cannabis and psychosis
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2005-01-13 09:51:19 UTC

Cannabis Use and Psychosis
Wayne Hall

National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
(Funded by the National Drugs Strategy)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Paper presented at:
Problematic Alcohol & Drug Use & Mental Illness
Melbourne, February 1998.
ISBN: 0947229884

Copyright NDARC 1988

[Please Note: Originally published as Technical Report No. 55. This was a
mistake, it is an internal report only. - Alcohol and other Drug Council of


Table of Contents

b.. Cause for Concern
c.. Making Causal Inferences
d.. A Cannabis Psychosis
a.. Controlled Studies
e.. Overall Evaluation
f.. Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia
a.. CIinical Studies
b.. Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
c.. Population Studies
g.. Explanations of the Association
h.. Precipipation of Schizophrenia
i.. Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
j.. Intervention Studies
k.. Self-Medication
l.. An Overall Evaluation
m.. Implications for Patients and their Families


This report reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship
between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy
cannabis use may cause a "cannabis psychosis" - a psychosis that would not
occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded by
heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is that
cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms.

Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association between
cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in which
cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the hypothesis
that the relationship is due to other factors, such as, other drug use, or a
personal vulnerability to psychosis.

There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these disorders
exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC, the
prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but as
yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second
hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear relationship
between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the
risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It is
still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates
schizophrenia, whether it is a form of "self-medication", or whether the
association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which
heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better evidence that
cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health
services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol,
cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce
their drug use.



There are good reasons to be concerned about the possibility that cannabis
use may be a cause of psychotic disorders. Psychoses are serious and
disabling disorders [1]. Cannabis is widely used by young Australians during
late adolescence[2], and high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol -the
psychoactive substance in cannabis - have been reported to produce psychotic
symptoms, such as, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional ideas, and
thought disorder, in normal volunteers [3).

There are a number of hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use
and psychosis that need to be distinguished [4]. The strongest hypothesis is
that heavy cannabis use causes a specific "cannabis psychosis". This assumes
that these psychoses would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, and
that the causal role of cannabis use can be inferred from the symptoms and
their relationship to cannabis us; e.g. they are preceded by heavy cannabis
use and remit after abstinence.

A weaker type of hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate an episode
of schizophrenia. This hypothesis assumes that cannabis use is one factor
among many others (including genetic predisposition and other unknown
causes) that bring about schizophrenia It does not assume that the role of
cannabis can be inferred from the symptoms of the disorder, or that it will
remit when cannabis use ceases.

Finally, if cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia it is also likely
that it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder. It may exacerbate
symptoms of schizophrenia (even if it is not a precipitant of the disorder)
if it reduces compliance with treatment, or interferes with the effects of
the drugs used to treat it.


In order to infer that cannabis use is a cause of psychosis in any of these
ways we need evidence: that there is an association between cannabis use and
psychosis; that chance is an unlikely explanation of the association; that
cannabis use preceded the psychosis; and that plausible alternative
explanations of the association can be excluded [5).

Evidence that cannabis use and psychosis are associated and that chance is
an unlikely explanation of the association are readily available. There are
a smaller number of prospective studies that show cannabis use precedes
psychoses. The most difficult task is excluding the hypothesis that the
relationship between cannabis use and psychosis is due to other factors
(e.g. other drug use, or a genetic predisposition to develop schizophrenia
and use cannabis).

Since ethical reasons preclude experimental humans studies and there are no
suitable animal models, epidemiological methods must be used to rule out
common causal hypotheses. These estimate the relationship between cannabis
use and the risk of developing a psychosis after adjusting for variables
that may affect the risk (e.g. personal characteristics prior to using
cannabis, family history of psychotic illness, and other drug use). If the
relationship persists after statistical adjustment, then we can be confident
that it is not due to the variables for which statistical adjustment has
been made.

"A Cannabis Psychosis"

There are a substantial number of case reports of cannabis psychoses [6-18].
These describe individuals who develop psychotic symptoms or disorders after
using cannabis.

Chopra and Smith [9], for example, described 200 patients who were admitted
to a psychiatric hospital in Calcutta between 1963 and 1968 with psychotic
symptoms following the use of cannabis. The most common symptoms "were
sudden onset of confusion, generally associated with delusions,
hallucinations (usually visual) and emotional lability... amnesia,
disorientation, depersonalisation and paranoid symptoms" (p 24). Most
psychoses were preceded by the ingestion of a large dose of cannabis and
there was amnesia for the period between ingestion and hospitalisation. They
argued that it was unlikely that excessive cannabis use was a sign of
pre-existing psychopathology because a third of their cases had no prior
psychiatric history, the symptoms were remarkably uniform regardless of
prior psychiatric history, and those who used the most potent cannabis
preparations experienced psychotic reactions after the shortest period of

The findings of Chopra and Smith [9] have received some support from other
case series which suggest that large doses of potent cannabis products can
be followed by a "toxic" psychotic disorder with "organic" features of
amnesia and confusion. These disorders have been reported from a variety of
different places including: the Caribbean [19-20], India [9], New Zealand
[11], Scotland [18], South Africa [14], Sweden [8, 17, 21], the United
Kingdom [6-7, 13] and the United States [15-16].

These disorders have been attributed to cannabis use for combinations of the
following reasons: the onset of the symptoms followed closely upon ingestion
of large quantities of cannabis; the affected individuals often exhibited
"organic" symptoms, such as, confusion, disorientation and amnesia; some had
no reported personal or family history of psychoses prior to using cannabis;
their symptoms rapidly remitted after a period of enforced abstinence from
cannabis use, usually within several days to several weeks; recovery was
usually complete with the person having no residual psychotic symptoms of
the type often seen in persons with schizophrenia; and if the disorder
recurred it was after the individual starting using cannabis.

Some commentators have been critical of this evidence [4, 22-25]. They
criticise the poor quality of information on cannabis use and its
relationship to the onset of psychosis, and the person's premorbid
adjustment and their family history of psychosis. They also emphasise the
wide variety of clinical pictures of "cannabis psychoses" reported by
different observers. These weaknesses impair the evidential value of these
case series.

Controlled Studies

A small number of controlled studies have been conducted over the past 20
years. Some case-control studies have either compared persons with "cannabis
psychoses" with persons who have schizophrenia, or compared psychoses
occurring in persons who do and do not have biochemical evidence of cannabis
use prior to presenting for treatment. Their results have been mixed.

Thacore and Shuckla [26], for example, reported a case control study that
compared 25 cases who had a "cannabis psychosis" with 25 controls who were
diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia with no history of cannabis use.
Their cases had a paranoid psychosis resembling schizophrenia in which there
was a clear temporal relationship between the prolonged use of cannabis and
the development of psychosis on more than two occasions. Patients with the
"cannabis psychosis" displayed more odd and bizarre behaviour, violence,
panic, and insight, and less evidence of thought disorder, than those with
schizophrenia. They also responded swiftly to neuroleptic drugs and
recovered completely.

Rottanburg et at [27] conducted a similar study in which 20 psychotic
patients with cannabinoids in their urine were compared with 20 psychotic
patients who did not have cannabinoids in their urine. Psychotic patients
with cannabinoids in their urine had more symptoms of hypomania and
agitation, and less auditory hallucinations, flattening of affect,
incoherent speech and hysteria than controls. They also showed marked
improvements in symptoms by the end of a week, whereas there was no change
in the patients whose urine did not contain cannabinoids.

Chaudry et al [28] reported a comparison of 15 psychotic "bhang" users with
10 bhang users without psychosis. They found that their cases were more
likely to have a history of chronic cannabis use and past psychotic
episodes. They also were more likely to be uncooperative and to have
symptoms of excitement, hostility, grandiosity, hallucinations,
disorientation and unusual thought content. All cases remitted within 5 days
and had no residual psychotic symptoms.

Mathers et al [29] reported a study of patients presenting to two London
hospitals whose urine was analysed for the presence of cannabinoids. They
found a relationship between the presence of cannabinoids in urine and
having a psychotic diagnosis. Rolfe et al [30] reported a similar
association between urinary cannabinoids and psychosis in 234 patients
admitted to a Gambian psychiatric unit.

In contrast to these positive findings, a number of controlled studies have
not found such a clear association. Imade and Ebie [31], compared the
symptoms of 70 patients with cannabis-induced functional psychoses, 163
patients with schizophrenia, and 39 patients with mania. They reported that
there were no symptoms that were unique to cannabis psychosis, and none that
enabled them to distinguish a "cannabis psychosis" from schizophrenia.

Thornicroft et al [32] compared 45 cases who had a psychosis and a urine
positive for cannabinoids with 45 controls who had a psychosis but either
had a urine negative for cannabinoids or reported no cannabis use. They
found very few demographic or clinical differences between the groups.

McGuire et al [33-34] compared 23 cases of psychoses occurring in persons
whose urines were positive for cannabinoids with 46 psychotic patients whose
urines were negative for cannabinoids or who reported no cannabis use. The
two groups did not differ in their psychiatric histories or symptoms
profile, as assessed by "blind" ratings of clinical files using the PSE
(McGuire et al [33]). The cases, however, were more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia.

Two studies have examined the relationship between cannabis use and
psychotic symptoms in the general population. Tien and Anthony [35] used
data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study to compare the drug use of
individuals who reported "psychotic experiences" during a twelve month
period. These psychotic experiences comprised 4 types of hallucinations and
seven types of delusional belief. They compared 477 cases who reported one
or more psychotic symptoms in the one year follow-up with 1818 controls who
did not. Cases and controls were matched for age and social and demographic
characteristics. Daily cannabis use was found to double the risk of
reporting psychotic symptoms (after statistical adjustment for alcohol use
and psychiatric diagnoses at baseline).

Thomas [36] reported the prevalence of psychotic symptoms among cannabis
users in a random sample of people drawn from the electoral role of a large
city in the North Island of New Zealand. One in seven (14%) cannabis users
reported "strange, unpleasant experiences such as hearing voices or becoming
convinced that someone is trying to harm you or that you are being
persecuted" after using cannabis.

Two studies have reported no difference in the prevalence of psychotic
disorders in chronic cannabis users and controls. Beaubruhn and Knight [37]
compared the rate of psychoses in 30 chronic daily Jamaican cannabis users
with that in 30 non-cannabis using controls. Stefanis et al [38] reported a
study of 47 chronic cannabis users in Greece and 40 controls. The small
number of cases and the low prevalence of psychosis in the population make
these negative findings unconvincing.

Overall Evaluation

The existence of a "cannabis psychosis" is still a matter for debate. In its
favour are case series of "cannabis psychoses", and a small number of
controlled studies that compare the characteristics of "cannabis psychoses"
with those of psychoses in individuals who were not using cannabis at the
time of hospital admission (e.g. [39]). Critics of the hypothesis emphasise
the fallibility of clinical judgements about aetiology, the poorly specified
criteria used in diagnosing these psychoses, the dearth of controlled
studies, and the striking variations in the clinical features of "cannabis
psychoses" [24).

It is a plausible hypothesis that high doses of cannabis can produce
psychotic symptoms. There is no compelling evidence, however, that there is
a specific clinical syndrome that is identifiable as a "cannabis psychosis".
The clinical symptoms reported by different observers have been mixed. These
symptoms seem to rapidly remit, with full recovery, after abstinence from

If cannabis-induced psychoses exist, they are rare or they only rarely
receive medical intervention in Western societies (e.g. [40-41]). The total
number of cases of putative "cannabis psychoses" in the 12 case series
reviewed was 397 and 200 of these came from a single series (Chopra and
Smith [9]) collected over 6 years from a large geographic area in which
heavy cannabis use was endemic (e-g. [9]).

There are a number of likely reasons for the rarity of "cannabis psychoses"
in Western societies. One is that they occur after the use of large doses of
THC, or long periods of sustained heavy use. Although lifetime use of
cannabis has increased in Western societies, the pattern of heavy cannabis
use remains rare [2]. A second possibility (discussed below) is that
cannabis psychoses only occur in persons who have a pre-existing
vulnerability to psychotic disorder A third possibility is that heavy
sustained use and vulnerability are both required.



Clinical studies

In case-control studies of cannabis and other psychoactive drug use among
schizophrenic patients [42-43], schizophrenic patients are more likely to
have used psychotomimetic drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and
hallucinogens than other psychiatric patients [42, 44-45] or normal controls
[46, 30]. The prevalence of substance use in schizophrenic patients varies
between studies but it is generally higher than comparable figures in the
general population [47). Rates of alcohol and stimulant use among
schizophrenic patients also appear to have increased over the past several
decades [48]. These variations are probably due to differences in the
sampling of patients, with younger samples of newly incident cases reporting
higher rates than older samples of chronic cases. Studies have also differed
in the criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia and in way that substance use
has been assessed [49].

Alcohol use abuse and dependence are probably more common in the
schizophrenic population than in the general population [42,48-49]. The
findings on cannabis use have been more mixed (e.g. [29, 42, 44, 49, 50].
Generally, cannabis is the next most commonly used drug after alcohol and
tobacco, although it is usually used with alcohol [49, 52].

Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia

The controlled clinical studies disagree about the correlates of substance
abuse in schizophrenia. Most have found that young males are
over-represented among cannabis users (e.g. [49, 53-54]), as in the general
community [55]. In some studies, substance abusers have been reported to
have an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms, a better premorbid adjustment,
more episodes of illness, and more hallucinations (e.g. [44, 46, 50, 54,
56]). But other well controlled studies have failed to replicate some or all
of these findings [53, 57-58].

Population studies

Surveys of psychiatric disorders in the community have reported higher rates
of substance abuse disorders among persons with schizophrenia The ECA study
found an association between schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse and
dependence [55]. Nearly half of the patients identified as schizophrenic in
the ECA study had a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (34% for an
alcohol disorder and 28% for another drug disorder) [59]. These rates were
higher than the rates in general population, namely, 14% for alcohol
disorders [60] and 6% for drug abuse [55]. The ECA findings have also been
replicated in Edmonton, Alberta [61].

More recently, Cuffel et al [53] have reported on patterns of substance
abuse among 231 cases of schizophrenia identified in the ECA study. They
found that the most commonly used substances were: alcohol (37%) and
cannabis (23%), followed by stimulants and hallucinogens (13%), narcotics
(10%) and sedatives (8%). Multiple drug use was common and the most common
combinations of drugs was alcohol and cannabis (31%).

Explanations of the Association

One possible explanation of the association is that cannabis use
precipitates schizophrenic disorders in vulnerable persons (e.g. [62]).
Proponents of this hypothesis cite the earlier age of onset of psychotic
symptoms among cannabis users (with their drug use typically preceding the
onset of symptoms), their better premorbid adjustment their fewer negative
symptoms, and their better treatment response (e.g. [42, 44, 63]).

Another suggestion is that the associations between cannabis use and an
early onset and good prognosis are spurious. Arndt et al [56] argue that
schizophrenics with a better premorbid personality are more likely to be
exposed to illicit drug use among peers than persons with schizophrenia who
are socially withdrawn. There is also evidence (e.g. [1, 64]) that persons
with acute onset psychoses usually have a better premorbid adjustment and a
better prognosis. They also have greater opportunities to use cannabis and
other illicit drugs than persons who have an insidious onset and are
socially withdrawn.

A third possibility is that cannabis use is a consequence (rather than a
cause) of schizophrenia. For example, cannabis and other drugs may be used
to medicate the unpleasant symptoms of schizophrenia, such as, depression,
anxiety, lethargy, and anhedonia, or the unpleasant side effects of the
neuroleptic drugs that are often used to treat the disorder [44].

Precipitation of Schizophrenia

The most convincing evidence that cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia
comes from a 15-year prospective study of cannabis use and schizophrenia in
50,465 Swedish conscripts [65]. This study investigated the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the risk of receiving a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in the subsequent 15 years, as indicated by
inclusion in the Swedish psychiatric case register.

Andreasson et al [67] found that the relative risk of receiving a diagnosis
of schizophrenia was 2.4 times higher among those who had tried cannabis by
age 18 compared to those who had not. There was also a dose-response
relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the number of times
that cannabis had been used by age 18. Compared to those who had not used
cannabis, the risk of developing schizophrenia was 1.3 times higher for
those who had used cannabis one to ten times, 3 times higher for those who
had used cannabis between one and fifty times, and 6 times higher for those
who had used cannabis more than fifty times.

These risks were substantially reduced after statistical adjustment for
variables that were independently related to the risk of developing
schizophrenia, namely, having a psychiatric diagnosis at conscription, and
having parents who had divorced (as a proxy for parental psychiatric
disorder). Nevertheless, after adjustment, the dose response relationship
remained statistically significant The adjusted relative risk of a diagnosis
of schizophrenia for those who had smoked cannabis from one to ten times was
1.5 times, and that for those who had used ten or more times was 2.3 times,
the risk for those who had never used cannabis. Andreasson et al [65] and
Allebeck [62] have concluded that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in
vulnerable individuals.

A number of alternative explanations of the Swedish finding have been
offered by other authors. First, there was a large temporal gap between
self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the development of schizophrenia
over the next 15 years or so [66-67]. Because the diagnosis of schizophrenia
was based upon a case register there was no data on how many individuals
used cannabis up until the time that their schizophrenia was diagnosed.
Andreasson et al [65] argued that cannabis use persisted because cannabis
use at age 18 was also strongly related to the risk of attracting a
diagnosis of drug abuse.

A second possibility is that schizophrenia was misdiagnosed. On this
hypothesis, the excess rate of "schizophrenia" among the heavy cannabis
users was due to cannabis-induced psychoses which were mistakenly diagnosed
as schizophrenia [66, 67-8] examined 21 cases of schizophrenia among
conscripts in the case register (8 of whom had used cannabis and 13 of whom
had not). They found that 80% of these cases met the DSM-III requirement
that the symptoms had been present for at least six months, thereby
excluding the diagnoses of transient drug-induced psychotic symptoms.

A third hypothesis is that the relationship between cannabis use and
schizophrenia is due to the use of other drugs. Longitudinal studies of
illicit drag use indicate that persons who had used cannabis a large number
of times by late adolescence were at increased risk of subsequently using
other illicit drugs, such as, amphetamine [66, 69]. Amphetamines which can
produce an acute paranoid psychosis [70-72] were the major illicit drugs of
abuse in Sweden during the study period [73-75]. On this hypothesis,
amphetamine-induced psychoses may explain the spurious association between
cannabis use and schizophrenia. The evidence that psychotic symptoms
persisted beyond 6 months [68] would also seem to exclude this hypothesis.

A fourth hypothesis is that cannabis use at age 18 was a symptom of emerging
schizophrenia. Andreasson et al [68] rejected this hypothesis, noting that
the cannabis users who developed schizophrenia had better premorbid
personalities, a more abrupt onset, and more positive symptoms than the
non-users who developed schizophrenia [68]. Moreover, although 58% of the
heavy cannabis users had a psychiatric diagnosis at the time of
conscription, there was still a dose-response relationship between cannabis
use and schizophrenia among those who had no such history. The
persuasiveness of this evidence depends upon how confident we can be that a
failure to identity a psychiatric disorder at conscription meant that no
disorder was present.

