Post by Bert Bishop
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Now I return to the grim business of trying to block
"> Stop the Democrats from taking power? How? Certainly not by posting to
Post by Bert Bishop
newsgroups, no matter how well crafted the posts are. (And I'll leave it
Post by Bert Bishop
others to evaluate Crescentius Vespasianus' posts).
Bert, you still have that red army hat in drawer? Bet you can't wait to
put that silly thing on your head, and walk outside after the Democrat
landslide in November.
May I suggest Crescentius Vespasianus's desire is to prevent Democrats from
gaining power is hindered rather than helped by needless insults in the
public discourse.
May I suggest that any "insult" offered by HANDJOB is
as worthless as his character.
Post by Bert Bishop
I'm not counting on a Democratic landslide in November, but, given that some
constraints are obviously needed on the current executive, I will indeed
welcome such an event. I wonder if Crescentius Vespasianus thinks that
there will indeed be a Democratic landslide.
HANDJOB still hasn't recognized that the "landslide" of
democats (read liberals) began after the mess
conservatives made in America in the first quarter of
the 20th century and that conservatism has been getting
beat ever since.

There is a historical evidence that once every now and
then there's a resurgence of religious fundamentalism
and America tolerates it for a few years---then
relegates the crazy assholes back to the rock they
climbed from under.

Conservatism cannot stand on ANY set of fiscal, social
domestic policies that ever "progressed"
America---their biggest "contribution" was in their
militaristic character and some foriegn policy

HANDJOB is a loonytarian, BTW and that alone qualifies
him as comic relief.
Post by Bert Bishop
"Guess what? It's godamn late.
*I* don't want to be reasonable now.
I want the government to kick your fricking ass
to the moon, work you over with wiretaps,
investigations, trials, police with guns and
set your goddamn ass on fire, and I'm sure
as hell willing to risk the same for myself
if I think there's a chance that you'll be
wiped from the face of this earth