On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 22:42:33 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius VespasianusCan America afford to have a traitorous bunch who want to destroy the
Not even grade-school fallacy argument, you childish
moron. No such characterization fits democrats but
does the neo-fascist behavior of conservatives
Post by Crescentius VespasianusEither by lowering the country's defenses in order to allow Arab
terrorist attacks, or by allowing immigrant swarms to flood the country.
Exactly when did Iraqi terrorists enter this country
and attack us?
Seems that you're a few centuries too late about those
"immigrant swarms" who flooded this country. I'm
supposing you're referring to conversations the Natives
had when they saw the uninvited ships start appearing?
Post by Crescentius VespasianusAnd if elections are won, spending the country into bankruptcy to finance
welfare programs to insure their continuance in power, by hooking these
swarms on the government tit.
So spending the country into massive debt and
bankruptcy while killing thousands (along with 2400
Americans) is more palatable to you?
In the 70's, the worker/CEO compensation ratio was 70:1
Today it's 780:1
Tell us how you're doing such a good job, you ignorant
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus==============================================================
"Because of Reagan's economic policies---most of which were
Solidly endorsed by (a GOP) congress---wealth in the US was being
REDISTRIBUTED upward. While the rich got richer in the 1980's
poverty deepened for many people. (Under reagan) The United
States was polarizing racially and economically and societal
divisions were being excerbated by new problems"
----A History of the United States; A people and a Nation"
4th Edition