Drug War Chronicle, Issue #452 (urls) -- 9/8/06 - LA Heroin Lifers, DEA relents on pain killers!
(too old to reply)
2006-10-21 08:29:47 UTC
Here are the email addresses you need.



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bobbie sellers
2006-10-21 15:56:32 UTC
Post by Clive
Here are the email addresses you need.
Why would anyone need these addresses Clive and why do you post them
three times with no references to the material actually posted?

Could it be.., Spam!

bliss -- C O C O A Powered... (at california dot com)

bobbie sellers - a retired nurse in San Francisco

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of cocoa that the thoughts acquire speed,
the thighs acquire girth, the girth become a warning.
It is by theobromine alone I set my mind in motion."
--from Someone else's Dune spoof ripped to my taste.
Musky Lure
2006-10-21 21:10:12 UTC
Post by bobbie sellers
Post by Clive
Here are the email addresses you need.
Why would anyone need these addresses Clive and why do you post them
three times with no references to the material actually posted?
Could it be.., Spam!
I don't think you can contest the contestor!
2006-10-23 02:34:29 UTC
Post by bobbie sellers
Post by Clive
Here are the email addresses you need.
Why would anyone need these addresses Clive and why do you post them
three times with no references to the material actually posted?
Could it be.., Spam!
I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering this....and it's posted so many
places, so many *times*, but always in drug groups!! Does anyone have any
idea what the OP's objective is, other than to irritate a whole bunch of

My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I
Marquis de Sade
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Shaun aRe
2006-10-24 16:57:53 UTC
Post by pookie
I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering this....and it's posted so many
places, so many *times*, but always in drug groups!!
Yup - I seeneded it too.
Post by pookie
Does anyone have any idea what the OP's objective is, other than to
irritate a whole bunch of people?
No, and I ain't clicking the URL to try and find out, either!


Shaun aRe
2006-10-25 02:16:44 UTC
Post by Shaun aRe
Post by pookie
I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering this....and it's posted so many
places, so many *times*, but always in drug groups!!
Yup - I seeneded it too.
Post by pookie
Does anyone have any idea what the OP's objective is, other than to
irritate a whole bunch of people?
No, and I ain't clicking the URL to try and find out, either!
<giggles> I should hope not, even I ain't that dumb!!

There are very few constants in life. One is the speed of light. Another
is that there is nothing that *can* be done for sex, drugs, or money
that people will not, in general, *do*.
Seen on Usenet
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com