A fifth hypothesis depends upon the validity of the self-reported cannabis
use at conscription. Andreasson et al [66] acknowledged that there probably
was under-reporting of cannabis use because this information was not
collected anonymously. They argued, however, that this would produce an
under-estimate of the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of
schizophrenia. This will be true if the schizophrenic and non-schizophrenics
conscripts were equally likely to under-report. If, for example,
pre-schizophrenic subjects were more candid about their drug use, then the
apparent relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia could be due to
response bias [67]. This seems unlikely in view of the strong dose-response
relationship between the frequency of cannabis use by age 18, and the large
unadjusted relative risk of schizophrenia among heavy users.

Exacerbation of Schizophrenia

Clinical reports suggest that schizophrenic patients who continue to use
cannabis experience more psychotic symptoms [76], respond poorly to
neuroleptic drugs [77], and have a worse clinical course than those patients
who do not [78-80]. These reports have been supported by controlled studies.

Negrete et al [81] conducted a retrospective study of the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use and symptoms. They used clinical records
of symptoms and treatment seeking among 137 schizophrenic patients who had a
disorder of at least six months duration, and who had made three visits to
their psychiatric service during the previous six months. Negrete et al [81]
compared the prevalence of hallucinations, delusions and hospitalisations
among the active cannabis users with that in patients who had previously
used cannabis, and those who had never used cannabis. There were higher
rates of continuous hallucinations and delusions, and more hospitalisations
among active cannabis users. These relationships persisted after statistical
adjustment for age and sex differences between the user groups.

Negrete et al [81] argued that cannabis use exacerbated schizophrenic
symptoms. They rejected the alternative hypothesis that patients with a
poorer prognosis were more likely to use cannabis because those who no
longer used cannabis experienced fewer symptoms, and reported a high rate of
adverse effects when they did use it. They also discounted the possibility
that these were toxic psychoses because the minimum duration of symptoms had
been six months.

Cleghorn et al [82] compared the symptom profiles of schizophrenic patients
with histories of substance abuse, among whom cannabis was the most heavily
used drug. Drug abusers had a higher prevalence of hallucinations, delusions
and positive symptoms than those who did not abuse drugs.

Jablensky et al [64] reported a two year follow-up of 1202 first episode
schizophrenic patients enrolled in 10 countries as part of a WHO
Collaborative study. They found that the use of "street drugs", including
cannabis and cocaine, during the follow up period predicted more psychotic
symptoms and periods of hospitalisation. Martinez-Arevalo et al [83] also
reported that continued use of cannabis during a one year follow up of 62
DSM-diagnosed schizophrenic patients predicted a higher rate of relapse and
poorer compliance with anti-psychotic drug treatment.

Linszen et al [84] recently reported a prospective study of outcome in 93
psychotic patients whose symptoms were assessed monthly over a year. Twenty
four of their patients were cannabis abusers (11 were less than daily users
and 13 were daily cannabis users). Despite the small sample sizes, they
found that the cannabis users as a whole relapsed to psychotic symptoms
sooner, and had more frequent relapses. in the year of follow up, than the
patients who had not used cannabis. There was also a dose response
relationship, with the daily users relapsing earlier, and more often, than
the less than daily users who, in turn, relapsed sooner, and more often,
than the patients who did not use cannabis. These relationships persisted
after multivariate adjustment for premorbid adjustment, and alcohol and
other drug use during the follow up period.

Most but not all studies [58], indicate that cannabis use exacerbates
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. The major cause of
uncertainty about this relationship is assessing the contribution of
confounding factors. It may be, for example, that the difference in
psychotic symptoms between schizophrenia patients who do and do not use
cannabis is due to differences in premorbid personality, family history, and
other characteristics [52]. This is unlikely in the WHO schizophrenia study
[64] and the recent study of Linzen [84], both of which used multivariate
statistical methods to adjust for many of these confounders.

The other difficulty is separating the contributions that cannabis and
alcohol make to exacerbations of schizophrenic symptoms. It is rare for a
schizophrenic patient to only use cannabis [49]. The concurrent use of
alcohol is common, and the heavier their cannabis use, the more likely they
are to use psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Only the Linszen et al [84]
study statistically adjusted for the effects of concurrent alcohol and drug
use and found that the relationship persisted. Our confidence that the
effect is attributable to cannabis would be increased by replications of the
Linszen et al [84] finding.

Intervention Studies

If we could reduce cannabis use among patients with schizophrenia who use
cannabis, then we could discover whether their disorders improved and
whether the risks of relapse were substantially reduced. The major
difficulty with this strategy is that it presupposes that we can
successfully treat substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. Alcohol
and other substance abuse are difficult to treat [85], and many persons with
schizophrenia have characteristics that predict a poor treatment outcome,
namely, they lack social support, they may be cognitively impaired, they are
unemployed, and they do not comply with treatment [49, 52].

There are very few controlled outcome studies of substance abuse treatment
in schizophrenia [86]. Few of these have produced large enough benefits of
treatment, or treated a large enough number of patients, to provide an
adequate chance of detecting any positive impacts of abstinence on the
course of disorders [49, 52]. The few that have been large enough [87] have
not reported results separately by diagnosis.


The reasons that most persons with schizophrenia give for using alcohol,
cannabis and other illicit drugs are similar to those given by persons who
do not have schizophrenia, namely, to relieve boredom, to provide
stimulation, to feel good and to socialise with peers (e.g. [49, 88-90]).
The drugs that are most often used by schizophrenic patients are also those
that are most readily available [48-49].

In favour of the self-medication hypothesis, is the evidence that some
schizophrenic patients report using cannabis because its euphoric effects
relieve negative symptoms and depression (e.g. [42, 44, 91]). Dixon et al
[44], for example; surveyed 83 patients with schizophrenia who reported that
cannabis reduced anxiety and depression, and increased a sense of calm but
at the cost of increased suspiciousness.

More recently, Hamera et at [90] have reported a time series study that
examined correlations over 84 consecutive days between self-reported:
psychotic symptoms, licit and illicit drug use, and medication compliance in
17 persons with schizophrenia. They only found relationships between
nicotine and prodromal psychotic symptoms and between caffeine use and
symptoms of anxiety and depression. No relationships were found between
psychotic symptoms and alcohol or cannabis use.

This study does have limitations. The difficulty of the self-monitoring task
probably selected patients who were more compliant and less disordered than
a representative sample of schizophrenics. There were also relatively low
rates of heavy drug use. The time period of 84 days may have been too short
to examine the relationship between drug use and major exacerbations of the
illness, and the task of self-monitoring may have had reactive effects on
drug use.

An Overall Evaluation

The epidemiological evidence is strongest that cannabis use exacerbates the
symptoms of schizophrenia in affected individuals. This is supported by the
findings of a number of retrospective and prospective studies which have
controlled for confounding variables. It is also biologically plausible.
Psychotic disorders involve disturbances in the dopamine neurotransmitter
systems since drugs that increase dopamine release produce psychotic
symptoms when given in large doses, and neuroleptic drugs that reduce
psychotic symptoms also reduce dopamine levels [93]. Cannabinoids, such as
THC, increase dopamine release [92].

It is also likely that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in persons
who are vulnerable because of a personal or family history of schizophrenia
(e.g. [22, 39, 41]). This hypothesis is consistent with the stress-diathesis
model of schizophrenia [39, 95] in which the likelihood of developing
schizophrenia is the product of stress acting upon a genetic "diathesis" to
develop schizophrenia.

Although plausible, there is very little direct evidence that genetic
vulnerability increases the risk that cannabis users will develop psychosis.
McGuire et al [34] reported that persons with a history of heavy cannabis
use who developed a psychosis were 10 times more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia than persons. with a psychosis who had not used
cannabis. It is also difficult to identify a genetic diathesis in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia. Having a first degree relative (parent
or sibling) who has schizophrenia increases the risks of developing the
disorder between 9 and 18 times [95]. But, according to Gottesman [95], 81%
of persons with schizophrenia will not have a first degree relative with the
disorder, and 63% will not have an affected first or second degree relative.

The most contentious issue is whether cannabis use can cause schizophrenia
that would not have occurred in its absence. One cannot rule it out but it
is unlikely to account for more than a minority of cases. Most of the 274
conscripts who developed schizophrenia had not used cannabis, and only 21
were heavy cannabis users and at most 7% of cases of schizophrenia could be
attributed to cannabis use. The treated incidence of schizophrenia, and
particularly early onset, acute cases, has declined (or remained stable)
during the 1970s and 1980s [94] when cannabis use increased among young
adults in Australia and North America [2]. Although there are complications
in interpreting such trends [97-99] a large reduction in treated incidence
has been observed in a number of countries and it cannot be explained as a
diagnostic artefact [100].



Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use
alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and discuss its impact on their disorder
with them. Although this paper has primarily focused on cannabis we, the
role alcohol should not be neglected. Cannabis is most often used with
alcohol and heavy alcohol use is a stronger predictor of psychotic symptoms
(OR = 7.9) than regular cannabis use (OR = 2.0) [35].

Patients whose drug use may be exacerbating their symptoms should be advised
to trial abstinence. Advice to abstain or to substantially reduce use may be
better received if accompanied by alternative suggestions about how to deal
with the negative symptoms and depression [52, 49]. if they are not prepared
to abstain, they may be prepared to reduce the frequency and quantity of
drug use [52]. A positive effect on well-being and social functioning may
motivate patients to consider longer term abstinence or a sustained
reduction in use.

In assisting patients who wish to become abstinent, we may need to notify
some traditional treatment methods [49, 52]. Alcoholics Anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous group based approaches [52] may pose difficulties for
many patients with schizophrenia who find social interaction difficult.
These groups may also be opposed to using anti-psychotic medication.


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2005-01-27 07:58:54 UTC
the fact that anyone could even atempt that pot is harmfull in any way
is apalling
you should take your commities to test this and that and shove them
where the sun dont shine
you have no place to say that anyone should or should not have the
freewill (that GOD) givven them
to chose weather or not they wish to use a drug of any kind
stop yellow journalism now
2005-03-03 08:43:40 UTC
There is a correlation between psychosis and cannabis use. However, there
is no over increase in the general population, so this becomes an article
for debate and clearification. Possibly, a small subset of a population
maybe susceptable to an earlier onset of psychosis, the long term, does this
mean that the also, an earlier recovery? Another scenerio, that those with
earlier onset psychosis, may be self-medicating with cannabis and cannabis
is not the cause rather a symptom. But, in the fact that there is a
statistical correlation shows that something needs explanation.

Don't jump to conclusions, I have a medical permit myself for use and find
it my best medication.

Some people can't drink alcohol and shouldn't, maybe it's the same for some
people with cannabis. One size does not fit all.

Anyway, the article was posted to create debate, not suggest that cannabis
is universally harmful for all people, or even that this is the case in the
posted articles.

davon96720 IM@ yahoo, aim, aol, msn
***@hotmail ***@yahoo.com

No of SETI units returned: 1604
Processing time: 1 years, 343 days, 5 hours.
(Total hours: 16997)
Post by rev2miles
the fact that anyone could even atempt that pot is harmfull in any way
is apalling
you should take your commities to test this and that and shove them
where the sun dont shine
you have no place to say that anyone should or should not have the
freewill (that GOD) givven them
to chose weather or not they wish to use a drug of any kind
stop yellow journalism now
Tad Perry
2006-11-04 19:55:35 UTC
I want to say that cannabis use can induce psychosis in exactly the way
described. It's happened to me on two different occasions and both followed
the exact same pattern: heavy use over the span of months, sudden abstinence
for about two weeks, and then trying to smoke no more than about a single
bud. I didn't know that THC-induced psychosis was possible until it happened
to me, but it is. (It's in the DSM-IV.) We're talking clocks going
backwards, walls moving, total divorce from reality, the whole deal. There's
a window of time there where one can be very, very sensitive to the effects
of THC.

