America is oil
(too old to reply)
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-10 20:41:36 UTC
America is in fact the United States of Oil. The whole country is based
in oil. We burn it, we refine it, we discover it, we conquer it, we make
everything with it, we recreate with it, we grow our food with it, we make
money with it, ..............oil IS America. If we must conquer the Middle
Eastern countries, and Velenzuela, then we will. "No Blood for oil", is in
reality, "blood only for oil." In fact much of the dissatisfaction with the
Iraq War, is that Americans were hoping for oil, from Iraq, and a lowering
of gas prices. The low poll numbers for the Republicans, is in fact due to
the idea that the public has that Bush is talking about democracy, but what
about our oil? Our present culture is a product of oil, our economy is
based in oil, our defense runs on oil, our very lives depend on
oil........we are oil, ........we are Exxon.
2006-05-11 00:15:00 UTC
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
America is in fact the United States of Oil. The whole country is based
in oil. We burn it, we refine it, we discover it, we conquer it, we make
everything with it, we recreate with it, we grow our food with it, we make
money with it, ..............oil IS America. If we must conquer the Middle
Eastern countries, and Velenzuela, then we will. "No Blood for oil", is in
reality, "blood only for oil." In fact much of the dissatisfaction with the
Iraq War, is that Americans were hoping for oil, from Iraq, and a lowering
of gas prices. The low poll numbers for the Republicans, is in fact due to
the idea that the public has that Bush is talking about democracy, but what
about our oil? Our present culture is a product of oil, our economy is
based in oil, our defense runs on oil, our very lives depend on
oil........we are oil, ........we are Exxon.
Think about it some more, Energy is what makes all countries run/work.

Anything else is going back to the stone age.
2006-05-11 00:20:52 UTC
On Wed, 10 May 2006 20:41:36 GMT, "Crescentius
Post by Crescentius Vespasianus
America is in fact the United States of Oil.
I'll bet you thank god every night for the vaseline you
have to use to keep from a bleeding asshole, eh
Crescentius Vespasianus
2006-05-11 19:46:40 UTC
thank god every night for the vaseline you
bleeding asshole, eh
I now know which historical figure your rap resembles most. You are now
Gary "Ernst Rohm" Roselles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm
Rohms themes, rants, and preoccupations are very similar to the ones you
2006-05-11 19:58:19 UTC
On Thu, 11 May 2006 19:46:40 GMT, "Crescentius
thank god every night for the vaseline you
bleeding asshole, eh
I now know which historical figure your rap resembles most. You are now
Gary "Ernst Rohm" Roselles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm
Rohms themes, rants, and preoccupations are very similar to the ones you
Rohm was a conservative rightwinger, you unedeucated

You're just pissed because someone is calling you
exactly what you are because of YOUR ranting, crazy
"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no
religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a
religious foundation is built on air; consequently all character training
and religion must be derived from faith.... We
need believing people."
--Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933,