On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 01:26:23 GMT, "Callistus Valerius"
Post by unknownO'Really, Hannity, Falwell,
Post by unknownRobertson, and limpballs will be told to shove it up
their ass?
Scaife funded organizations began
Post by unknowntheir politics of personal destruction?
Like he did for Faux Snooze?
You and your fellow travelers, such as Comrade Mack, Comrade Welch,
Comrade Helen (Thomas), Comrade Gregory (David), etc will never be allowed
to have a political say in this country's business.
You mean like we did for 60 years and made this nation
the greatest in history?
You forget that when all the wealth was concentrated
into just a few hands, the middle class never existed.
Fortunately, the stranglehold was broken in the 30's
(started by T.R. Roosevelt). Without the successful
RE-distribution of wealth this nation would have ended
up another Batista-like banana repujblic run by the
Mellons, Rockerfellers, Carnegie's, etc.
Post by unknownYou and your fellow
travelers, have an agenda that can only be explained as being at obtuse at
best, or as an exercise in hatred.
You poor deluded fuckwit
No "hatred" in the last 40 years could surpass southern
conservatives who still foam at the mouth. Just look
to the Hundreds of MILLIONS poured into conservative
causes (90% southern) by the Scaife foundations and
that loony CPAC, pumpkin shooting Republican funder.
Post by unknownThe country's voters will never follow
obtuse haters, that have only shown the ability to throw a good temper
tantrum. We, on the other hand, are burdened with the great responsibility
of running this country, for everyone, and we accept that responsibility.
You "running this country"?? What a fucking laugh
You "ran" this country into massive deficits, funneled
a trillion to the wealthiest, allowed infrastructure to
crumble, produced massive health care costs, ran one of
the most corrupt decades in History, started a war
based on LIES, pissed the entire world off at us, made
a mockery of politics, and killed 2500 Americans.
The "voters", (in case you haven't noticed) approve of
what you just claimed at less than 20%.
You poor stupid cocksucker.
Post by unknown==============================================================
"Because of Reagan's economic policies---most of which were
Solidly endorsed by (a GOP) congress---wealth in the US was being
REDISTRIBUTED upward. While the rich got richer in the 1980's
poverty deepened for many people. (Under reagan) The United
States was polarizing racially and economically and societal
divisions were being excerbated by new problems"
----A History of the United States; A people and a Nation"
4th Edition