Post by davon96720
Cannabis Use and Psychosis
Wayne Hall
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
(Funded by the National Drugs Strategy)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Problematic Alcohol & Drug Use & Mental Illness
Melbourne, February 1998.
ISBN: 0947229884
Copyright NDARC 1988
[Please Note: Originally published as Technical Report No. 55. This was a
mistake, it is an internal report only. - Alcohol and other Drug Council of
Post by davon96720
Table of Contents
b.. Cause for Concern
c.. Making Causal Inferences
d.. A Cannabis Psychosis
a.. Controlled Studies
e.. Overall Evaluation
f.. Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia
a.. CIinical Studies
b.. Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
c.. Population Studies
g.. Explanations of the Association
h.. Precipipation of Schizophrenia
i.. Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
j.. Intervention Studies
k.. Self-Medication
l.. An Overall Evaluation
m.. Implications for Patients and their Families
Post by davon96720
This report reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship
between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy
cannabis use may cause a "cannabis psychosis" - a psychosis that would not
occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded by
heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is that
cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms.
Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association between
cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in which
cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the hypothesis
that the relationship is due to other factors, such as, other drug use, or a
personal vulnerability to psychosis.
There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these disorders
exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC, the
prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but as
yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second
hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear relationship
between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the
risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It is
still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates
schizophrenia, whether it is a form of "self-medication", or whether the
association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which
heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better evidence that
cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health
services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol,
cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce
their drug use.
Post by davon96720
There are good reasons to be concerned about the possibility that cannabis
use may be a cause of psychotic disorders. Psychoses are serious and
disabling disorders [1]. Cannabis is widely used by young Australians during
late adolescence[2], and high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol -the
psychoactive substance in cannabis - have been reported to produce psychotic
symptoms, such as, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional ideas, and
thought disorder, in normal volunteers [3).
There are a number of hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use
and psychosis that need to be distinguished [4]. The strongest hypothesis is
that heavy cannabis use causes a specific "cannabis psychosis". This assumes
that these psychoses would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, and
that the causal role of cannabis use can be inferred from the symptoms and
their relationship to cannabis us; e.g. they are preceded by heavy cannabis
use and remit after abstinence.
A weaker type of hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate an episode
of schizophrenia. This hypothesis assumes that cannabis use is one factor
among many others (including genetic predisposition and other unknown
causes) that bring about schizophrenia It does not assume that the role of
cannabis can be inferred from the symptoms of the disorder, or that it will
remit when cannabis use ceases.
Finally, if cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia it is also likely
that it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder. It may exacerbate
symptoms of schizophrenia (even if it is not a precipitant of the disorder)
if it reduces compliance with treatment, or interferes with the effects of
the drugs used to treat it.
In order to infer that cannabis use is a cause of psychosis in any of these
ways we need evidence: that there is an association between cannabis use and
psychosis; that chance is an unlikely explanation of the association; that
cannabis use preceded the psychosis; and that plausible alternative
explanations of the association can be excluded [5).
Evidence that cannabis use and psychosis are associated and that chance is
an unlikely explanation of the association are readily available. There are
a smaller number of prospective studies that show cannabis use precedes
psychoses. The most difficult task is excluding the hypothesis that the
relationship between cannabis use and psychosis is due to other factors
(e.g. other drug use, or a genetic predisposition to develop schizophrenia
and use cannabis).
Since ethical reasons preclude experimental humans studies and there are no
suitable animal models, epidemiological methods must be used to rule out
common causal hypotheses. These estimate the relationship between cannabis
use and the risk of developing a psychosis after adjusting for variables
that may affect the risk (e.g. personal characteristics prior to using
cannabis, family history of psychotic illness, and other drug use). If the
relationship persists after statistical adjustment, then we can be confident
that it is not due to the variables for which statistical adjustment has
been made.
"A Cannabis Psychosis"
There are a substantial number of case reports of cannabis psychoses [6-18].
These describe individuals who develop psychotic symptoms or disorders after
using cannabis.
Chopra and Smith [9], for example, described 200 patients who were admitted
to a psychiatric hospital in Calcutta between 1963 and 1968 with psychotic
symptoms following the use of cannabis. The most common symptoms "were
sudden onset of confusion, generally associated with delusions,
hallucinations (usually visual) and emotional lability... amnesia,
disorientation, depersonalisation and paranoid symptoms" (p 24). Most
psychoses were preceded by the ingestion of a large dose of cannabis and
there was amnesia for the period between ingestion and hospitalisation. They
argued that it was unlikely that excessive cannabis use was a sign of
pre-existing psychopathology because a third of their cases had no prior
psychiatric history, the symptoms were remarkably uniform regardless of
prior psychiatric history, and those who used the most potent cannabis
preparations experienced psychotic reactions after the shortest period of
The findings of Chopra and Smith [9] have received some support from other
case series which suggest that large doses of potent cannabis products can
be followed by a "toxic" psychotic disorder with "organic" features of
amnesia and confusion. These disorders have been reported from a variety of
different places including: the Caribbean [19-20], India [9], New Zealand
[11], Scotland [18], South Africa [14], Sweden [8, 17, 21], the United
Kingdom [6-7, 13] and the United States [15-16].
These disorders have been attributed to cannabis use for combinations of the
following reasons: the onset of the symptoms followed closely upon ingestion
of large quantities of cannabis; the affected individuals often exhibited
"organic" symptoms, such as, confusion, disorientation and amnesia; some had
no reported personal or family history of psychoses prior to using cannabis;
their symptoms rapidly remitted after a period of enforced abstinence from
cannabis use, usually within several days to several weeks; recovery was
usually complete with the person having no residual psychotic symptoms of
the type often seen in persons with schizophrenia; and if the disorder
recurred it was after the individual starting using cannabis.
Some commentators have been critical of this evidence [4, 22-25]. They
criticise the poor quality of information on cannabis use and its
relationship to the onset of psychosis, and the person's premorbid
adjustment and their family history of psychosis. They also emphasise the
wide variety of clinical pictures of "cannabis psychoses" reported by
different observers. These weaknesses impair the evidential value of these
case series.
Controlled Studies
A small number of controlled studies have been conducted over the past 20
years. Some case-control studies have either compared persons with "cannabis
psychoses" with persons who have schizophrenia, or compared psychoses
occurring in persons who do and do not have biochemical evidence of cannabis
use prior to presenting for treatment. Their results have been mixed.
Thacore and Shuckla [26], for example, reported a case control study that
compared 25 cases who had a "cannabis psychosis" with 25 controls who were
diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia with no history of cannabis use.
Their cases had a paranoid psychosis resembling schizophrenia in which there
was a clear temporal relationship between the prolonged use of cannabis and
the development of psychosis on more than two occasions. Patients with the
"cannabis psychosis" displayed more odd and bizarre behaviour, violence,
panic, and insight, and less evidence of thought disorder, than those with
schizophrenia. They also responded swiftly to neuroleptic drugs and
recovered completely.
Rottanburg et at [27] conducted a similar study in which 20 psychotic
patients with cannabinoids in their urine were compared with 20 psychotic
patients who did not have cannabinoids in their urine. Psychotic patients
with cannabinoids in their urine had more symptoms of hypomania and
agitation, and less auditory hallucinations, flattening of affect,
incoherent speech and hysteria than controls. They also showed marked
improvements in symptoms by the end of a week, whereas there was no change
in the patients whose urine did not contain cannabinoids.
Chaudry et al [28] reported a comparison of 15 psychotic "bhang" users with
10 bhang users without psychosis. They found that their cases were more
likely to have a history of chronic cannabis use and past psychotic
episodes. They also were more likely to be uncooperative and to have
symptoms of excitement, hostility, grandiosity, hallucinations,
disorientation and unusual thought content. All cases remitted within 5 days
and had no residual psychotic symptoms.
Mathers et al [29] reported a study of patients presenting to two London
hospitals whose urine was analysed for the presence of cannabinoids. They
found a relationship between the presence of cannabinoids in urine and
having a psychotic diagnosis. Rolfe et al [30] reported a similar
association between urinary cannabinoids and psychosis in 234 patients
admitted to a Gambian psychiatric unit.
In contrast to these positive findings, a number of controlled studies have
not found such a clear association. Imade and Ebie [31], compared the
symptoms of 70 patients with cannabis-induced functional psychoses, 163
patients with schizophrenia, and 39 patients with mania. They reported that
there were no symptoms that were unique to cannabis psychosis, and none that
enabled them to distinguish a "cannabis psychosis" from schizophrenia.
Thornicroft et al [32] compared 45 cases who had a psychosis and a urine
positive for cannabinoids with 45 controls who had a psychosis but either
had a urine negative for cannabinoids or reported no cannabis use. They
found very few demographic or clinical differences between the groups.
McGuire et al [33-34] compared 23 cases of psychoses occurring in persons
whose urines were positive for cannabinoids with 46 psychotic patients whose
urines were negative for cannabinoids or who reported no cannabis use. The
two groups did not differ in their psychiatric histories or symptoms
profile, as assessed by "blind" ratings of clinical files using the PSE
(McGuire et al [33]). The cases, however, were more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia.
Two studies have examined the relationship between cannabis use and
psychotic symptoms in the general population. Tien and Anthony [35] used
data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study to compare the drug use of
individuals who reported "psychotic experiences" during a twelve month
period. These psychotic experiences comprised 4 types of hallucinations and
seven types of delusional belief. They compared 477 cases who reported one
or more psychotic symptoms in the one year follow-up with 1818 controls who
did not. Cases and controls were matched for age and social and demographic
characteristics. Daily cannabis use was found to double the risk of
reporting psychotic symptoms (after statistical adjustment for alcohol use
and psychiatric diagnoses at baseline).
Thomas [36] reported the prevalence of psychotic symptoms among cannabis
users in a random sample of people drawn from the electoral role of a large
city in the North Island of New Zealand. One in seven (14%) cannabis users
reported "strange, unpleasant experiences such as hearing voices or becoming
convinced that someone is trying to harm you or that you are being
persecuted" after using cannabis.
Two studies have reported no difference in the prevalence of psychotic
disorders in chronic cannabis users and controls. Beaubruhn and Knight [37]
compared the rate of psychoses in 30 chronic daily Jamaican cannabis users
with that in 30 non-cannabis using controls. Stefanis et al [38] reported a
study of 47 chronic cannabis users in Greece and 40 controls. The small
number of cases and the low prevalence of psychosis in the population make
these negative findings unconvincing.
Overall Evaluation
The existence of a "cannabis psychosis" is still a matter for debate. In its
favour are case series of "cannabis psychoses", and a small number of
controlled studies that compare the characteristics of "cannabis psychoses"
with those of psychoses in individuals who were not using cannabis at the
time of hospital admission (e.g. [39]). Critics of the hypothesis emphasise
the fallibility of clinical judgements about aetiology, the poorly specified
criteria used in diagnosing these psychoses, the dearth of controlled
studies, and the striking variations in the clinical features of "cannabis
psychoses" [24).
It is a plausible hypothesis that high doses of cannabis can produce
psychotic symptoms. There is no compelling evidence, however, that there is
a specific clinical syndrome that is identifiable as a "cannabis psychosis".
The clinical symptoms reported by different observers have been mixed. These
symptoms seem to rapidly remit, with full recovery, after abstinence from
If cannabis-induced psychoses exist, they are rare or they only rarely
receive medical intervention in Western societies (e.g. [40-41]). The total
number of cases of putative "cannabis psychoses" in the 12 case series
reviewed was 397 and 200 of these came from a single series (Chopra and
Smith [9]) collected over 6 years from a large geographic area in which
heavy cannabis use was endemic (e-g. [9]).
There are a number of likely reasons for the rarity of "cannabis psychoses"
in Western societies. One is that they occur after the use of large doses of
THC, or long periods of sustained heavy use. Although lifetime use of
cannabis has increased in Western societies, the pattern of heavy cannabis
use remains rare [2]. A second possibility (discussed below) is that
cannabis psychoses only occur in persons who have a pre-existing
vulnerability to psychotic disorder A third possibility is that heavy
sustained use and vulnerability are both required.
Post by davon96720
Clinical studies
In case-control studies of cannabis and other psychoactive drug use among
schizophrenic patients [42-43], schizophrenic patients are more likely to
have used psychotomimetic drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and
hallucinogens than other psychiatric patients [42, 44-45] or normal controls
[46, 30]. The prevalence of substance use in schizophrenic patients varies
between studies but it is generally higher than comparable figures in the
general population [47). Rates of alcohol and stimulant use among
schizophrenic patients also appear to have increased over the past several
decades [48]. These variations are probably due to differences in the
sampling of patients, with younger samples of newly incident cases reporting
higher rates than older samples of chronic cases. Studies have also differed
in the criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia and in way that substance use
has been assessed [49].
Alcohol use abuse and dependence are probably more common in the
schizophrenic population than in the general population [42,48-49]. The
findings on cannabis use have been more mixed (e.g. [29, 42, 44, 49, 50].
Generally, cannabis is the next most commonly used drug after alcohol and
tobacco, although it is usually used with alcohol [49, 52].
Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
The controlled clinical studies disagree about the correlates of substance
abuse in schizophrenia. Most have found that young males are
over-represented among cannabis users (e.g. [49, 53-54]), as in the general
community [55]. In some studies, substance abusers have been reported to
have an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms, a better premorbid adjustment,
more episodes of illness, and more hallucinations (e.g. [44, 46, 50, 54,
56]). But other well controlled studies have failed to replicate some or all
of these findings [53, 57-58].
Population studies
Surveys of psychiatric disorders in the community have reported higher rates
of substance abuse disorders among persons with schizophrenia The ECA study
found an association between schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse and
dependence [55]. Nearly half of the patients identified as schizophrenic in
the ECA study had a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (34% for an
alcohol disorder and 28% for another drug disorder) [59]. These rates were
higher than the rates in general population, namely, 14% for alcohol
disorders [60] and 6% for drug abuse [55]. The ECA findings have also been
replicated in Edmonton, Alberta [61].
More recently, Cuffel et al [53] have reported on patterns of substance
abuse among 231 cases of schizophrenia identified in the ECA study. They
found that the most commonly used substances were: alcohol (37%) and
cannabis (23%), followed by stimulants and hallucinogens (13%), narcotics
(10%) and sedatives (8%). Multiple drug use was common and the most common
combinations of drugs was alcohol and cannabis (31%).
Explanations of the Association
One possible explanation of the association is that cannabis use
precipitates schizophrenic disorders in vulnerable persons (e.g. [62]).
Proponents of this hypothesis cite the earlier age of onset of psychotic
symptoms among cannabis users (with their drug use typically preceding the
onset of symptoms), their better premorbid adjustment their fewer negative
symptoms, and their better treatment response (e.g. [42, 44, 63]).
Another suggestion is that the associations between cannabis use and an
early onset and good prognosis are spurious. Arndt et al [56] argue that
schizophrenics with a better premorbid personality are more likely to be
exposed to illicit drug use among peers than persons with schizophrenia who
are socially withdrawn. There is also evidence (e.g. [1, 64]) that persons
with acute onset psychoses usually have a better premorbid adjustment and a
better prognosis. They also have greater opportunities to use cannabis and
other illicit drugs than persons who have an insidious onset and are
socially withdrawn.
A third possibility is that cannabis use is a consequence (rather than a
cause) of schizophrenia. For example, cannabis and other drugs may be used
to medicate the unpleasant symptoms of schizophrenia, such as, depression,
anxiety, lethargy, and anhedonia, or the unpleasant side effects of the
neuroleptic drugs that are often used to treat the disorder [44].
Precipitation of Schizophrenia
The most convincing evidence that cannabis use may precipitate
Post by davon96720
comes from a 15-year prospective study of cannabis use and schizophrenia in
50,465 Swedish conscripts [65]. This study investigated the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the risk of receiving a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in the subsequent 15 years, as indicated by
inclusion in the Swedish psychiatric case register.
Andreasson et al [67] found that the relative risk of receiving a diagnosis
of schizophrenia was 2.4 times higher among those who had tried cannabis by
age 18 compared to those who had not. There was also a dose-response
relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the number of times
that cannabis had been used by age 18. Compared to those who had not used
cannabis, the risk of developing schizophrenia was 1.3 times higher for
those who had used cannabis one to ten times, 3 times higher for those who
had used cannabis between one and fifty times, and 6 times higher for those
who had used cannabis more than fifty times.
These risks were substantially reduced after statistical adjustment for
variables that were independently related to the risk of developing
schizophrenia, namely, having a psychiatric diagnosis at conscription, and
having parents who had divorced (as a proxy for parental psychiatric
disorder). Nevertheless, after adjustment, the dose response relationship
remained statistically significant The adjusted relative risk of a diagnosis
of schizophrenia for those who had smoked cannabis from one to ten times was
1.5 times, and that for those who had used ten or more times was 2.3 times,
the risk for those who had never used cannabis. Andreasson et al [65] and
Allebeck [62] have concluded that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in
vulnerable individuals.
A number of alternative explanations of the Swedish finding have been
offered by other authors. First, there was a large temporal gap between
self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the development of schizophrenia
over the next 15 years or so [66-67]. Because the diagnosis of
Post by davon96720
was based upon a case register there was no data on how many individuals
used cannabis up until the time that their schizophrenia was diagnosed.
Andreasson et al [65] argued that cannabis use persisted because cannabis
use at age 18 was also strongly related to the risk of attracting a
diagnosis of drug abuse.
A second possibility is that schizophrenia was misdiagnosed. On this
hypothesis, the excess rate of "schizophrenia" among the heavy cannabis
users was due to cannabis-induced psychoses which were mistakenly diagnosed
as schizophrenia [66, 67-8] examined 21 cases of schizophrenia among
conscripts in the case register (8 of whom had used cannabis and 13 of whom
had not). They found that 80% of these cases met the DSM-III requirement
that the symptoms had been present for at least six months, thereby
excluding the diagnoses of transient drug-induced psychotic symptoms.
A third hypothesis is that the relationship between cannabis use and
schizophrenia is due to the use of other drugs. Longitudinal studies of
illicit drag use indicate that persons who had used cannabis a large number
of times by late adolescence were at increased risk of subsequently using
other illicit drugs, such as, amphetamine [66, 69]. Amphetamines which can
produce an acute paranoid psychosis [70-72] were the major illicit drugs of
abuse in Sweden during the study period [73-75]. On this hypothesis,
amphetamine-induced psychoses may explain the spurious association between
cannabis use and schizophrenia. The evidence that psychotic symptoms
persisted beyond 6 months [68] would also seem to exclude this hypothesis.
A fourth hypothesis is that cannabis use at age 18 was a symptom of emerging
schizophrenia. Andreasson et al [68] rejected this hypothesis, noting that
the cannabis users who developed schizophrenia had better premorbid
personalities, a more abrupt onset, and more positive symptoms than the
non-users who developed schizophrenia [68]. Moreover, although 58% of the
heavy cannabis users had a psychiatric diagnosis at the time of
conscription, there was still a dose-response relationship between cannabis
use and schizophrenia among those who had no such history. The
persuasiveness of this evidence depends upon how confident we can be that a
failure to identity a psychiatric disorder at conscription meant that no
disorder was present.
A fifth hypothesis depends upon the validity of the self-reported cannabis
use at conscription. Andreasson et al [66] acknowledged that there probably
was under-reporting of cannabis use because this information was not
collected anonymously. They argued, however, that this would produce an
under-estimate of the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of
schizophrenia. This will be true if the schizophrenic and
Post by davon96720
conscripts were equally likely to under-report. If, for example,
pre-schizophrenic subjects were more candid about their drug use, then the
apparent relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia could be due to
response bias [67]. This seems unlikely in view of the strong
Post by davon96720
relationship between the frequency of cannabis use by age 18, and the large
unadjusted relative risk of schizophrenia among heavy users.
Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
Clinical reports suggest that schizophrenic patients who continue to use
cannabis experience more psychotic symptoms [76], respond poorly to
neuroleptic drugs [77], and have a worse clinical course than those patients
who do not [78-80]. These reports have been supported by controlled studies.
Negrete et al [81] conducted a retrospective study of the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use and symptoms. They used clinical records
of symptoms and treatment seeking among 137 schizophrenic patients who had a
disorder of at least six months duration, and who had made three visits to
their psychiatric service during the previous six months. Negrete et al [81]
compared the prevalence of hallucinations, delusions and hospitalisations
among the active cannabis users with that in patients who had previously
used cannabis, and those who had never used cannabis. There were higher
rates of continuous hallucinations and delusions, and more
Post by davon96720
among active cannabis users. These relationships persisted after statistical
adjustment for age and sex differences between the user groups.
Negrete et al [81] argued that cannabis use exacerbated schizophrenic
symptoms. They rejected the alternative hypothesis that patients with a
poorer prognosis were more likely to use cannabis because those who no
longer used cannabis experienced fewer symptoms, and reported a high rate of
adverse effects when they did use it. They also discounted the possibility
that these were toxic psychoses because the minimum duration of symptoms had
been six months.
Cleghorn et al [82] compared the symptom profiles of schizophrenic patients
with histories of substance abuse, among whom cannabis was the most heavily
used drug. Drug abusers had a higher prevalence of hallucinations, delusions
and positive symptoms than those who did not abuse drugs.
Jablensky et al [64] reported a two year follow-up of 1202 first episode
schizophrenic patients enrolled in 10 countries as part of a WHO
Collaborative study. They found that the use of "street drugs", including
cannabis and cocaine, during the follow up period predicted more psychotic
symptoms and periods of hospitalisation. Martinez-Arevalo et al [83] also
reported that continued use of cannabis during a one year follow up of 62
DSM-diagnosed schizophrenic patients predicted a higher rate of relapse and
poorer compliance with anti-psychotic drug treatment.
Linszen et al [84] recently reported a prospective study of outcome in 93
psychotic patients whose symptoms were assessed monthly over a year. Twenty
four of their patients were cannabis abusers (11 were less than daily users
and 13 were daily cannabis users). Despite the small sample sizes, they
found that the cannabis users as a whole relapsed to psychotic symptoms
sooner, and had more frequent relapses. in the year of follow up, than the
patients who had not used cannabis. There was also a dose response
relationship, with the daily users relapsing earlier, and more often, than
the less than daily users who, in turn, relapsed sooner, and more often,
than the patients who did not use cannabis. These relationships persisted
after multivariate adjustment for premorbid adjustment, and alcohol and
other drug use during the follow up period.
Most but not all studies [58], indicate that cannabis use exacerbates
