Jew-Only Need Apply for House Sales ALERT
(too old to reply)
2007-02-25 22:14:11 UTC

Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.

Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Township Council:
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager

I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".

If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi . . . OUT!

Inside The Mind of a Typical Jew:
"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us
give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag
them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood!
I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the
guts of the last preacher."(Jewish Chairman of the American
Communist Party, Gus Hall).

Now see what else Jew thinks of you:
Talmud Law Insanity
More on This Dire Subject:
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2007-02-25 22:24:11 UTC
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi . . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?

I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
2007-02-25 22:40:16 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,

In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here http://tinyurl.com/lbgov

2007-02-25 23:09:07 UTC
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here http://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Tell you what, Harry.

I won't try to shove my religious beliefs on you, and you do the same for me.

Whatever works for you.
2007-02-26 01:10:29 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here
Tell you what, Harry.
I won't try to shove my religious beliefs on you, and you do the same for me.
Whatever works for you.
While it IS TRUE that all of the Founding Fathers were either Christian or
basic non-believers, it is ALSO true that they wrote it in that EVERYONE has

Which means that the government may never force anyone to believe in any
certain way. It means the GOVERNMENT cannot force anyone to be a Christian,
nor a Jew, nor a Muslim. The GOVERNMENT also may NEVER force anyone to
REFRAIN from any certain belief system.

IN SHORT, the GOVERNMENT may NEVER FORCE anyone to believe anything.

HOWEVER - it is also written that we are all PROMISED the FREE EXERCISE of
whatever belief we may have. SO - If the Christian wants to stand on the
street corner and do his Bible Thumping - it is OK! If the Jew wants to
quietly push all non-Jews away, it is okay. If the Muslim wants to convert
his whole town, it is okay!

The Constitution only protects us from the GOVERNMENT and NOT from each

Read it sometime!
2007-02-26 18:55:28 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right herehttp://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Tell you what, Harry.
I won't try to shove my religious beliefs on you, and you do the same for me.
Whatever works for you.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
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Hello Nolan,

This means you give up and i win, or youare promising to
not contaminate any more of my posts with flaming?


PS: here are somemore 'meanings' you may like:

[The words goyim, goy, Gentile refer to non-Jews.
Actually "Gentile" used to be a Greek word meaning
foreigner, while "goyim" and "goy" are derogatory, Jew
words meaning "cattle, beasts (as in beast of burden
(donkey (ass)))", and the likes]
"Do not save Goyim in danger of death. Show no mercy
to the Goyim."-Hilkkoth Akum X1

"Kill the Goyim by any means possible."-Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world
are not human beings but beasts"-Saba Mecia 114, 6

"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the
Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew
is consequently an animal in human form, and >
condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
-Midrasch Talpioth, p.225-L

"Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God >
has "exposed their money to Israel.-"Baba Kamma 37b.

"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious >
relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if >
the goyim knew what we teach about them they would >
kill us openly."-Libbre David 37

"Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim
asks if our books contain anything against them."
-Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Via 17
2007-02-26 19:09:37 UTC
Harry wrote:

Post by Harry
This means you give up and i win, or youare promising to
not contaminate any more of my posts with flaming?
It means just what it says.

I respect anyone's beliefs, as long as those beliefs respect mine.
2007-02-26 20:04:50 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
This means you give up and i win, or youare promising to
not contaminate any more of my posts with flaming?
It means just what it says.
I respect anyone's beliefs, as long as those beliefs respect mine.

Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.

Nolan, listen up. If your "beliefs" come from the Talmud
Law, how can i possibly "respect" them? If youare Jew and
my beliefs are from the teachings of Jesus, how can you
possibly "respect" them?

The Jew believes to lie is love, and truth is hate,
yet in John 8:44 Jesus said Jews are liars and
their father is the father of the lie. In John 8:34
Jesus said truth will make you free. No, Nolan,
truth and lie shall never twain; shall never,
never, no, not ever. Either youare with me
and my Father (God to you)or youare against,
as the Word leaves no middle-of-the-road. You
may call me oil-slick Bush now if you wish, and
i will call you wishy-washy . . . ok?

