Dems- english is racist
(too old to reply)
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-19 18:17:02 UTC
According to the Democrats in the Senate, the Spanish speakers are good
people and English speaking is racist. I know the Democrats are following
their tried and true formula of foreigners and enemies of America are the
good people, and Americans are the bad people. But when they say Spanish is
good and English is bad, they've gone a bridge too far. Their politics has
become so ridiculous, it's been beyond me to see how anyone supports them.
2006-05-19 23:34:26 UTC
On Fri, 19 May 2006 18:17:02 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
According to the Democrats in the Senate, the Spanish speakers are good
people and English speaking is racist.
See how stupid you are HANDJOB.....

Those pushing those draconian bullshit policies are old
school racists and homophobes to start with.

Sessions is a card carrying, southern drawling asshole
fitting the Council of Concerned Citizens.

Tancredo is a lying sack of shit that pissed on his
"sworn oath" to stick to Neuties term limits.

Sennsenbrenner, a dip-shit northern conservatives hates
anyone not directly descendant from Swedes, Germans, or
Western Europeans.

It's the CHARACTER of the political ideology pushing
those racist policies, you fucking dunce

Every day you're getting more stupid than Kurt
Knickkklas used to be....(before he went nuts)
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 01:04:47 GMT, Using all his intellect,
"....you pile of Kerry shit,"
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