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. The major cause of
uncertainty about this relationship is assessing the contribution of
confounding factors. It may be, for example, that the difference in
psychotic symptoms between schizophrenia patients who do and do not use
cannabis is due to differences in premorbid personality, family history, and
other characteristics [52]. This is unlikely in the WHO schizophrenia study
[64] and the recent study of Linzen [84], both of which used multivariate
statistical methods to adjust for many of these confounders.
The other difficulty is separating the contributions that cannabis and
alcohol make to exacerbations of schizophrenic symptoms. It is rare for a
schizophrenic patient to only use cannabis [49]. The concurrent use of
alcohol is common, and the heavier their cannabis use, the more likely they
are to use psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Only the Linszen et al [84]
study statistically adjusted for the effects of concurrent alcohol and drug
use and found that the relationship persisted. Our confidence that the
effect is attributable to cannabis would be increased by replications of the
Linszen et al [84] finding.
Intervention Studies
If we could reduce cannabis use among patients with schizophrenia who use
cannabis, then we could discover whether their disorders improved and
whether the risks of relapse were substantially reduced. The major
difficulty with this strategy is that it presupposes that we can
successfully treat substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. Alcohol
and other substance abuse are difficult to treat [85], and many persons with
schizophrenia have characteristics that predict a poor treatment outcome,
namely, they lack social support, they may be cognitively impaired, they are
unemployed, and they do not comply with treatment [49, 52].
There are very few controlled outcome studies of substance abuse treatment
in schizophrenia [86]. Few of these have produced large enough benefits of
treatment, or treated a large enough number of patients, to provide an
adequate chance of detecting any positive impacts of abstinence on the
course of disorders [49, 52]. The few that have been large enough [87] have
not reported results separately by diagnosis.
The reasons that most persons with schizophrenia give for using alcohol,
cannabis and other illicit drugs are similar to those given by persons who
do not have schizophrenia, namely, to relieve boredom, to provide
stimulation, to feel good and to socialise with peers (e.g. [49, 88-90]).
The drugs that are most often used by schizophrenic patients are also those
that are most readily available [48-49].
In favour of the self-medication hypothesis, is the evidence that some
schizophrenic patients report using cannabis because its euphoric effects
relieve negative symptoms and depression (e.g. [42, 44, 91]). Dixon et al
[44], for example; surveyed 83 patients with schizophrenia who reported that
cannabis reduced anxiety and depression, and increased a sense of calm but
at the cost of increased suspiciousness.
More recently, Hamera et at [90] have reported a time series study that
psychotic symptoms, licit and illicit drug use, and medication compliance in
17 persons with schizophrenia. They only found relationships between
nicotine and prodromal psychotic symptoms and between caffeine use and
symptoms of anxiety and depression. No relationships were found between
psychotic symptoms and alcohol or cannabis use.
This study does have limitations. The difficulty of the self-monitoring task
probably selected patients who were more compliant and less disordered than
a representative sample of schizophrenics. There were also relatively low
rates of heavy drug use. The time period of 84 days may have been too short
to examine the relationship between drug use and major exacerbations of the
illness, and the task of self-monitoring may have had reactive effects on
drug use.
An Overall Evaluation
The epidemiological evidence is strongest that cannabis use exacerbates the
symptoms of schizophrenia in affected individuals. This is supported by the
findings of a number of retrospective and prospective studies which have
controlled for confounding variables. It is also biologically plausible.
Psychotic disorders involve disturbances in the dopamine neurotransmitter
systems since drugs that increase dopamine release produce psychotic
symptoms when given in large doses, and neuroleptic drugs that reduce
psychotic symptoms also reduce dopamine levels [93]. Cannabinoids, such as
THC, increase dopamine release [92].
It is also likely that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in persons
who are vulnerable because of a personal or family history of
Post by davon96720
(e.g. [22, 39, 41]). This hypothesis is consistent with the
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model of schizophrenia [39, 95] in which the likelihood of developing
schizophrenia is the product of stress acting upon a genetic "diathesis" to
develop schizophrenia.
Although plausible, there is very little direct evidence that genetic
vulnerability increases the risk that cannabis users will develop psychosis.
McGuire et al [34] reported that persons with a history of heavy cannabis
use who developed a psychosis were 10 times more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia than persons. with a psychosis who had not used
cannabis. It is also difficult to identify a genetic diathesis in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia. Having a first degree relative (parent
or sibling) who has schizophrenia increases the risks of developing the
disorder between 9 and 18 times [95]. But, according to Gottesman [95], 81%
of persons with schizophrenia will not have a first degree relative with the
disorder, and 63% will not have an affected first or second degree relative.
The most contentious issue is whether cannabis use can cause schizophrenia
that would not have occurred in its absence. One cannot rule it out but it
is unlikely to account for more than a minority of cases. Most of the 274
conscripts who developed schizophrenia had not used cannabis, and only 21
were heavy cannabis users and at most 7% of cases of schizophrenia could be
attributed to cannabis use. The treated incidence of schizophrenia, and
particularly early onset, acute cases, has declined (or remained stable)
during the 1970s and 1980s [94] when cannabis use increased among young
adults in Australia and North America [2]. Although there are
Post by davon96720
in interpreting such trends [97-99] a large reduction in treated incidence
has been observed in a number of countries and it cannot be explained as a
diagnostic artefact [100].
Post by davon96720
Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use
alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and discuss its impact on their disorder
with them. Although this paper has primarily focused on cannabis we, the
role alcohol should not be neglected. Cannabis is most often used with
alcohol and heavy alcohol use is a stronger predictor of psychotic symptoms
(OR = 7.9) than regular cannabis use (OR = 2.0) [35].
Patients whose drug use may be exacerbating their symptoms should be advised
to trial abstinence. Advice to abstain or to substantially reduce use may be
better received if accompanied by alternative suggestions about how to deal
with the negative symptoms and depression [52, 49]. if they are not prepared
to abstain, they may be prepared to reduce the frequency and quantity of
drug use [52]. A positive effect on well-being and social functioning may
motivate patients to consider longer term abstinence or a sustained
reduction in use.
In assisting patients who wish to become abstinent, we may need to notify
some traditional treatment methods [49, 52]. Alcoholics Anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous group based approaches [52] may pose difficulties for
many patients with schizophrenia who find social interaction difficult.
These groups may also be opposed to using anti-psychotic medication.
Post by davon96720
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2006-11-07 20:59:26 UTC
You are a liar....
Post by Tad Perry
I want to say that cannabis use can induce psychosis in exactly the way
described. It's happened to me on two different occasions and both followed
the exact same pattern: heavy use over the span of months, sudden abstinence
for about two weeks, and then trying to smoke no more than about a single
bud. I didn't know that THC-induced psychosis was possible until it happened
to me, but it is. (It's in the DSM-IV.) We're talking clocks going
backwards, walls moving, total divorce from reality, the whole deal. There's
a window of time there where one can be very, very sensitive to the effects
of THC.
Post by davon96720
Cannabis Use and Psychosis
Wayne Hall
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
(Funded by the National Drugs Strategy)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Problematic Alcohol & Drug Use & Mental Illness
Melbourne, February 1998.
ISBN: 0947229884
Copyright NDARC 1988
[Please Note: Originally published as Technical Report No. 55. This was a
mistake, it is an internal report only. - Alcohol and other Drug Council
Post by davon96720
Post by davon96720
Table of Contents
b.. Cause for Concern
c.. Making Causal Inferences
d.. A Cannabis Psychosis
a.. Controlled Studies
e.. Overall Evaluation
f.. Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia
a.. CIinical Studies
b.. Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
c.. Population Studies
g.. Explanations of the Association
h.. Precipipation of Schizophrenia
i.. Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
j.. Intervention Studies
k.. Self-Medication
l.. An Overall Evaluation
m.. Implications for Patients and their Families
Post by davon96720
This report reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship
between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy
cannabis use may cause a "cannabis psychosis" - a psychosis that would not
occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded
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heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is
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cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms.
Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association between
cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in which
cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the
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that the relationship is due to other factors, such as, other drug use,
Post by Tad Perry
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personal vulnerability to psychosis.
There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these
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exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC,
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prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but
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yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second
hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear
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between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the
risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It is
still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates
schizophrenia, whether it is a form of "self-medication", or whether the
association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which
heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better evidence that
cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health
services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol,
cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce
their drug use.
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There are good reasons to be concerned about the possibility that cannabis
use may be a cause of psychotic disorders. Psychoses are serious and
disabling disorders [1]. Cannabis is widely used by young Australians
Post by davon96720
late adolescence[2], and high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol -the
psychoactive substance in cannabis - have been reported to produce
Post by davon96720
symptoms, such as, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional ideas,
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thought disorder, in normal volunteers [3).
There are a number of hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis
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and psychosis that need to be distinguished [4]. The strongest
Post by Tad Perry
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that heavy cannabis use causes a specific "cannabis psychosis". This
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that these psychoses would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, and
that the causal role of cannabis use can be inferred from the symptoms and
their relationship to cannabis us; e.g. they are preceded by heavy
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use and remit after abstinence.
A weaker type of hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate an
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of schizophrenia. This hypothesis assumes that cannabis use is one factor
among many others (including genetic predisposition and other unknown
causes) that bring about schizophrenia It does not assume that the role of
cannabis can be inferred from the symptoms of the disorder, or that it
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remit when cannabis use ceases.
Finally, if cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia it is also likely
that it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder. It may exacerbate
symptoms of schizophrenia (even if it is not a precipitant of the
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if it reduces compliance with treatment, or interferes with the effects of
the drugs used to treat it.
In order to infer that cannabis use is a cause of psychosis in any of
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ways we need evidence: that there is an association between cannabis use
Post by davon96720
psychosis; that chance is an unlikely explanation of the association; that
cannabis use preceded the psychosis; and that plausible alternative
explanations of the association can be excluded [5).
Evidence that cannabis use and psychosis are associated and that chance is
an unlikely explanation of the association are readily available. There
Post by davon96720
a smaller number of prospective studies that show cannabis use precedes
psychoses. The most difficult task is excluding the hypothesis that the
relationship between cannabis use and psychosis is due to other factors
(e.g. other drug use, or a genetic predisposition to develop
Post by Tad Perry
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and use cannabis).
Since ethical reasons preclude experimental humans studies and there are
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suitable animal models, epidemiological methods must be used to rule out
common causal hypotheses. These estimate the relationship between cannabis
use and the risk of developing a psychosis after adjusting for variables
that may affect the risk (e.g. personal characteristics prior to using
cannabis, family history of psychotic illness, and other drug use). If the
relationship persists after statistical adjustment, then we can be
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that it is not due to the variables for which statistical adjustment has
been made.
"A Cannabis Psychosis"
There are a substantial number of case reports of cannabis psychoses
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These describe individuals who develop psychotic symptoms or disorders
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using cannabis.
Chopra and Smith [9], for example, described 200 patients who were
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to a psychiatric hospital in Calcutta between 1963 and 1968 with psychotic
symptoms following the use of cannabis. The most common symptoms "were
sudden onset of confusion, generally associated with delusions,
hallucinations (usually visual) and emotional lability... amnesia,
disorientation, depersonalisation and paranoid symptoms" (p 24). Most
psychoses were preceded by the ingestion of a large dose of cannabis and
there was amnesia for the period between ingestion and hospitalisation.
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argued that it was unlikely that excessive cannabis use was a sign of
pre-existing psychopathology because a third of their cases had no prior
psychiatric history, the symptoms were remarkably uniform regardless of
prior psychiatric history, and those who used the most potent cannabis
preparations experienced psychotic reactions after the shortest period of
The findings of Chopra and Smith [9] have received some support from other
case series which suggest that large doses of potent cannabis products can
be followed by a "toxic" psychotic disorder with "organic" features of
amnesia and confusion. These disorders have been reported from a variety
Post by davon96720
different places including: the Caribbean [19-20], India [9], New Zealand
[11], Scotland [18], South Africa [14], Sweden [8, 17, 21], the United
Kingdom [6-7, 13] and the United States [15-16].
These disorders have been attributed to cannabis use for combinations of
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following reasons: the onset of the symptoms followed closely upon
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of large quantities of cannabis; the affected individuals often exhibited
"organic" symptoms, such as, confusion, disorientation and amnesia; some
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no reported personal or family history of psychoses prior to using
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their symptoms rapidly remitted after a period of enforced abstinence from
cannabis use, usually within several days to several weeks; recovery was
usually complete with the person having no residual psychotic symptoms of
the type often seen in persons with schizophrenia; and if the disorder
recurred it was after the individual starting using cannabis.
Some commentators have been critical of this evidence [4, 22-25]. They
criticise the poor quality of information on cannabis use and its
relationship to the onset of psychosis, and the person's premorbid
adjustment and their family history of psychosis. They also emphasise the
wide variety of clinical pictures of "cannabis psychoses" reported by
different observers. These weaknesses impair the evidential value of these
case series.
Controlled Studies
A small number of controlled studies have been conducted over the past 20
years. Some case-control studies have either compared persons with
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psychoses" with persons who have schizophrenia, or compared psychoses
occurring in persons who do and do not have biochemical evidence of
Post by davon96720
use prior to presenting for treatment. Their results have been mixed.
Thacore and Shuckla [26], for example, reported a case control study that
compared 25 cases who had a "cannabis psychosis" with 25 controls who were
diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia with no history of cannabis
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Their cases had a paranoid psychosis resembling schizophrenia in which
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was a clear temporal relationship between the prolonged use of cannabis
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the development of psychosis on more than two occasions. Patients with the
"cannabis psychosis" displayed more odd and bizarre behaviour, violence,
panic, and insight, and less evidence of thought disorder, than those with
schizophrenia. They also responded swiftly to neuroleptic drugs and
recovered completely.
Rottanburg et at [27] conducted a similar study in which 20 psychotic
patients with cannabinoids in their urine were compared with 20 psychotic
patients who did not have cannabinoids in their urine. Psychotic patients
with cannabinoids in their urine had more symptoms of hypomania and
agitation, and less auditory hallucinations, flattening of affect,
incoherent speech and hysteria than controls. They also showed marked
improvements in symptoms by the end of a week, whereas there was no change
in the patients whose urine did not contain cannabinoids.
Chaudry et al [28] reported a comparison of 15 psychotic "bhang" users
Post by davon96720
10 bhang users without psychosis. They found that their cases were more
likely to have a history of chronic cannabis use and past psychotic
episodes. They also were more likely to be uncooperative and to have
symptoms of excitement, hostility, grandiosity, hallucinations,
disorientation and unusual thought content. All cases remitted within 5
Post by davon96720
and had no residual psychotic symptoms.
Mathers et al [29] reported a study of patients presenting to two London
hospitals whose urine was analysed for the presence of cannabinoids. They
found a relationship between the presence of cannabinoids in urine and
having a psychotic diagnosis. Rolfe et al [30] reported a similar
association between urinary cannabinoids and psychosis in 234 patients
admitted to a Gambian psychiatric unit.
In contrast to these positive findings, a number of controlled studies
Post by davon96720
not found such a clear association. Imade and Ebie [31], compared the
symptoms of 70 patients with cannabis-induced functional psychoses, 163
patients with schizophrenia, and 39 patients with mania. They reported
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there were no symptoms that were unique to cannabis psychosis, and none
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enabled them to distinguish a "cannabis psychosis" from schizophrenia.
Thornicroft et al [32] compared 45 cases who had a psychosis and a urine
positive for cannabinoids with 45 controls who had a psychosis but either
had a urine negative for cannabinoids or reported no cannabis use. They
found very few demographic or clinical differences between the groups.
McGuire et al [33-34] compared 23 cases of psychoses occurring in persons
whose urines were positive for cannabinoids with 46 psychotic patients
Post by davon96720
urines were negative for cannabinoids or who reported no cannabis use. The
two groups did not differ in their psychiatric histories or symptoms
profile, as assessed by "blind" ratings of clinical files using the PSE
(McGuire et al [33]). The cases, however, were more likely to have a
Post by davon96720
history of schizophrenia.
Two studies have examined the relationship between cannabis use and
psychotic symptoms in the general population. Tien and Anthony [35] used
data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study to compare the drug use
Post by davon96720
individuals who reported "psychotic experiences" during a twelve month
period. These psychotic experiences comprised 4 types of hallucinations
Post by davon96720
seven types of delusional belief. They compared 477 cases who reported one
or more psychotic symptoms in the one year follow-up with 1818 controls
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did not. Cases and controls were matched for age and social and
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characteristics. Daily cannabis use was found to double the risk of
reporting psychotic symptoms (after statistical adjustment for alcohol use
and psychiatric diagnoses at baseline).
Thomas [36] reported the prevalence of psychotic symptoms among cannabis
users in a random sample of people drawn from the electoral role of a
Post by davon96720
city in the North Island of New Zealand. One in seven (14%) cannabis users
reported "strange, unpleasant experiences such as hearing voices or
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convinced that someone is trying to harm you or that you are being
persecuted" after using cannabis.
Two studies have reported no difference in the prevalence of psychotic
disorders in chronic cannabis users and controls. Beaubruhn and Knight
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compared the rate of psychoses in 30 chronic daily Jamaican cannabis users
with that in 30 non-cannabis using controls. Stefanis et al [38]
Post by Tad Perry
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study of 47 chronic cannabis users in Greece and 40 controls. The small
number of cases and the low prevalence of psychosis in the population make
these negative findings unconvincing.
Overall Evaluation
The existence of a "cannabis psychosis" is still a matter for debate. In
Post by davon96720
favour are case series of "cannabis psychoses", and a small number of
controlled studies that compare the characteristics of "cannabis
Post by davon96720
with those of psychoses in individuals who were not using cannabis at the
time of hospital admission (e.g. [39]). Critics of the hypothesis
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the fallibility of clinical judgements about aetiology, the poorly
Post by davon96720
criteria used in diagnosing these psychoses, the dearth of controlled
studies, and the striking variations in the clinical features of "cannabis
psychoses" [24).
It is a plausible hypothesis that high doses of cannabis can produce
psychotic symptoms. There is no compelling evidence, however, that there
Post by davon96720
a specific clinical syndrome that is identifiable as a "cannabis
Post by davon96720
The clinical symptoms reported by different observers have been mixed.
Post by davon96720
symptoms seem to rapidly remit, with full recovery, after abstinence from
If cannabis-induced psychoses exist, they are rare or they only rarely
receive medical intervention in Western societies (e.g. [40-41]). The
Post by davon96720
number of cases of putative "cannabis psychoses" in the 12 case series
reviewed was 397 and 200 of these came from a single series (Chopra and
Smith [9]) collected over 6 years from a large geographic area in which
heavy cannabis use was endemic (e-g. [9]).
There are a number of likely reasons for the rarity of "cannabis
Post by davon96720
in Western societies. One is that they occur after the use of large
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
THC, or long periods of sustained heavy use. Although lifetime use of
cannabis has increased in Western societies, the pattern of heavy cannabis
use remains rare [2]. A second possibility (discussed below) is that
cannabis psychoses only occur in persons who have a pre-existing
vulnerability to psychotic disorder A third possibility is that heavy
sustained use and vulnerability are both required.
Post by davon96720
Clinical studies
In case-control studies of cannabis and other psychoactive drug use among
schizophrenic patients [42-43], schizophrenic patients are more likely to
have used psychotomimetic drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and
hallucinogens than other psychiatric patients [42, 44-45] or normal
Post by davon96720
[46, 30]. The prevalence of substance use in schizophrenic patients varies
between studies but it is generally higher than comparable figures in the
general population [47). Rates of alcohol and stimulant use among
schizophrenic patients also appear to have increased over the past several
decades [48]. These variations are probably due to differences in the
sampling of patients, with younger samples of newly incident cases
Post by davon96720
higher rates than older samples of chronic cases. Studies have also
Post by davon96720
in the criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia and in way that substance use
has been assessed [49].
Alcohol use abuse and dependence are probably more common in the
schizophrenic population than in the general population [42,48-49]. The
findings on cannabis use have been more mixed (e.g. [29, 42, 44, 49, 50].
Generally, cannabis is the next most commonly used drug after alcohol and
tobacco, although it is usually used with alcohol [49, 52].
Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
The controlled clinical studies disagree about the correlates of substance
abuse in schizophrenia. Most have found that young males are
over-represented among cannabis users (e.g. [49, 53-54]), as in the
Post by davon96720
community [55]. In some studies, substance abusers have been reported to
have an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms, a better premorbid
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more episodes of illness, and more hallucinations (e.g. [44, 46, 50, 54,
56]). But other well controlled studies have failed to replicate some or
Post by davon96720
of these findings [53, 57-58].
Population studies
Surveys of psychiatric disorders in the community have reported higher
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of substance abuse disorders among persons with schizophrenia The ECA
