Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-16 18:13:19 UTC
The media elite is still undecided on who they will select for the
Presidential Candidate for the Democrat Party. Once they have decided on
who that will be, then they shape the news and issues in order to manipulate
the dense dolts of the Iowa Democrat caucus to select who they have already
selected, and make them think it was their idea. The journalists wanted
someone who could beat Bush, and Kerry they thought, was their best bet. So
in order to get Kerry in they had to get Dean out. Thus, "the scream" was
run over and over again, and Dean was out. The journalists are starting to
admit of their general election defeat, that they made a mistake of ignoring
the Swifties, as the Swifties carried the day with the alternative media.
They now say they should have launched relentless attacks against the Swift
Boat Veterans for Truth.
Presidential Candidate for the Democrat Party. Once they have decided on
who that will be, then they shape the news and issues in order to manipulate
the dense dolts of the Iowa Democrat caucus to select who they have already
selected, and make them think it was their idea. The journalists wanted
someone who could beat Bush, and Kerry they thought, was their best bet. So
in order to get Kerry in they had to get Dean out. Thus, "the scream" was
run over and over again, and Dean was out. The journalists are starting to
admit of their general election defeat, that they made a mistake of ignoring
the Swifties, as the Swifties carried the day with the alternative media.
They now say they should have launched relentless attacks against the Swift
Boat Veterans for Truth.