Life under Speaker Pelosi.
(too old to reply)
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-09 17:39:50 UTC
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning America,
it'll be Good Night America. Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but will
make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms, big
contributors for the Democrat party. She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country. Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes will
cut supplies. Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat. Taxes
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social services
for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.

While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment with
socialism, I have other plans. I will simply drive across the border to my
trailer, on the beach, at the Sea of Cortez. I have satellite TV, so I'll
be able to watch the suffer-fest you'll all be going through, on Fox News.
Many vote Democrat, not worrying about the misery they will bring on
themselves, just so it brings misery to others. Sorry, I don't play that
game, so you won't be punishing me. So be my guest, vote Democrat, but
you'll only be shooting yourself in the head.

p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago, the gas was only $2.32 / gallon, but of
course they don't have nutty SUV driving Sierra Club Democrat folk trying to
stop development of oil resources.
2006-05-09 18:58:02 UTC
On Tue, 09 May 2006 17:39:50 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning America,
it'll be Good Night America.
Is that paraphrased from 1932?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but will
make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms, big
contributors for the Democrat party.
Ahem----could you post any fiduciary "outrage" at the
tens of millions you dumb cocksuckers spent trying to
prove Clinton got a blow job?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country.
Oh woe is us

And not give the wealthiest 2% that $800 million
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes will
cut supplies.
So, your theory is that a moneymaking enterprise,
hauling billions in each year will STOP making money on
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat.
Those "defense funds" are building bridges to nowhere,
and moving railroads so that casinos can rip people
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social services
for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.
Wanna provide any credible cite for that? (snicker)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment with
socialism, I have other plans.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
Harry Flynt
2006-05-09 21:49:30 UTC
On Tue, 09 May 2006 17:39:50 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning America,
it'll be Good Night America.
Is that paraphrased from 1932?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but will
make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms, big
contributors for the Democrat party.
Ahem----could you post any fiduciary "outrage" at the
tens of millions you dumb cocksuckers spent trying to
prove Clinton got a blow job?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country.
Oh woe is us
And not give the wealthiest 2% that $800 million
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes
will cut supplies.
So, your theory is that a moneymaking enterprise,
hauling billions in each year will STOP making money on
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat.
Those "defense funds" are building bridges to nowhere,
and moving railroads so that casinos can rip people
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social
services for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.
Wanna provide any credible cite for that? (snicker)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment
with socialism, I have other plans.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
You're so childish. How old are you, Seriously?

2006-05-10 00:11:41 UTC
Post by Harry Flynt
On Tue, 09 May 2006 17:39:50 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning America,
it'll be Good Night America.
Is that paraphrased from 1932?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but will
make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms, big
contributors for the Democrat party.
Ahem----could you post any fiduciary "outrage" at the
tens of millions you dumb cocksuckers spent trying to
prove Clinton got a blow job?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country.
Oh woe is us
And not give the wealthiest 2% that $800 million
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes
will cut supplies.
So, your theory is that a moneymaking enterprise,
hauling billions in each year will STOP making money on
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat.
Those "defense funds" are building bridges to nowhere,
and moving railroads so that casinos can rip people
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social
services for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.
Wanna provide any credible cite for that? (snicker)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment
with socialism, I have other plans.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
You're so childish. How old are you, Seriously?
Agreeing with HANDJOB would make your crediblity to
make that judgement pretty far-fetched, HarryLoon.
Harry Flynt
2006-05-10 03:02:24 UTC
Post by Harry Flynt
On Tue, 09 May 2006 17:39:50 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning
America, it'll be Good Night America.
Is that paraphrased from 1932?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but
will make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms,
big contributors for the Democrat party.
Ahem----could you post any fiduciary "outrage" at the
tens of millions you dumb cocksuckers spent trying to
prove Clinton got a blow job?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country.
Oh woe is us
And not give the wealthiest 2% that $800 million
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes
will cut supplies.
So, your theory is that a moneymaking enterprise,
hauling billions in each year will STOP making money on
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat.
Those "defense funds" are building bridges to nowhere,
and moving railroads so that casinos can rip people
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social
services for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.
Wanna provide any credible cite for that? (snicker)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment
with socialism, I have other plans.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
You're so childish. How old are you, Seriously?
Agreeing with HANDJOB would make your crediblity to
make that judgement pretty far-fetched, HarryLoon.
i didn't agree with anyone. i made an observation about you and asked your
age dipshit. so how old are you?

2006-05-10 14:36:00 UTC
Post by Harry Flynt
Post by Harry Flynt
On Tue, 09 May 2006 17:39:50 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
If the Democrats sweep the House, it won't be Good Morning
America, it'll be Good Night America.
Is that paraphrased from 1932?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Endless congressional investigations of the
Bush Administration, won't do a damn thing for the average guy, but
will make hundreds of millions of dollars for wealthy DC law firms,
big contributors for the Democrat party.
Ahem----could you post any fiduciary "outrage" at the
tens of millions you dumb cocksuckers spent trying to
prove Clinton got a blow job?
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
She will raise the minimum wage for
all the immigrants that are invading our country.
Oh woe is us
And not give the wealthiest 2% that $800 million
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Gas will shoot above
$5/gallon as investigations of the oil companies and increased taxes
will cut supplies.
So, your theory is that a moneymaking enterprise,
hauling billions in each year will STOP making money on
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
Increased homeland defense funds will be needed and be
supplied, as terrorists will be emboldened with a Republican defeat.
Those "defense funds" are building bridges to nowhere,
and moving railroads so that casinos can rip people
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
will be increased on the middle class in order to provide social
services for the new immigrants that will become Democrats.
Wanna provide any credible cite for that? (snicker)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
While all of you suckers are being pounded by another experiment
with socialism, I have other plans.
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
You're so childish. How old are you, Seriously?
Agreeing with HANDJOB would make your crediblity to
make that judgement pretty far-fetched, HarryLoon.
i didn't agree with anyone. i made an observation about you and asked your
age dipshit. so how old are you?
He's about 65 -- which explains the frequent strokes as well as his
pre-civil rights era racism, as seen in quotes like this:

Gary Roselles' "old-school" views on blacks:

They talk "using broken english"

'because they talk in rap speech"

"they talk in black speech"

Sick old fuck, he is...

Hope that helps.
Post by Harry Flynt
2006-05-10 15:07:22 UTC
Post by Harry Flynt
Post by Harry Flynt
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
p.s. I was in Mexico 2 weeks ago,
Visiting your working mother in Tijuana, no doubt?
You're so childish. How old are you, Seriously?
Agreeing with HANDJOB would make your crediblity to
make that judgement pretty far-fetched, HarryLoon.
i didn't agree with anyone. i made an observation about you and asked your
age dipshit. so how old are you?
The issue is your ability to question whether or not
age has anything to do with the dumb asshole I was
making fun of.

It wouldn't matter what my age is, as long as what I
was telling him was pretty close to appropriate.

YOU knowing my age, given the fact that you responded
to me, rather than him, is proof enough that you
wouldn't have any ability to make a credible