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found an association between schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse and
dependence [55]. Nearly half of the patients identified as schizophrenic
Post by davon96720
the ECA study had a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (34% for an
alcohol disorder and 28% for another drug disorder) [59]. These rates were
higher than the rates in general population, namely, 14% for alcohol
disorders [60] and 6% for drug abuse [55]. The ECA findings have also been
replicated in Edmonton, Alberta [61].
More recently, Cuffel et al [53] have reported on patterns of substance
abuse among 231 cases of schizophrenia identified in the ECA study. They
found that the most commonly used substances were: alcohol (37%) and
cannabis (23%), followed by stimulants and hallucinogens (13%), narcotics
(10%) and sedatives (8%). Multiple drug use was common and the most common
combinations of drugs was alcohol and cannabis (31%).
Explanations of the Association
One possible explanation of the association is that cannabis use
precipitates schizophrenic disorders in vulnerable persons (e.g. [62]).
Proponents of this hypothesis cite the earlier age of onset of psychotic
symptoms among cannabis users (with their drug use typically preceding the
onset of symptoms), their better premorbid adjustment their fewer negative
symptoms, and their better treatment response (e.g. [42, 44, 63]).
Another suggestion is that the associations between cannabis use and an
early onset and good prognosis are spurious. Arndt et al [56] argue that
schizophrenics with a better premorbid personality are more likely to be
exposed to illicit drug use among peers than persons with schizophrenia
Post by davon96720
are socially withdrawn. There is also evidence (e.g. [1, 64]) that persons
with acute onset psychoses usually have a better premorbid adjustment
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better prognosis. They also have greater opportunities to use cannabis and
other illicit drugs than persons who have an insidious onset and are
socially withdrawn.
A third possibility is that cannabis use is a consequence (rather than a
cause) of schizophrenia. For example, cannabis and other drugs may be used
to medicate the unpleasant symptoms of schizophrenia, such as, depression,
anxiety, lethargy, and anhedonia, or the unpleasant side effects of the
neuroleptic drugs that are often used to treat the disorder [44].
Precipitation of Schizophrenia
The most convincing evidence that cannabis use may precipitate
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comes from a 15-year prospective study of cannabis use and schizophrenia
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50,465 Swedish conscripts [65]. This study investigated the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the risk of receiving a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in the subsequent 15 years, as indicated by
inclusion in the Swedish psychiatric case register.
Andreasson et al [67] found that the relative risk of receiving a
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of schizophrenia was 2.4 times higher among those who had tried cannabis
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age 18 compared to those who had not. There was also a dose-response
relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the number of times
that cannabis had been used by age 18. Compared to those who had not used
cannabis, the risk of developing schizophrenia was 1.3 times higher for
those who had used cannabis one to ten times, 3 times higher for those who
had used cannabis between one and fifty times, and 6 times higher for
Post by davon96720
who had used cannabis more than fifty times.
These risks were substantially reduced after statistical adjustment for
variables that were independently related to the risk of developing
schizophrenia, namely, having a psychiatric diagnosis at conscription, and
having parents who had divorced (as a proxy for parental psychiatric
disorder). Nevertheless, after adjustment, the dose response
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remained statistically significant The adjusted relative risk of a
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of schizophrenia for those who had smoked cannabis from one to ten times
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1.5 times, and that for those who had used ten or more times was 2.3
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the risk for those who had never used cannabis. Andreasson et al [65] and
Allebeck [62] have concluded that cannabis use precipitates
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vulnerable individuals.
A number of alternative explanations of the Swedish finding have been
offered by other authors. First, there was a large temporal gap between
self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the development of
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over the next 15 years or so [66-67]. Because the diagnosis of
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was based upon a case register there was no data on how many individuals
used cannabis up until the time that their schizophrenia was diagnosed.
Andreasson et al [65] argued that cannabis use persisted because cannabis
use at age 18 was also strongly related to the risk of attracting a
diagnosis of drug abuse.
A second possibility is that schizophrenia was misdiagnosed. On this
hypothesis, the excess rate of "schizophrenia" among the heavy cannabis
users was due to cannabis-induced psychoses which were mistakenly
Post by davon96720
as schizophrenia [66, 67-8] examined 21 cases of schizophrenia among
conscripts in the case register (8 of whom had used cannabis and 13 of
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had not). They found that 80% of these cases met the DSM-III requirement
that the symptoms had been present for at least six months, thereby
excluding the diagnoses of transient drug-induced psychotic symptoms.
A third hypothesis is that the relationship between cannabis use and
schizophrenia is due to the use of other drugs. Longitudinal studies of
illicit drag use indicate that persons who had used cannabis a large
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of times by late adolescence were at increased risk of subsequently using
other illicit drugs, such as, amphetamine [66, 69]. Amphetamines which can
produce an acute paranoid psychosis [70-72] were the major illicit drugs
Post by davon96720
abuse in Sweden during the study period [73-75]. On this hypothesis,
amphetamine-induced psychoses may explain the spurious association between
cannabis use and schizophrenia. The evidence that psychotic symptoms
persisted beyond 6 months [68] would also seem to exclude this hypothesis.
A fourth hypothesis is that cannabis use at age 18 was a symptom of
Post by davon96720
schizophrenia. Andreasson et al [68] rejected this hypothesis, noting that
the cannabis users who developed schizophrenia had better premorbid
personalities, a more abrupt onset, and more positive symptoms than the
non-users who developed schizophrenia [68]. Moreover, although 58% of the
heavy cannabis users had a psychiatric diagnosis at the time of
conscription, there was still a dose-response relationship between
Post by davon96720
use and schizophrenia among those who had no such history. The
persuasiveness of this evidence depends upon how confident we can be
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failure to identity a psychiatric disorder at conscription meant that no
disorder was present.
A fifth hypothesis depends upon the validity of the self-reported cannabis
use at conscription. Andreasson et al [66] acknowledged that there
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was under-reporting of cannabis use because this information was not
collected anonymously. They argued, however, that this would produce an
under-estimate of the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of
schizophrenia. This will be true if the schizophrenic and
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conscripts were equally likely to under-report. If, for example,
pre-schizophrenic subjects were more candid about their drug use, then the
apparent relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia could be
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response bias [67]. This seems unlikely in view of the strong
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relationship between the frequency of cannabis use by age 18, and the
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unadjusted relative risk of schizophrenia among heavy users.
Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
Clinical reports suggest that schizophrenic patients who continue to use
cannabis experience more psychotic symptoms [76], respond poorly to
neuroleptic drugs [77], and have a worse clinical course than those
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who do not [78-80]. These reports have been supported by controlled
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Negrete et al [81] conducted a retrospective study of the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use and symptoms. They used clinical
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of symptoms and treatment seeking among 137 schizophrenic patients who
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disorder of at least six months duration, and who had made three visits to
their psychiatric service during the previous six months. Negrete et al
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compared the prevalence of hallucinations, delusions and
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among the active cannabis users with that in patients who had previously
used cannabis, and those who had never used cannabis. There were higher
rates of continuous hallucinations and delusions, and more
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among active cannabis users. These relationships persisted after
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adjustment for age and sex differences between the user groups.
Negrete et al [81] argued that cannabis use exacerbated schizophrenic
symptoms. They rejected the alternative hypothesis that patients with a
poorer prognosis were more likely to use cannabis because those who no
longer used cannabis experienced fewer symptoms, and reported a high
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adverse effects when they did use it. They also discounted the possibility
that these were toxic psychoses because the minimum duration of symptoms
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been six months.
Cleghorn et al [82] compared the symptom profiles of schizophrenic
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with histories of substance abuse, among whom cannabis was the most
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used drug. Drug abusers had a higher prevalence of hallucinations,
Post by davon96720
and positive symptoms than those who did not abuse drugs.
Jablensky et al [64] reported a two year follow-up of 1202 first episode
schizophrenic patients enrolled in 10 countries as part of a WHO
Collaborative study. They found that the use of "street drugs", including
cannabis and cocaine, during the follow up period predicted more psychotic
symptoms and periods of hospitalisation. Martinez-Arevalo et al [83] also
reported that continued use of cannabis during a one year follow up of 62
DSM-diagnosed schizophrenic patients predicted a higher rate of relapse
Post by davon96720
poorer compliance with anti-psychotic drug treatment.
Linszen et al [84] recently reported a prospective study of outcome in 93
psychotic patients whose symptoms were assessed monthly over a year.
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four of their patients were cannabis abusers (11 were less than daily
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and 13 were daily cannabis users). Despite the small sample sizes, they
found that the cannabis users as a whole relapsed to psychotic symptoms
sooner, and had more frequent relapses. in the year of follow up, than the
patients who had not used cannabis. There was also a dose response
relationship, with the daily users relapsing earlier, and more often, than
the less than daily users who, in turn, relapsed sooner, and more often,
than the patients who did not use cannabis. These relationships persisted
after multivariate adjustment for premorbid adjustment, and alcohol and
other drug use during the follow up period.
Most but not all studies [58], indicate that cannabis use exacerbates
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. The major cause of
uncertainty about this relationship is assessing the contribution of
confounding factors. It may be, for example, that the difference in
psychotic symptoms between schizophrenia patients who do and do not use
cannabis is due to differences in premorbid personality, family history,
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other characteristics [52]. This is unlikely in the WHO schizophrenia
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[64] and the recent study of Linzen [84], both of which used
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statistical methods to adjust for many of these confounders.
The other difficulty is separating the contributions that cannabis and
alcohol make to exacerbations of schizophrenic symptoms. It is rare for a
schizophrenic patient to only use cannabis [49]. The concurrent use of
alcohol is common, and the heavier their cannabis use, the more likely
Post by davon96720
are to use psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Only the Linszen et al [84]
study statistically adjusted for the effects of concurrent alcohol and
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use and found that the relationship persisted. Our confidence that the
effect is attributable to cannabis would be increased by replications of
Post by davon96720
Linszen et al [84] finding.
Intervention Studies
If we could reduce cannabis use among patients with schizophrenia who use
cannabis, then we could discover whether their disorders improved and
whether the risks of relapse were substantially reduced. The major
difficulty with this strategy is that it presupposes that we can
successfully treat substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. Alcohol
and other substance abuse are difficult to treat [85], and many persons
Post by davon96720
schizophrenia have characteristics that predict a poor treatment outcome,
namely, they lack social support, they may be cognitively impaired, they
Post by davon96720
unemployed, and they do not comply with treatment [49, 52].
There are very few controlled outcome studies of substance abuse treatment
in schizophrenia [86]. Few of these have produced large enough benefits of
treatment, or treated a large enough number of patients, to provide an
adequate chance of detecting any positive impacts of abstinence on the
course of disorders [49, 52]. The few that have been large enough [87]
Post by davon96720
not reported results separately by diagnosis.
The reasons that most persons with schizophrenia give for using alcohol,
cannabis and other illicit drugs are similar to those given by persons who
do not have schizophrenia, namely, to relieve boredom, to provide
stimulation, to feel good and to socialise with peers (e.g. [49, 88-90]).
The drugs that are most often used by schizophrenic patients are also
Post by davon96720
that are most readily available [48-49].
In favour of the self-medication hypothesis, is the evidence that some
schizophrenic patients report using cannabis because its euphoric effects
relieve negative symptoms and depression (e.g. [42, 44, 91]). Dixon et al
[44], for example; surveyed 83 patients with schizophrenia who reported
Post by davon96720
cannabis reduced anxiety and depression, and increased a sense of calm but
at the cost of increased suspiciousness.
More recently, Hamera et at [90] have reported a time series study that
psychotic symptoms, licit and illicit drug use, and medication
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17 persons with schizophrenia. They only found relationships between
nicotine and prodromal psychotic symptoms and between caffeine use and
symptoms of anxiety and depression. No relationships were found between
psychotic symptoms and alcohol or cannabis use.
This study does have limitations. The difficulty of the self-monitoring
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probably selected patients who were more compliant and less disordered
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a representative sample of schizophrenics. There were also relatively low
rates of heavy drug use. The time period of 84 days may have been too
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to examine the relationship between drug use and major exacerbations of
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illness, and the task of self-monitoring may have had reactive effects on
drug use.
An Overall Evaluation
The epidemiological evidence is strongest that cannabis use exacerbates
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symptoms of schizophrenia in affected individuals. This is supported by
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findings of a number of retrospective and prospective studies which have
controlled for confounding variables. It is also biologically plausible.
Psychotic disorders involve disturbances in the dopamine
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systems since drugs that increase dopamine release produce psychotic
symptoms when given in large doses, and neuroleptic drugs that reduce
psychotic symptoms also reduce dopamine levels [93]. Cannabinoids, such as
THC, increase dopamine release [92].
It is also likely that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in persons
who are vulnerable because of a personal or family history of
Post by davon96720
(e.g. [22, 39, 41]). This hypothesis is consistent with the
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model of schizophrenia [39, 95] in which the likelihood of developing
schizophrenia is the product of stress acting upon a genetic "diathesis"
Post by davon96720
develop schizophrenia.
Although plausible, there is very little direct evidence that genetic
vulnerability increases the risk that cannabis users will develop
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McGuire et al [34] reported that persons with a history of heavy cannabis
use who developed a psychosis were 10 times more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia than persons. with a psychosis who had not used
cannabis. It is also difficult to identify a genetic diathesis in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia. Having a first degree relative (parent
or sibling) who has schizophrenia increases the risks of developing the
disorder between 9 and 18 times [95]. But, according to Gottesman [95],
Post by davon96720
of persons with schizophrenia will not have a first degree relative with
Post by davon96720
disorder, and 63% will not have an affected first or second degree
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The most contentious issue is whether cannabis use can cause
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that would not have occurred in its absence. One cannot rule it out but it
is unlikely to account for more than a minority of cases. Most of the 274
conscripts who developed schizophrenia had not used cannabis, and only 21
were heavy cannabis users and at most 7% of cases of schizophrenia could
Post by davon96720
attributed to cannabis use. The treated incidence of schizophrenia, and
particularly early onset, acute cases, has declined (or remained stable)
during the 1970s and 1980s [94] when cannabis use increased among young
adults in Australia and North America [2]. Although there are
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in interpreting such trends [97-99] a large reduction in treated incidence
has been observed in a number of countries and it cannot be explained as a
diagnostic artefact [100].
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Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use
alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and discuss its impact on their
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with them. Although this paper has primarily focused on cannabis we, the
role alcohol should not be neglected. Cannabis is most often used with
alcohol and heavy alcohol use is a stronger predictor of psychotic
Post by davon96720
(OR = 7.9) than regular cannabis use (OR = 2.0) [35].
Patients whose drug use may be exacerbating their symptoms should be
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to trial abstinence. Advice to abstain or to substantially reduce use
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better received if accompanied by alternative suggestions about how to
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with the negative symptoms and depression [52, 49]. if they are not
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to abstain, they may be prepared to reduce the frequency and quantity of
drug use [52]. A positive effect on well-being and social functioning may
motivate patients to consider longer term abstinence or a sustained
reduction in use.
In assisting patients who wish to become abstinent, we may need to notify
some traditional treatment methods [49, 52]. Alcoholics Anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous group based approaches [52] may pose difficulties for
many patients with schizophrenia who find social interaction difficult.
These groups may also be opposed to using anti-psychotic medication.
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Post by Tad Perry
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No of SETI units returned: 1507
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Christian Nuñez
2006-11-08 05:37:26 UTC
Post by Tad Perry
I want to say that cannabis use can induce psychosis in exactly the way
described. It's happened to me on two different occasions and both followed
the exact same pattern: heavy use over the span of months, sudden abstinence
for about two weeks, and then trying to smoke no more than about a single
bud. I didn't know that THC-induced psychosis was possible until it happened
to me, but it is. (It's in the DSM-IV.) We're talking clocks going
backwards, walls moving, total divorce from reality, the whole deal. There's
a window of time there where one can be very, very sensitive to the effects
of THC.
Post by davon96720
Cannabis Use and Psychosis
Wayne Hall
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
(Funded by the National Drugs Strategy)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Problematic Alcohol & Drug Use & Mental Illness
Melbourne, February 1998.
ISBN: 0947229884
Copyright NDARC 1988
[Please Note: Originally published as Technical Report No. 55. This was a
mistake, it is an internal report only. - Alcohol and other Drug Council
Post by davon96720
Post by davon96720
Table of Contents
b.. Cause for Concern
c.. Making Causal Inferences
d.. A Cannabis Psychosis
a.. Controlled Studies
e.. Overall Evaluation
f.. Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia
a.. CIinical Studies
b.. Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
c.. Population Studies
g.. Explanations of the Association
h.. Precipipation of Schizophrenia
i.. Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
j.. Intervention Studies
k.. Self-Medication
l.. An Overall Evaluation
m.. Implications for Patients and their Families
Post by davon96720
This report reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship
between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy
cannabis use may cause a "cannabis psychosis" - a psychosis that would not
occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded
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heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is
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cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms.
Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association between
cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in which
cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the
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that the relationship is due to other factors, such as, other drug use,
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personal vulnerability to psychosis.
There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these
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exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC,
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prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but
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yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second
hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear
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between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the
risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It is
still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates
schizophrenia, whether it is a form of "self-medication", or whether the
association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which
heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better evidence that
cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health
services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol,
cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce
their drug use.
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There are good reasons to be concerned about the possibility that cannabis
use may be a cause of psychotic disorders. Psychoses are serious and
disabling disorders [1]. Cannabis is widely used by young Australians
Post by davon96720
late adolescence[2], and high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol -the
psychoactive substance in cannabis - have been reported to produce
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symptoms, such as, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional ideas,
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thought disorder, in normal volunteers [3).
There are a number of hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis
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and psychosis that need to be distinguished [4]. The strongest
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that heavy cannabis use causes a specific "cannabis psychosis". This
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that these psychoses would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, and
that the causal role of cannabis use can be inferred from the symptoms and
their relationship to cannabis us; e.g. they are preceded by heavy
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use and remit after abstinence.
A weaker type of hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate an
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of schizophrenia. This hypothesis assumes that cannabis use is one factor
among many others (including genetic predisposition and other unknown
causes) that bring about schizophrenia It does not assume that the role of
cannabis can be inferred from the symptoms of the disorder, or that it
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remit when cannabis use ceases.
Finally, if cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia it is also likely
that it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder. It may exacerbate
symptoms of schizophrenia (even if it is not a precipitant of the
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if it reduces compliance with treatment, or interferes with the effects of
the drugs used to treat it.
In order to infer that cannabis use is a cause of psychosis in any of
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ways we need evidence: that there is an association between cannabis use
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psychosis; that chance is an unlikely explanation of the association; that
cannabis use preceded the psychosis; and that plausible alternative
explanations of the association can be excluded [5).
Evidence that cannabis use and psychosis are associated and that chance is
an unlikely explanation of the association are readily available. There
Post by davon96720
a smaller number of prospective studies that show cannabis use precedes
psychoses. The most difficult task is excluding the hypothesis that the
relationship between cannabis use and psychosis is due to other factors
(e.g. other drug use, or a genetic predisposition to develop
Post by Tad Perry
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and use cannabis).
Since ethical reasons preclude experimental humans studies and there are
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suitable animal models, epidemiological methods must be used to rule out
common causal hypotheses. These estimate the relationship between cannabis
use and the risk of developing a psychosis after adjusting for variables
that may affect the risk (e.g. personal characteristics prior to using
cannabis, family history of psychotic illness, and other drug use). If the
relationship persists after statistical adjustment, then we can be
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that it is not due to the variables for which statistical adjustment has
been made.
"A Cannabis Psychosis"
There are a substantial number of case reports of cannabis psychoses
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These describe individuals who develop psychotic symptoms or disorders
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using cannabis.
Chopra and Smith [9], for example, described 200 patients who were
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to a psychiatric hospital in Calcutta between 1963 and 1968 with psychotic
symptoms following the use of cannabis. The most common symptoms "were
sudden onset of confusion, generally associated with delusions,
hallucinations (usually visual) and emotional lability... amnesia,
disorientation, depersonalisation and paranoid symptoms" (p 24). Most
psychoses were preceded by the ingestion of a large dose of cannabis and
there was amnesia for the period between ingestion and hospitalisation.
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argued that it was unlikely that excessive cannabis use was a sign of
pre-existing psychopathology because a third of their cases had no prior
psychiatric history, the symptoms were remarkably uniform regardless of
prior psychiatric history, and those who used the most potent cannabis
preparations experienced psychotic reactions after the shortest period of
The findings of Chopra and Smith [9] have received some support from other
case series which suggest that large doses of potent cannabis products can
be followed by a "toxic" psychotic disorder with "organic" features of
amnesia and confusion. These disorders have been reported from a variety
Post by davon96720
different places including: the Caribbean [19-20], India [9], New Zealand
[11], Scotland [18], South Africa [14], Sweden [8, 17, 21], the United
Kingdom [6-7, 13] and the United States [15-16].
These disorders have been attributed to cannabis use for combinations of
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following reasons: the onset of the symptoms followed closely upon
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of large quantities of cannabis; the affected individuals often exhibited
"organic" symptoms, such as, confusion, disorientation and amnesia; some
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no reported personal or family history of psychoses prior to using
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their symptoms rapidly remitted after a period of enforced abstinence from
cannabis use, usually within several days to several weeks; recovery was
usually complete with the person having no residual psychotic symptoms of
the type often seen in persons with schizophrenia; and if the disorder
recurred it was after the individual starting using cannabis.
Some commentators have been critical of this evidence [4, 22-25]. They
criticise the poor quality of information on cannabis use and its
relationship to the onset of psychosis, and the person's premorbid
adjustment and their family history of psychosis. They also emphasise the
wide variety of clinical pictures of "cannabis psychoses" reported by
different observers. These weaknesses impair the evidential value of these
case series.
Controlled Studies
A small number of controlled studies have been conducted over the past 20
years. Some case-control studies have either compared persons with
Post by davon96720
psychoses" with persons who have schizophrenia, or compared psychoses
occurring in persons who do and do not have biochemical evidence of
Post by davon96720
use prior to presenting for treatment. Their results have been mixed.
Thacore and Shuckla [26], for example, reported a case control study that
compared 25 cases who had a "cannabis psychosis" with 25 controls who were
diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia with no history of cannabis
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Their cases had a paranoid psychosis resembling schizophrenia in which
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was a clear temporal relationship between the prolonged use of cannabis
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the development of psychosis on more than two occasions. Patients with the
"cannabis psychosis" displayed more odd and bizarre behaviour, violence,
panic, and insight, and less evidence of thought disorder, than those with
schizophrenia. They also responded swiftly to neuroleptic drugs and
recovered completely.
Rottanburg et at [27] conducted a similar study in which 20 psychotic
patients with cannabinoids in their urine were compared with 20 psychotic
patients who did not have cannabinoids in their urine. Psychotic patients
with cannabinoids in their urine had more symptoms of hypomania and
agitation, and less auditory hallucinations, flattening of affect,
incoherent speech and hysteria than controls. They also showed marked
improvements in symptoms by the end of a week, whereas there was no change
in the patients whose urine did not contain cannabinoids.
Chaudry et al [28] reported a comparison of 15 psychotic "bhang" users
Post by davon96720
10 bhang users without psychosis. They found that their cases were more
likely to have a history of chronic cannabis use and past psychotic
episodes. They also were more likely to be uncooperative and to have
symptoms of excitement, hostility, grandiosity, hallucinations,
disorientation and unusual thought content. All cases remitted within 5
Post by davon96720
and had no residual psychotic symptoms.
Mathers et al [29] reported a study of patients presenting to two London
hospitals whose urine was analysed for the presence of cannabinoids. They
found a relationship between the presence of cannabinoids in urine and
having a psychotic diagnosis. Rolfe et al [30] reported a similar
association between urinary cannabinoids and psychosis in 234 patients
admitted to a Gambian psychiatric unit.
In contrast to these positive findings, a number of controlled studies
Post by davon96720
not found such a clear association. Imade and Ebie [31], compared the
symptoms of 70 patients with cannabis-induced functional psychoses, 163
patients with schizophrenia, and 39 patients with mania. They reported
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there were no symptoms that were unique to cannabis psychosis, and none
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enabled them to distinguish a "cannabis psychosis" from schizophrenia.
Thornicroft et al [32] compared 45 cases who had a psychosis and a urine
positive for cannabinoids with 45 controls who had a psychosis but either
had a urine negative for cannabinoids or reported no cannabis use. They
found very few demographic or clinical differences between the groups.
McGuire et al [33-34] compared 23 cases of psychoses occurring in persons
whose urines were positive for cannabinoids with 46 psychotic patients
Post by davon96720
urines were negative for cannabinoids or who reported no cannabis use. The
two groups did not differ in their psychiatric histories or symptoms
profile, as assessed by "blind" ratings of clinical files using the PSE
(McGuire et al [33]). The cases, however, were more likely to have a
Post by davon96720
history of schizophrenia.
Two studies have examined the relationship between cannabis use and
psychotic symptoms in the general population. Tien and Anthony [35] used
data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study to compare the drug use
Post by davon96720
individuals who reported "psychotic experiences" during a twelve month
period. These psychotic experiences comprised 4 types of hallucinations
Post by davon96720
seven types of delusional belief. They compared 477 cases who reported one
or more psychotic symptoms in the one year follow-up with 1818 controls
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did not. Cases and controls were matched for age and social and
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characteristics. Daily cannabis use was found to double the risk of
reporting psychotic symptoms (after statistical adjustment for alcohol use
and psychiatric diagnoses at baseline).
Thomas [36] reported the prevalence of psychotic symptoms among cannabis
users in a random sample of people drawn from the electoral role of a
Post by davon96720
city in the North Island of New Zealand. One in seven (14%) cannabis users
reported "strange, unpleasant experiences such as hearing voices or
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convinced that someone is trying to harm you or that you are being
persecuted" after using cannabis.
Two studies have reported no difference in the prevalence of psychotic
disorders in chronic cannabis users and controls. Beaubruhn and Knight
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compared the rate of psychoses in 30 chronic daily Jamaican cannabis users
with that in 30 non-cannabis using controls. Stefanis et al [38]
Post by Tad Perry
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study of 47 chronic cannabis users in Greece and 40 controls. The small
number of cases and the low prevalence of psychosis in the population make
these negative findings unconvincing.
Overall Evaluation
The existence of a "cannabis psychosis" is still a matter for debate. In
Post by davon96720
favour are case series of "cannabis psychoses", and a small number of
controlled studies that compare the characteristics of "cannabis
Post by davon96720
with those of psychoses in individuals who were not using cannabis at the
time of hospital admission (e.g. [39]). Critics of the hypothesis
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the fallibility of clinical judgements about aetiology, the poorly
Post by davon96720
criteria used in diagnosing these psychoses, the dearth of controlled
studies, and the striking variations in the clinical features of "cannabis
psychoses" [24).
It is a plausible hypothesis that high doses of cannabis can produce
psychotic symptoms. There is no compelling evidence, however, that there
Post by davon96720
a specific clinical syndrome that is identifiable as a "cannabis
Post by davon96720
The clinical symptoms reported by different observers have been mixed.
Post by davon96720
symptoms seem to rapidly remit, with full recovery, after abstinence from
If cannabis-induced psychoses exist, they are rare or they only rarely
receive medical intervention in Western societies (e.g. [40-41]). The
Post by davon96720
number of cases of putative "cannabis psychoses" in the 12 case series
reviewed was 397 and 200 of these came from a single series (Chopra and
Smith [9]) collected over 6 years from a large geographic area in which
heavy cannabis use was endemic (e-g. [9]).
There are a number of likely reasons for the rarity of "cannabis
Post by davon96720
in Western societies. One is that they occur after the use of large
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
THC, or long periods of sustained heavy use. Although lifetime use of
cannabis has increased in Western societies, the pattern of heavy cannabis
use remains rare [2]. A second possibility (discussed below) is that
cannabis psychoses only occur in persons who have a pre-existing
vulnerability to psychotic disorder A third possibility is that heavy
sustained use and vulnerability are both required.
Post by davon96720
Clinical studies
In case-control studies of cannabis and other psychoactive drug use among
schizophrenic patients [42-43], schizophrenic patients are more likely to
have used psychotomimetic drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and
hallucinogens than other psychiatric patients [42, 44-45] or normal
Post by davon96720
[46, 30]. The prevalence of substance use in schizophrenic patients varies
between studies but it is generally higher than comparable figures in the
general population [47). Rates of alcohol and stimulant use among
schizophrenic patients also appear to have increased over the past several
decades [48]. These variations are probably due to differences in the
sampling of patients, with younger samples of newly incident cases
Post by davon96720
higher rates than older samples of chronic cases. Studies have also
Post by davon96720
in the criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia and in way that substance use
has been assessed [49].
Alcohol use abuse and dependence are probably more common in the
schizophrenic population than in the general population [42,48-49]. The
findings on cannabis use have been more mixed (e.g. [29, 42, 44, 49, 50].
Generally, cannabis is the next most commonly used drug after alcohol and
tobacco, although it is usually used with alcohol [49, 52].
Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
The controlled clinical studies disagree about the correlates of substance
abuse in schizophrenia. Most have found that young males are
over-represented among cannabis users (e.g. [49, 53-54]), as in the
Post by davon96720
community [55]. In some studies, substance abusers have been reported to
have an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms, a better premorbid
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more episodes of illness, and more hallucinations (e.g. [44, 46, 50, 54,
56]). But other well controlled studies have failed to replicate some or
Post by davon96720
of these findings [53, 57-58].
Population studies
Surveys of psychiatric disorders in the community have reported higher
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of substance abuse disorders among persons with schizophrenia The ECA
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found an association between schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse and
dependence [55]. Nearly half of the patients identified as schizophrenic
Post by davon96720
the ECA study had a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (34% for an
alcohol disorder and 28% for another drug disorder) [59]. These rates were
higher than the rates in general population, namely, 14% for alcohol
disorders [60] and 6% for drug abuse [55]. The ECA findings have also been
replicated in Edmonton, Alberta [61].
More recently, Cuffel et al [53] have reported on patterns of substance
abuse among 231 cases of schizophrenia identified in the ECA study. They
found that the most commonly used substances were: alcohol (37%) and
cannabis (23%), followed by stimulants and hallucinogens (13%), narcotics
(10%) and sedatives (8%). Multiple drug use was common and the most common
combinations of drugs was alcohol and cannabis (31%).
Explanations of the Association
One possible explanation of the association is that cannabis use
precipitates schizophrenic disorders in vulnerable persons (e.g. [62]).
Proponents of this hypothesis cite the earlier age of onset of psychotic
symptoms among cannabis users (with their drug use typically preceding the
onset of symptoms), their better premorbid adjustment their fewer negative
symptoms, and their better treatment response (e.g. [42, 44, 63]).
Another suggestion is that the associations between cannabis use and an
early onset and good prognosis are spurious. Arndt et al [56] argue that
schizophrenics with a better premorbid personality are more likely to be
exposed to illicit drug use among peers than persons with schizophrenia
Post by davon96720
are socially withdrawn. There is also evidence (e.g. [1, 64]) that persons
with acute onset psychoses usually have a better premorbid adjustment
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
better prognosis. They also have greater opportunities to use cannabis and
other illicit drugs than persons who have an insidious onset and are
socially withdrawn.
A third possibility is that cannabis use is a consequence (rather than a
cause) of schizophrenia. For example, cannabis and other drugs may be used
to medicate the unpleasant symptoms of schizophrenia, such as, depression,
anxiety, lethargy, and anhedonia, or the unpleasant side effects of the
neuroleptic drugs that are often used to treat the disorder [44].
Precipitation of Schizophrenia
The most convincing evidence that cannabis use may precipitate
Post by davon96720
comes from a 15-year prospective study of cannabis use and schizophrenia
Post by davon96720
50,465 Swedish conscripts [65]. This study investigated the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the risk of receiving a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in the subsequent 15 years, as indicated by
inclusion in the Swedish psychiatric case register.
Andreasson et al [67] found that the relative risk of receiving a
Post by davon96720
of schizophrenia was 2.4 times higher among those who had tried cannabis
Post by davon96720
age 18 compared to those who had not. There was also a dose-response
relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the number of times
that cannabis had been used by age 18. Compared to those who had not used
cannabis, the risk of developing schizophrenia was 1.3 times higher for
those who had used cannabis one to ten times, 3 times higher for those who
had used cannabis between one and fifty times, and 6 times higher for
Post by davon96720
who had used cannabis more than fifty times.
These risks were substantially reduced after statistical adjustment for
variables that were independently related to the risk of developing
schizophrenia, namely, having a psychiatric diagnosis at conscription, and
having parents who had divorced (as a proxy for parental psychiatric
disorder). Nevertheless, after adjustment, the dose response
Post by Tad Perry
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remained statistically significant The adjusted relative risk of a
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of schizophrenia for those who had smoked cannabis from one to ten times
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1.5 times, and that for those who had used ten or more times was 2.3
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the risk for those who had never used cannabis. Andreasson et al [65] and
Allebeck [62] have concluded that cannabis use precipitates
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
vulnerable individuals.
A number of alternative explanations of the Swedish finding have been
offered by other authors. First, there was a large temporal gap between
self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the development of
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
over the next 15 years or so [66-67]. Because the diagnosis of
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was based upon a case register there was no data on how many individuals
used cannabis up until the time that their schizophrenia was diagnosed.
Andreasson et al [65] argued that cannabis use persisted because cannabis
use at age 18 was also strongly related to the risk of attracting a
diagnosis of drug abuse.
A second possibility is that schizophrenia was misdiagnosed. On this
hypothesis, the excess rate of "schizophrenia" among the heavy cannabis
users was due to cannabis-induced psychoses which were mistakenly
Post by davon96720
as schizophrenia [66, 67-8] examined 21 cases of schizophrenia among
conscripts in the case register (8 of whom had used cannabis and 13 of
Post by davon96720
had not). They found that 80% of these cases met the DSM-III requirement
that the symptoms had been present for at least six months, thereby
excluding the diagnoses of transient drug-induced psychotic symptoms.
A third hypothesis is that the relationship between cannabis use and
schizophrenia is due to the use of other drugs. Longitudinal studies of
illicit drag use indicate that persons who had used cannabis a large
Post by davon96720
of times by late adolescence were at increased risk of subsequently using
other illicit drugs, such as, amphetamine [66, 69]. Amphetamines which can
produce an acute paranoid psychosis [70-72] were the major illicit drugs
Post by davon96720
abuse in Sweden during the study period [73-75]. On this hypothesis,
amphetamine-induced psychoses may explain the spurious association between
cannabis use and schizophrenia. The evidence that psychotic symptoms
persisted beyond 6 months [68] would also seem to exclude this hypothesis.
A fourth hypothesis is that cannabis use at age 18 was a symptom of
Post by davon96720
schizophrenia. Andreasson et al [68] rejected this hypothesis, noting that
the cannabis users who developed schizophrenia had better premorbid
personalities, a more abrupt onset, and more positive symptoms than the
non-users who developed schizophrenia [68]. Moreover, although 58% of the
heavy cannabis users had a psychiatric diagnosis at the time of
conscription, there was still a dose-response relationship between
Post by davon96720
use and schizophrenia among those who had no such history. The
persuasiveness of this evidence depends upon how confident we can be
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
failure to identity a psychiatric disorder at conscription meant that no
disorder was present.
A fifth hypothesis depends upon the validity of the self-reported cannabis
use at conscription. Andreasson et al [66] acknowledged that there
Post by davon96720
was under-reporting of cannabis use because this information was not
collected anonymously. They argued, however, that this would produce an
under-estimate of the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of
schizophrenia. This will be true if the schizophrenic and
Post by davon96720
conscripts were equally likely to under-report. If, for example,
pre-schizophrenic subjects were more candid about their drug use, then the
apparent relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia could be
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response bias [67]. This seems unlikely in view of the strong
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relationship between the frequency of cannabis use by age 18, and the
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unadjusted relative risk of schizophrenia among heavy users.
Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
Clinical reports suggest that schizophrenic patients who continue to use
cannabis experience more psychotic symptoms [76], respond poorly to
neuroleptic drugs [77], and have a worse clinical course than those
Post by davon96720
who do not [78-80]. These reports have been supported by controlled
Post by davon96720
Negrete et al [81] conducted a retrospective study of the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use and symptoms. They used clinical
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of symptoms and treatment seeking among 137 schizophrenic patients who
Post by Tad Perry
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disorder of at least six months duration, and who had made three visits to
their psychiatric service during the previous six months. Negrete et al
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compared the prevalence of hallucinations, delusions and
Post by Tad Perry
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among the active cannabis users with that in patients who had previously
used cannabis, and those who had never used cannabis. There were higher
rates of continuous hallucinations and delusions, and more
Post by davon96720
among active cannabis users. These relationships persisted after
Post by davon96720
adjustment for age and sex differences between the user groups.
Negrete et al [81] argued that cannabis use exacerbated schizophrenic
symptoms. They rejected the alternative hypothesis that patients with a
poorer prognosis were more likely to use cannabis because those who no
longer used cannabis experienced fewer symptoms, and reported a high
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
adverse effects when they did use it. They also discounted the possibility
that these were toxic psychoses because the minimum duration of symptoms
Post by davon96720
been six months.
Cleghorn et al [82] compared the symptom profiles of schizophrenic
Post by davon96720
with histories of substance abuse, among whom cannabis was the most
Post by davon96720
used drug. Drug abusers had a higher prevalence of hallucinations,
Post by davon96720
and positive symptoms than those who did not abuse drugs.
Jablensky et al [64] reported a two year follow-up of 1202 first episode
schizophrenic patients enrolled in 10 countries as part of a WHO
Collaborative study. They found that the use of "street drugs", including
cannabis and cocaine, during the follow up period predicted more psychotic
symptoms and periods of hospitalisation. Martinez-Arevalo et al [83] also
reported that continued use of cannabis during a one year follow up of 62
DSM-diagnosed schizophrenic patients predicted a higher rate of relapse
Post by davon96720
poorer compliance with anti-psychotic drug treatment.
Linszen et al [84] recently reported a prospective study of outcome in 93
psychotic patients whose symptoms were assessed monthly over a year.
Post by davon96720
four of their patients were cannabis abusers (11 were less than daily
Post by davon96720
and 13 were daily cannabis users). Despite the small sample sizes, they
found that the cannabis users as a whole relapsed to psychotic symptoms
sooner, and had more frequent relapses. in the year of follow up, than the
patients who had not used cannabis. There was also a dose response
relationship, with the daily users relapsing earlier, and more often, than
the less than daily users who, in turn, relapsed sooner, and more often,
than the patients who did not use cannabis. These relationships persisted
after multivariate adjustment for premorbid adjustment, and alcohol and
other drug use during the follow up period.
Most but not all studies [58], indicate that cannabis use exacerbates
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. The major cause of
uncertainty about this relationship is assessing the contribution of
confounding factors. It may be, for example, that the difference in
psychotic symptoms between schizophrenia patients who do and do not use
cannabis is due to differences in premorbid personality, family history,
Post by davon96720
other characteristics [52]. This is unlikely in the WHO schizophrenia
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[64] and the recent study of Linzen [84], both of which used
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statistical methods to adjust for many of these confounders.
The other difficulty is separating the contributions that cannabis and
alcohol make to exacerbations of schizophrenic symptoms. It is rare for a
schizophrenic patient to only use cannabis [49]. The concurrent use of
alcohol is common, and the heavier their cannabis use, the more likely
Post by davon96720
are to use psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Only the Linszen et al [84]
study statistically adjusted for the effects of concurrent alcohol and
Post by davon96720
use and found that the relationship persisted. Our confidence that the
effect is attributable to cannabis would be increased by replications of
Post by davon96720
Linszen et al [84] finding.
Intervention Studies
If we could reduce cannabis use among patients with schizophrenia who use
cannabis, then we could discover whether their disorders improved and
whether the risks of relapse were substantially reduced. The major
difficulty with this strategy is that it presupposes that we can
successfully treat substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia. Alcohol
and other substance abuse are difficult to treat [85], and many persons
Post by davon96720
schizophrenia have characteristics that predict a poor treatment outcome,
namely, they lack social support, they may be cognitively impaired, they
Post by davon96720
unemployed, and they do not comply with treatment [49, 52].
There are very few controlled outcome studies of substance abuse treatment
in schizophrenia [86]. Few of these have produced large enough benefits of
treatment, or treated a large enough number of patients, to provide an
adequate chance of detecting any positive impacts of abstinence on the
course of disorders [49, 52]. The few that have been large enough [87]
Post by davon96720
not reported results separately by diagnosis.
The reasons that most persons with schizophrenia give for using alcohol,
cannabis and other illicit drugs are similar to those given by persons who
do not have schizophrenia, namely, to relieve boredom, to provide
stimulation, to feel good and to socialise with peers (e.g. [49, 88-90]).
The drugs that are most often used by schizophrenic patients are also
Post by davon96720
that are most readily available [48-49].
In favour of the self-medication hypothesis, is the evidence that some
schizophrenic patients report using cannabis because its euphoric effects
relieve negative symptoms and depression (e.g. [42, 44, 91]). Dixon et al
[44], for example; surveyed 83 patients with schizophrenia who reported
Post by davon96720
cannabis reduced anxiety and depression, and increased a sense of calm but
at the cost of increased suspiciousness.
More recently, Hamera et at [90] have reported a time series study that
psychotic symptoms, licit and illicit drug use, and medication
Post by Tad Perry
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17 persons with schizophrenia. They only found relationships between
nicotine and prodromal psychotic symptoms and between caffeine use and
symptoms of anxiety and depression. No relationships were found between
psychotic symptoms and alcohol or cannabis use.
This study does have limitations. The difficulty of the self-monitoring
Post by davon96720
probably selected patients who were more compliant and less disordered
Post by davon96720
a representative sample of schizophrenics. There were also relatively low
rates of heavy drug use. The time period of 84 days may have been too
Post by davon96720
to examine the relationship between drug use and major exacerbations of
Post by davon96720
illness, and the task of self-monitoring may have had reactive effects on
drug use.
An Overall Evaluation
The epidemiological evidence is strongest that cannabis use exacerbates
Post by davon96720
symptoms of schizophrenia in affected individuals. This is supported by
Post by davon96720
findings of a number of retrospective and prospective studies which have
controlled for confounding variables. It is also biologically plausible.
Psychotic disorders involve disturbances in the dopamine
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systems since drugs that increase dopamine release produce psychotic
symptoms when given in large doses, and neuroleptic drugs that reduce
psychotic symptoms also reduce dopamine levels [93]. Cannabinoids, such as
THC, increase dopamine release [92].
It is also likely that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in persons
who are vulnerable because of a personal or family history of
Post by davon96720
(e.g. [22, 39, 41]). This hypothesis is consistent with the
Post by davon96720
model of schizophrenia [39, 95] in which the likelihood of developing
schizophrenia is the product of stress acting upon a genetic "diathesis"
Post by davon96720
develop schizophrenia.
Although plausible, there is very little direct evidence that genetic
vulnerability increases the risk that cannabis users will develop
Post by davon96720
McGuire et al [34] reported that persons with a history of heavy cannabis
use who developed a psychosis were 10 times more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia than persons. with a psychosis who had not used
cannabis. It is also difficult to identify a genetic diathesis in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia. Having a first degree relative (parent
or sibling) who has schizophrenia increases the risks of developing the
disorder between 9 and 18 times [95]. But, according to Gottesman [95],
Post by davon96720
of persons with schizophrenia will not have a first degree relative with
Post by davon96720
disorder, and 63% will not have an affected first or second degree
Post by davon96720
The most contentious issue is whether cannabis use can cause
Post by Tad Perry
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that would not have occurred in its absence. One cannot rule it out but it
is unlikely to account for more than a minority of cases. Most of the 274
conscripts who developed schizophrenia had not used cannabis, and only 21
were heavy cannabis users and at most 7% of cases of schizophrenia could
Post by davon96720
attributed to cannabis use. The treated incidence of schizophrenia, and
particularly early onset, acute cases, has declined (or remained stable)
during the 1970s and 1980s [94] when cannabis use increased among young
adults in Australia and North America [2]. Although there are
Post by davon96720
in interpreting such trends [97-99] a large reduction in treated incidence
has been observed in a number of countries and it cannot be explained as a
diagnostic artefact [100].
Post by davon96720
Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use
alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and discuss its impact on their
Post by davon96720
with them. Although this paper has primarily focused on cannabis we, the
role alcohol should not be neglected. Cannabis is most often used with
alcohol and heavy alcohol use is a stronger predictor of psychotic
Post by davon96720
(OR = 7.9) than regular cannabis use (OR = 2.0) [35].
Patients whose drug use may be exacerbating their symptoms should be
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to trial abstinence. Advice to abstain or to substantially reduce use
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better received if accompanied by alternative suggestions about how to
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with the negative symptoms and depression [52, 49]. if they are not
Post by davon96720
to abstain, they may be prepared to reduce the frequency and quantity of
drug use [52]. A positive effect on well-being and social functioning may
motivate patients to consider longer term abstinence or a sustained
reduction in use.
In assisting patients who wish to become abstinent, we may need to notify
some traditional treatment methods [49, 52]. Alcoholics Anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous group based approaches [52] may pose difficulties for
many patients with schizophrenia who find social interaction difficult.
These groups may also be opposed to using anti-psychotic medication.
Post by davon96720
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No of SETI units returned: 1507
Processing time: 1 years, 329 days, 6 hours.
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2006-11-08 16:25:19 UTC
I wish it were true!
Post by Christian Nuñez
Post by Tad Perry
I want to say that cannabis use can induce psychosis in exactly the way
described. It's happened to me on two different occasions and both
Post by Tad Perry
the exact same pattern: heavy use over the span of months, sudden
Post by Tad Perry
for about two weeks, and then trying to smoke no more than about a single
bud. I didn't know that THC-induced psychosis was possible until it
Post by Tad Perry
to me, but it is. (It's in the DSM-IV.) We're talking clocks going
backwards, walls moving, total divorce from reality, the whole deal.
Post by Tad Perry
a window of time there where one can be very, very sensitive to the
Post by Tad Perry
of THC.
Post by davon96720
Cannabis Use and Psychosis
Wayne Hall
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
(Funded by the National Drugs Strategy)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Problematic Alcohol & Drug Use & Mental Illness
Melbourne, February 1998.
ISBN: 0947229884
Copyright NDARC 1988
[Please Note: Originally published as Technical Report No. 55. This was
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
mistake, it is an internal report only. - Alcohol and other Drug Council
Post by davon96720
Post by davon96720
Table of Contents
b.. Cause for Concern
c.. Making Causal Inferences
d.. A Cannabis Psychosis
a.. Controlled Studies
e.. Overall Evaluation
f.. Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia
a.. CIinical Studies
b.. Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
c.. Population Studies
g.. Explanations of the Association
h.. Precipipation of Schizophrenia
i.. Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
j.. Intervention Studies
k.. Self-Medication
l.. An Overall Evaluation
m.. Implications for Patients and their Families
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This report reviews evidence on two hypotheses about the relationship
between cannabis use and psychosis. The first hypothesis is that heavy
cannabis use may cause a "cannabis psychosis" - a psychosis that would
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occur in the absence of cannabis use, the symptoms of which are preceded
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heavy cannabis use and remit after abstinence. The second hypothesis is
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cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms.
Evaluation of these hypotheses requires evidence of an association
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cannabis use and psychosis, that is unlikely to be due to chance, in
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cannabis use precedes psychosis, and in which we can exclude the
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that the relationship is due to other factors, such as, other drug use,
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personal vulnerability to psychosis.
There is some clinical support for the first hypothesis. If these
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exist they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of THC,
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prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a pre-existing (but
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yet unspecified) vulnerability. There is more support for the second
hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear
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between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and
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risks over the subsequent 15 years of a diagnosis of schizophrenia. It
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still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates
schizophrenia, whether it is a form of "self-medication", or whether the
association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines,
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heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better evidence
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cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. Mental health
services should identify patients with schizophrenia who use alcohol,
cannabis and other drugs and advise them to abstain or to greatly reduce
their drug use.
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There are good reasons to be concerned about the possibility that
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use may be a cause of psychotic disorders. Psychoses are serious and
disabling disorders [1]. Cannabis is widely used by young Australians
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late adolescence[2], and high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol -the
psychoactive substance in cannabis - have been reported to produce
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symptoms, such as, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusional ideas,
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thought disorder, in normal volunteers [3).
There are a number of hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis
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and psychosis that need to be distinguished [4]. The strongest
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that heavy cannabis use causes a specific "cannabis psychosis". This
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that these psychoses would not occur in the absence of cannabis use, and
that the causal role of cannabis use can be inferred from the symptoms
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their relationship to cannabis us; e.g. they are preceded by heavy
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use and remit after abstinence.
A weaker type of hypothesis is that cannabis use may precipitate an
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of schizophrenia. This hypothesis assumes that cannabis use is one
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among many others (including genetic predisposition and other unknown
causes) that bring about schizophrenia It does not assume that the role
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cannabis can be inferred from the symptoms of the disorder, or that it
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remit when cannabis use ceases.
Finally, if cannabis use can precipitate schizophrenia it is also likely
that it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder. It may exacerbate
symptoms of schizophrenia (even if it is not a precipitant of the
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if it reduces compliance with treatment, or interferes with the effects
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the drugs used to treat it.
In order to infer that cannabis use is a cause of psychosis in any of
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ways we need evidence: that there is an association between cannabis use
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psychosis; that chance is an unlikely explanation of the association;
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cannabis use preceded the psychosis; and that plausible alternative
explanations of the association can be excluded [5).
Evidence that cannabis use and psychosis are associated and that chance
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an unlikely explanation of the association are readily available. There
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a smaller number of prospective studies that show cannabis use precedes
psychoses. The most difficult task is excluding the hypothesis that the
relationship between cannabis use and psychosis is due to other factors
(e.g. other drug use, or a genetic predisposition to develop
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and use cannabis).
Since ethical reasons preclude experimental humans studies and there are
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suitable animal models, epidemiological methods must be used to rule out
common causal hypotheses. These estimate the relationship between
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use and the risk of developing a psychosis after adjusting for variables
that may affect the risk (e.g. personal characteristics prior to using
cannabis, family history of psychotic illness, and other drug use). If
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relationship persists after statistical adjustment, then we can be
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that it is not due to the variables for which statistical adjustment has
been made.
"A Cannabis Psychosis"
There are a substantial number of case reports of cannabis psychoses
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These describe individuals who develop psychotic symptoms or disorders
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using cannabis.
Chopra and Smith [9], for example, described 200 patients who were
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to a psychiatric hospital in Calcutta between 1963 and 1968 with
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symptoms following the use of cannabis. The most common symptoms "were
sudden onset of confusion, generally associated with delusions,
hallucinations (usually visual) and emotional lability... amnesia,
disorientation, depersonalisation and paranoid symptoms" (p 24). Most
psychoses were preceded by the ingestion of a large dose of cannabis and
there was amnesia for the period between ingestion and hospitalisation.
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argued that it was unlikely that excessive cannabis use was a sign of
pre-existing psychopathology because a third of their cases had no prior
psychiatric history, the symptoms were remarkably uniform regardless of
prior psychiatric history, and those who used the most potent cannabis
preparations experienced psychotic reactions after the shortest period
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The findings of Chopra and Smith [9] have received some support from
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case series which suggest that large doses of potent cannabis products
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be followed by a "toxic" psychotic disorder with "organic" features of
amnesia and confusion. These disorders have been reported from a variety
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different places including: the Caribbean [19-20], India [9], New
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[11], Scotland [18], South Africa [14], Sweden [8, 17, 21], the United
Kingdom [6-7, 13] and the United States [15-16].
These disorders have been attributed to cannabis use for combinations of
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following reasons: the onset of the symptoms followed closely upon
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of large quantities of cannabis; the affected individuals often
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"organic" symptoms, such as, confusion, disorientation and amnesia; some
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no reported personal or family history of psychoses prior to using
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their symptoms rapidly remitted after a period of enforced abstinence
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cannabis use, usually within several days to several weeks; recovery was
usually complete with the person having no residual psychotic symptoms
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the type often seen in persons with schizophrenia; and if the disorder
recurred it was after the individual starting using cannabis.
Some commentators have been critical of this evidence [4, 22-25]. They
criticise the poor quality of information on cannabis use and its
relationship to the onset of psychosis, and the person's premorbid
adjustment and their family history of psychosis. They also emphasise
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wide variety of clinical pictures of "cannabis psychoses" reported by
different observers. These weaknesses impair the evidential value of
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case series.
Controlled Studies
A small number of controlled studies have been conducted over the past
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years. Some case-control studies have either compared persons with
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psychoses" with persons who have schizophrenia, or compared psychoses
occurring in persons who do and do not have biochemical evidence of
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use prior to presenting for treatment. Their results have been mixed.
Thacore and Shuckla [26], for example, reported a case control study
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compared 25 cases who had a "cannabis psychosis" with 25 controls who
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diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia with no history of cannabis
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Their cases had a paranoid psychosis resembling schizophrenia in which
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was a clear temporal relationship between the prolonged use of cannabis
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the development of psychosis on more than two occasions. Patients with
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"cannabis psychosis" displayed more odd and bizarre behaviour, violence,
panic, and insight, and less evidence of thought disorder, than those
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schizophrenia. They also responded swiftly to neuroleptic drugs and
recovered completely.
Rottanburg et at [27] conducted a similar study in which 20 psychotic
patients with cannabinoids in their urine were compared with 20
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patients who did not have cannabinoids in their urine. Psychotic
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with cannabinoids in their urine had more symptoms of hypomania and
agitation, and less auditory hallucinations, flattening of affect,
incoherent speech and hysteria than controls. They also showed marked
improvements in symptoms by the end of a week, whereas there was no
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in the patients whose urine did not contain cannabinoids.
Chaudry et al [28] reported a comparison of 15 psychotic "bhang" users
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10 bhang users without psychosis. They found that their cases were more
likely to have a history of chronic cannabis use and past psychotic
episodes. They also were more likely to be uncooperative and to have
symptoms of excitement, hostility, grandiosity, hallucinations,
disorientation and unusual thought content. All cases remitted within 5
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and had no residual psychotic symptoms.
Mathers et al [29] reported a study of patients presenting to two London
hospitals whose urine was analysed for the presence of cannabinoids.
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found a relationship between the presence of cannabinoids in urine and
having a psychotic diagnosis. Rolfe et al [30] reported a similar
association between urinary cannabinoids and psychosis in 234 patients
admitted to a Gambian psychiatric unit.
In contrast to these positive findings, a number of controlled studies
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not found such a clear association. Imade and Ebie [31], compared the
symptoms of 70 patients with cannabis-induced functional psychoses, 163
patients with schizophrenia, and 39 patients with mania. They reported
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there were no symptoms that were unique to cannabis psychosis, and none
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enabled them to distinguish a "cannabis psychosis" from schizophrenia.
Thornicroft et al [32] compared 45 cases who had a psychosis and a urine
positive for cannabinoids with 45 controls who had a psychosis but
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had a urine negative for cannabinoids or reported no cannabis use. They
found very few demographic or clinical differences between the groups.
McGuire et al [33-34] compared 23 cases of psychoses occurring in
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whose urines were positive for cannabinoids with 46 psychotic patients
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urines were negative for cannabinoids or who reported no cannabis use.
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two groups did not differ in their psychiatric histories or symptoms
profile, as assessed by "blind" ratings of clinical files using the PSE
(McGuire et al [33]). The cases, however, were more likely to have a
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history of schizophrenia.
Two studies have examined the relationship between cannabis use and
psychotic symptoms in the general population. Tien and Anthony [35] used
data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study to compare the drug use
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individuals who reported "psychotic experiences" during a twelve month
period. These psychotic experiences comprised 4 types of hallucinations
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seven types of delusional belief. They compared 477 cases who reported
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or more psychotic symptoms in the one year follow-up with 1818 controls
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did not. Cases and controls were matched for age and social and
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characteristics. Daily cannabis use was found to double the risk of
reporting psychotic symptoms (after statistical adjustment for alcohol
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and psychiatric diagnoses at baseline).
Thomas [36] reported the prevalence of psychotic symptoms among cannabis
users in a random sample of people drawn from the electoral role of a
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city in the North Island of New Zealand. One in seven (14%) cannabis
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reported "strange, unpleasant experiences such as hearing voices or
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convinced that someone is trying to harm you or that you are being
persecuted" after using cannabis.
Two studies have reported no difference in the prevalence of psychotic
disorders in chronic cannabis users and controls. Beaubruhn and Knight
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compared the rate of psychoses in 30 chronic daily Jamaican cannabis
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with that in 30 non-cannabis using controls. Stefanis et al [38]
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study of 47 chronic cannabis users in Greece and 40 controls. The small
number of cases and the low prevalence of psychosis in the population
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these negative findings unconvincing.
Overall Evaluation
The existence of a "cannabis psychosis" is still a matter for debate. In
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favour are case series of "cannabis psychoses", and a small number of
controlled studies that compare the characteristics of "cannabis
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with those of psychoses in individuals who were not using cannabis at
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time of hospital admission (e.g. [39]). Critics of the hypothesis
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the fallibility of clinical judgements about aetiology, the poorly
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criteria used in diagnosing these psychoses, the dearth of controlled
studies, and the striking variations in the clinical features of
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psychoses" [24).
It is a plausible hypothesis that high doses of cannabis can produce
psychotic symptoms. There is no compelling evidence, however, that there
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a specific clinical syndrome that is identifiable as a "cannabis
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The clinical symptoms reported by different observers have been mixed.
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symptoms seem to rapidly remit, with full recovery, after abstinence
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If cannabis-induced psychoses exist, they are rare or they only rarely
receive medical intervention in Western societies (e.g. [40-41]). The
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number of cases of putative "cannabis psychoses" in the 12 case series
reviewed was 397 and 200 of these came from a single series (Chopra and
Smith [9]) collected over 6 years from a large geographic area in which
heavy cannabis use was endemic (e-g. [9]).
There are a number of likely reasons for the rarity of "cannabis
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in Western societies. One is that they occur after the use of large
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THC, or long periods of sustained heavy use. Although lifetime use of
cannabis has increased in Western societies, the pattern of heavy
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use remains rare [2]. A second possibility (discussed below) is that
cannabis psychoses only occur in persons who have a pre-existing
vulnerability to psychotic disorder A third possibility is that heavy
sustained use and vulnerability are both required.
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Clinical studies
In case-control studies of cannabis and other psychoactive drug use
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schizophrenic patients [42-43], schizophrenic patients are more likely
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have used psychotomimetic drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine, and
hallucinogens than other psychiatric patients [42, 44-45] or normal
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[46, 30]. The prevalence of substance use in schizophrenic patients
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between studies but it is generally higher than comparable figures in
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general population [47). Rates of alcohol and stimulant use among
schizophrenic patients also appear to have increased over the past
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decades [48]. These variations are probably due to differences in the
sampling of patients, with younger samples of newly incident cases
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higher rates than older samples of chronic cases. Studies have also
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in the criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia and in way that substance
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has been assessed [49].
Alcohol use abuse and dependence are probably more common in the
schizophrenic population than in the general population [42,48-49]. The
findings on cannabis use have been more mixed (e.g. [29, 42, 44, 49,
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Generally, cannabis is the next most commonly used drug after alcohol
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tobacco, although it is usually used with alcohol [49, 52].
Correlates of cannabis use in schizophrenia
The controlled clinical studies disagree about the correlates of
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abuse in schizophrenia. Most have found that young males are
over-represented among cannabis users (e.g. [49, 53-54]), as in the
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community [55]. In some studies, substance abusers have been reported to
have an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms, a better premorbid
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more episodes of illness, and more hallucinations (e.g. [44, 46, 50, 54,
56]). But other well controlled studies have failed to replicate some or
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of these findings [53, 57-58].
Population studies
Surveys of psychiatric disorders in the community have reported higher
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of substance abuse disorders among persons with schizophrenia The ECA
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found an association between schizophrenia and alcohol and drug abuse
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dependence [55]. Nearly half of the patients identified as
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the ECA study had a diagnosis of substance abuse or dependence (34% for
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alcohol disorder and 28% for another drug disorder) [59]. These rates
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higher than the rates in general population, namely, 14% for alcohol
disorders [60] and 6% for drug abuse [55]. The ECA findings have also
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replicated in Edmonton, Alberta [61].
More recently, Cuffel et al [53] have reported on patterns of substance
abuse among 231 cases of schizophrenia identified in the ECA study. They
found that the most commonly used substances were: alcohol (37%) and
cannabis (23%), followed by stimulants and hallucinogens (13%),
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(10%) and sedatives (8%). Multiple drug use was common and the most
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combinations of drugs was alcohol and cannabis (31%).
Explanations of the Association
One possible explanation of the association is that cannabis use
precipitates schizophrenic disorders in vulnerable persons (e.g. [62]).
Proponents of this hypothesis cite the earlier age of onset of psychotic
symptoms among cannabis users (with their drug use typically preceding
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onset of symptoms), their better premorbid adjustment their fewer
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symptoms, and their better treatment response (e.g. [42, 44, 63]).
Another suggestion is that the associations between cannabis use and an
early onset and good prognosis are spurious. Arndt et al [56] argue that
schizophrenics with a better premorbid personality are more likely to be
exposed to illicit drug use among peers than persons with schizophrenia
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are socially withdrawn. There is also evidence (e.g. [1, 64]) that
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with acute onset psychoses usually have a better premorbid adjustment
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better prognosis. They also have greater opportunities to use cannabis
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other illicit drugs than persons who have an insidious onset and are
socially withdrawn.
A third possibility is that cannabis use is a consequence (rather than a
cause) of schizophrenia. For example, cannabis and other drugs may be
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to medicate the unpleasant symptoms of schizophrenia, such as,
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anxiety, lethargy, and anhedonia, or the unpleasant side effects of the
neuroleptic drugs that are often used to treat the disorder [44].
Precipitation of Schizophrenia
The most convincing evidence that cannabis use may precipitate
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comes from a 15-year prospective study of cannabis use and
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50,465 Swedish conscripts [65]. This study investigated the
between self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the risk of receiving a
diagnosis of schizophrenia in the subsequent 15 years, as indicated by
inclusion in the Swedish psychiatric case register.
Andreasson et al [67] found that the relative risk of receiving a
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of schizophrenia was 2.4 times higher among those who had tried cannabis
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age 18 compared to those who had not. There was also a dose-response
relationship between a diagnosis of schizophrenia and the number of
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that cannabis had been used by age 18. Compared to those who had not
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cannabis, the risk of developing schizophrenia was 1.3 times higher for
those who had used cannabis one to ten times, 3 times higher for those
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had used cannabis between one and fifty times, and 6 times higher for
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who had used cannabis more than fifty times.
These risks were substantially reduced after statistical adjustment for
variables that were independently related to the risk of developing
schizophrenia, namely, having a psychiatric diagnosis at conscription,
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having parents who had divorced (as a proxy for parental psychiatric
disorder). Nevertheless, after adjustment, the dose response
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remained statistically significant The adjusted relative risk of a
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of schizophrenia for those who had smoked cannabis from one to ten times
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1.5 times, and that for those who had used ten or more times was 2.3
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the risk for those who had never used cannabis. Andreasson et al [65]
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Allebeck [62] have concluded that cannabis use precipitates
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vulnerable individuals.
A number of alternative explanations of the Swedish finding have been
offered by other authors. First, there was a large temporal gap between
self-reported cannabis use at age 18 and the development of
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over the next 15 years or so [66-67]. Because the diagnosis of
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was based upon a case register there was no data on how many individuals
used cannabis up until the time that their schizophrenia was diagnosed.
Andreasson et al [65] argued that cannabis use persisted because
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use at age 18 was also strongly related to the risk of attracting a
diagnosis of drug abuse.
A second possibility is that schizophrenia was misdiagnosed. On this
hypothesis, the excess rate of "schizophrenia" among the heavy cannabis
users was due to cannabis-induced psychoses which were mistakenly
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as schizophrenia [66, 67-8] examined 21 cases of schizophrenia among
conscripts in the case register (8 of whom had used cannabis and 13 of
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had not). They found that 80% of these cases met the DSM-III requirement
that the symptoms had been present for at least six months, thereby
excluding the diagnoses of transient drug-induced psychotic symptoms.
A third hypothesis is that the relationship between cannabis use and
schizophrenia is due to the use of other drugs. Longitudinal studies of
illicit drag use indicate that persons who had used cannabis a large
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of times by late adolescence were at increased risk of subsequently
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other illicit drugs, such as, amphetamine [66, 69]. Amphetamines which
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produce an acute paranoid psychosis [70-72] were the major illicit drugs
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abuse in Sweden during the study period [73-75]. On this hypothesis,
amphetamine-induced psychoses may explain the spurious association
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cannabis use and schizophrenia. The evidence that psychotic symptoms
persisted beyond 6 months [68] would also seem to exclude this
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A fourth hypothesis is that cannabis use at age 18 was a symptom of
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schizophrenia. Andreasson et al [68] rejected this hypothesis, noting
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the cannabis users who developed schizophrenia had better premorbid
personalities, a more abrupt onset, and more positive symptoms than the
non-users who developed schizophrenia [68]. Moreover, although 58% of
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heavy cannabis users had a psychiatric diagnosis at the time of
conscription, there was still a dose-response relationship between
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use and schizophrenia among those who had no such history. The
persuasiveness of this evidence depends upon how confident we can be
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failure to identity a psychiatric disorder at conscription meant that no
disorder was present.
A fifth hypothesis depends upon the validity of the self-reported
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use at conscription. Andreasson et al [66] acknowledged that there
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was under-reporting of cannabis use because this information was not
collected anonymously. They argued, however, that this would produce an
under-estimate of the relationship between cannabis use and the risk of
schizophrenia. This will be true if the schizophrenic and
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conscripts were equally likely to under-report. If, for example,
pre-schizophrenic subjects were more candid about their drug use, then
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apparent relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia could be
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response bias [67]. This seems unlikely in view of the strong
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relationship between the frequency of cannabis use by age 18, and the
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unadjusted relative risk of schizophrenia among heavy users.
Exacerbation of Schizophrenia
Clinical reports suggest that schizophrenic patients who continue to use
cannabis experience more psychotic symptoms [76], respond poorly to
neuroleptic drugs [77], and have a worse clinical course than those
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who do not [78-80]. These reports have been supported by controlled
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Negrete et al [81] conducted a retrospective study of the relationship
between self-reported cannabis use and symptoms. They used clinical
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of symptoms and treatment seeking among 137 schizophrenic patients who
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disorder of at least six months duration, and who had made three visits
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their psychiatric service during the previous six months. Negrete et al
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compared the prevalence of hallucinations, delusions and
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among the active cannabis users with that in patients who had previously
used cannabis, and those who had never used cannabis. There were higher
rates of continuous hallucinations and delusions, and more
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among active cannabis users. These relationships persisted after
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adjustment for age and sex differences between the user groups.
Negrete et al [81] argued that cannabis use exacerbated schizophrenic
symptoms. They rejected the alternative hypothesis that patients with a
poorer prognosis were more likely to use cannabis because those who no
longer used cannabis experienced fewer symptoms, and reported a high
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adverse effects when they did use it. They also discounted the
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that these were toxic psychoses because the minimum duration of symptoms
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been six months.
Cleghorn et al [82] compared the symptom profiles of schizophrenic
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with histories of substance abuse, among whom cannabis was the most
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used drug. Drug abusers had a higher prevalence of hallucinations,
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and positive symptoms than those who did not abuse drugs.
Jablensky et al [64] reported a two year follow-up of 1202 first episode
schizophrenic patients enrolled in 10 countries as part of a WHO
Collaborative study. They found that the use of "street drugs",
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cannabis and cocaine, during the follow up period predicted more
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symptoms and periods of hospitalisation. Martinez-Arevalo et al [83]
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reported that continued use of cannabis during a one year follow up of
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DSM-diagnosed schizophrenic patients predicted a higher rate of relapse
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poorer compliance with anti-psychotic drug treatment.
Linszen et al [84] recently reported a prospective study of outcome in
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psychotic patients whose symptoms were assessed monthly over a year.
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four of their patients were cannabis abusers (11 were less than daily
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and 13 were daily cannabis users). Despite the small sample sizes, they
found that the cannabis users as a whole relapsed to psychotic symptoms
sooner, and had more frequent relapses. in the year of follow up, than
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patients who had not used cannabis. There was also a dose response
relationship, with the daily users relapsing earlier, and more often,
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the less than daily users who, in turn, relapsed sooner, and more often,
than the patients who did not use cannabis. These relationships
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after multivariate adjustment for premorbid adjustment, and alcohol and
other drug use during the follow up period.
Most but not all studies [58], indicate that cannabis use exacerbates
psychotic symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. The major cause of
uncertainty about this relationship is assessing the contribution of
confounding factors. It may be, for example, that the difference in
psychotic symptoms between schizophrenia patients who do and do not use
cannabis is due to differences in premorbid personality, family history,
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other characteristics [52]. This is unlikely in the WHO schizophrenia
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[64] and the recent study of Linzen [84], both of which used
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statistical methods to adjust for many of these confounders.
The other difficulty is separating the contributions that cannabis and
alcohol make to exacerbations of schizophrenic symptoms. It is rare for
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schizophrenic patient to only use cannabis [49]. The concurrent use of
alcohol is common, and the heavier their cannabis use, the more likely
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are to use psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Only the Linszen et al
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study statistically adjusted for the effects of concurrent alcohol and
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use and found that the relationship persisted. Our confidence that the
effect is attributable to cannabis would be increased by replications of
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Linszen et al [84] finding.
Intervention Studies
If we could reduce cannabis use among patients with schizophrenia who
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cannabis, then we could discover whether their disorders improved and
whether the risks of relapse were substantially reduced. The major
difficulty with this strategy is that it presupposes that we can
successfully treat substance abuse in persons with schizophrenia.
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and other substance abuse are difficult to treat [85], and many persons
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schizophrenia have characteristics that predict a poor treatment
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namely, they lack social support, they may be cognitively impaired, they
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unemployed, and they do not comply with treatment [49, 52].
There are very few controlled outcome studies of substance abuse
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in schizophrenia [86]. Few of these have produced large enough benefits
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treatment, or treated a large enough number of patients, to provide an
adequate chance of detecting any positive impacts of abstinence on the
course of disorders [49, 52]. The few that have been large enough [87]
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not reported results separately by diagnosis.
The reasons that most persons with schizophrenia give for using alcohol,
cannabis and other illicit drugs are similar to those given by persons
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do not have schizophrenia, namely, to relieve boredom, to provide
stimulation, to feel good and to socialise with peers (e.g. [49,
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The drugs that are most often used by schizophrenic patients are also
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that are most readily available [48-49].
In favour of the self-medication hypothesis, is the evidence that some
schizophrenic patients report using cannabis because its euphoric
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relieve negative symptoms and depression (e.g. [42, 44, 91]). Dixon et
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[44], for example; surveyed 83 patients with schizophrenia who reported
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cannabis reduced anxiety and depression, and increased a sense of calm
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at the cost of increased suspiciousness.
More recently, Hamera et at [90] have reported a time series study that
psychotic symptoms, licit and illicit drug use, and medication
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17 persons with schizophrenia. They only found relationships between
nicotine and prodromal psychotic symptoms and between caffeine use and
symptoms of anxiety and depression. No relationships were found between
psychotic symptoms and alcohol or cannabis use.
This study does have limitations. The difficulty of the self-monitoring
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probably selected patients who were more compliant and less disordered
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a representative sample of schizophrenics. There were also relatively
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rates of heavy drug use. The time period of 84 days may have been too
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to examine the relationship between drug use and major exacerbations of
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illness, and the task of self-monitoring may have had reactive effects
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drug use.
An Overall Evaluation
The epidemiological evidence is strongest that cannabis use exacerbates
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symptoms of schizophrenia in affected individuals. This is supported by
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findings of a number of retrospective and prospective studies which have
controlled for confounding variables. It is also biologically plausible.
Psychotic disorders involve disturbances in the dopamine
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systems since drugs that increase dopamine release produce psychotic
symptoms when given in large doses, and neuroleptic drugs that reduce
psychotic symptoms also reduce dopamine levels [93]. Cannabinoids, such
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THC, increase dopamine release [92].
It is also likely that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia in
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who are vulnerable because of a personal or family history of
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(e.g. [22, 39, 41]). This hypothesis is consistent with the
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model of schizophrenia [39, 95] in which the likelihood of developing
schizophrenia is the product of stress acting upon a genetic "diathesis"
Post by davon96720
develop schizophrenia.
Although plausible, there is very little direct evidence that genetic
vulnerability increases the risk that cannabis users will develop
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McGuire et al [34] reported that persons with a history of heavy
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use who developed a psychosis were 10 times more likely to have a family
history of schizophrenia than persons. with a psychosis who had not used
cannabis. It is also difficult to identify a genetic diathesis in the
majority of cases of schizophrenia. Having a first degree relative
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or sibling) who has schizophrenia increases the risks of developing the
disorder between 9 and 18 times [95]. But, according to Gottesman [95],
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of persons with schizophrenia will not have a first degree relative with
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disorder, and 63% will not have an affected first or second degree
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The most contentious issue is whether cannabis use can cause
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that would not have occurred in its absence. One cannot rule it out but
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is unlikely to account for more than a minority of cases. Most of the
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conscripts who developed schizophrenia had not used cannabis, and only
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were heavy cannabis users and at most 7% of cases of schizophrenia could
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attributed to cannabis use. The treated incidence of schizophrenia, and
particularly early onset, acute cases, has declined (or remained stable)
during the 1970s and 1980s [94] when cannabis use increased among young
adults in Australia and North America [2]. Although there are
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in interpreting such trends [97-99] a large reduction in treated
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has been observed in a number of countries and it cannot be explained
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diagnostic artefact [100].
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Mental health services should identify patients with schizophrenia who
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alcohol, cannabis and other drugs, and discuss its impact on their
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with them. Although this paper has primarily focused on cannabis we, the
role alcohol should not be neglected. Cannabis is most often used with
alcohol and heavy alcohol use is a stronger predictor of psychotic
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(OR = 7.9) than regular cannabis use (OR = 2.0) [35].
Patients whose drug use may be exacerbating their symptoms should be
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to trial abstinence. Advice to abstain or to substantially reduce use
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better received if accompanied by alternative suggestions about how to
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with the negative symptoms and depression [52, 49]. if they are not
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to abstain, they may be prepared to reduce the frequency and quantity of
drug use [52]. A positive effect on well-being and social functioning
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motivate patients to consider longer term abstinence or a sustained
reduction in use.
In assisting patients who wish to become abstinent, we may need to
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some traditional treatment methods [49, 52]. Alcoholics Anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous group based approaches [52] may pose difficulties
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many patients with schizophrenia who find social interaction difficult.
These groups may also be opposed to using anti-psychotic medication.
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Post by davon96720
the incidence of schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1993; 1
[99] Warner R, de Girolamo G. Schizophrenia. World Health Organization,
Geneva, 1995.
[100] Joyce PR. Changing trends in first admissions and readmissions for
mania and schizophrenia in New Zealand. Australian and New Zealand
Post by Tad Perry
Post by davon96720
of Psychiatry, 1987;21 :82-86.
No of SETI units returned: 1507
Processing time: 1 years, 329 days, 6 hours.
(Total hours: 16662)
Post by davon96720
No of SETI units returned: 1507
Processing time: 1 years, 329 days, 6 hours.
(Total hours: 16662)
big daddy framer
2006-11-21 03:27:08 UTC
Damn pass that bud! I want a hit of that!
Post by Tad Perry
We're talking clocks going
backwards, walls moving, total divorce from reality, the whole deal.
max gomez
2006-11-23 09:47:38 UTC
Who gives a Fuck?
2006-11-30 14:39:04 UTC
Free Speech runs head-on into Niggers

Political Correctness Is Tyranny with Manners

In Fascist PC America you can...

1. Kill babies with partial birth abortion
2. Slit your wife's throat and get away with it
3. Rape young girls and get probation
4. Spend years in jail for smoking a weed

But Heaven forbid you say NIGGER and be White

It is time for a revolt in America. Stop this fascist
Politically Correct Black and Brown ASS KISSING

I can say Nigger anytime I desire. It is called Freedom of
Speech. So, FUCK YOU and the PC Goon squad you rode in on

Though he's lost many fans after being captured on video
hurling racist epithets at a comedy club audience, Michael
Richards has an ally: Mel Gibson. Richards is best known for
his role as Kramer in the hit show Seinfeld. Gibson said he
thought Richards was under "stress" and that his critics
would not be kind. "They'll probably torture him for a while
and then let him go," Gibson said, adding, "I like him.

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