2007-02-26 21:30:06 UTC
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
This means you give up and i win, or youare promising to
not contaminate any more of my posts with flaming?
It means just what it says.
I respect anyone's beliefs, as long as those beliefs respect mine.
Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.
Nolan, listen up. If your "beliefs" come from the Talmud
Law, how can i possibly "respect" them? If youare Jew and
my beliefs are from the teachings of Jesus, how can you
possibly "respect" them?
The Jew believes to lie is love, and truth is hate,
yet in John 8:44 Jesus said Jews are liars and
their father is the father of the lie. In John 8:34
Jesus said truth will make you free. No, Nolan,
truth and lie shall never twain; shall never,
never, no, not ever. Either youare with me
and my Father (God to you)or youare against,
as the Word leaves no middle-of-the-road. You
may call me oil-slick Bush now if you wish, and
i will call you wishy-washy . . . ok?
I didn't say I *believe* everything you believe, I said I respect
your beliefs.

Either you're intentionally being difficult, or you honestly don't
understand the concept of "Live and let live."

I suspect it's a bit of both.
2007-02-27 02:18:46 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
This means you give up and i win, or youare promising to
not contaminate any more of my posts with flaming?
It means just what it says.
I respect anyone's beliefs, as long as those beliefs respect mine.
Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.
Nolan, listen up. If your "beliefs" come from the Talmud
Law, how can i possibly "respect" them? If youare Jew and
my beliefs are from the teachings of Jesus, how can you
possibly "respect" them?
The Jew believes to lie is love, and truth is hate,
yet in John 8:44 Jesus said Jews are liars and
their father is the father of the lie. In John 8:34
Jesus said truth will make you free. No, Nolan,
truth and lie shall never twain; shall never,
never, no, not ever. Either youare with me
and my Father (God to you)or youare against,
as the Word leaves no middle-of-the-road. You
may call me oil-slick Bush now if you wish, and
i will call you wishy-washy . . . ok?
I didn't say I *believe* everything you believe, I said I respect
your beliefs.
Either you're intentionally being difficult, or you honestly don't
understand the concept of "Live and let live."
I suspect it's a bit of both.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,

Nolan, honey, iwouldnot deceive you, nor make fun - under the
however you do have a reading problem. Iamnot versed in reading
people, so all i can say is, and again, "Lie and Truth will never
Either you embrace truth or you love a lie, and that is that.
READ John 8:44 and 34 . . . this will get you started

Douglas Berry
2007-02-27 02:12:05 UTC
On 26 Feb 2007 12:04:50 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Harry
Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.
Your inability to counter factual citations is noted and heartily
laughed at.

Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
2007-02-27 02:36:14 UTC
Post by Douglas Berry
On 26 Feb 2007 12:04:50 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Harry
Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.
Your inability to counter factual citations is noted and heartily
laughed at.
Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail
"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel

Ho Ho Ho to you too, Berry . . . we shall see . . .
Father will decide . . . whether i fall flat on
my face or you do . . . Ha . . .

Douglas Berry
2007-02-27 03:50:34 UTC
On 26 Feb 2007 18:36:14 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Harry
Post by Douglas Berry
Your inability to counter factual citations is noted and heartily
laughed at.
Ho Ho Ho to you too, Berry . . . we shall see . . .
Father will decide . . . whether i fall flat on
my face or you do . . . Ha . . .
So far, you haven't actually refuted a single fact, answered a
question, or proven anything you've claimed.

Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
2007-02-28 00:57:26 UTC
In one age, called the Second Age by some,
(an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
someone claiming to be Harry wrote
in message
Youare a beeeery tough one, Berry, and need a lot of my
time, but i get you later, Berry, later . . . when the wit is
sharp and mean, and Father has prepared the way.
Nolan, listen up. If your "beliefs" come from the Talmud
And who says they do?
how can i possibly "respect" them? If you are Jew
Why do you assume so?
my beliefs are from the teachings of Jesus, how can you
possibly "respect" them?
Maybe because the Christ was a Jew Himself?
The Jew believes to lie is love, and truth is hate,
yet in John 8:44 Jesus said Jews are liars and
their father is the father of the lie.
He was referring to a very specific group of Jews, as verse 31 makes
In John 8:34
Jesus said truth will make you free. No, Nolan,
truth and lie shall never twain; shall never,
never, no, not ever. Either you are with me
and my Father (God to you) or you are against,
as the Word leaves no middle-of-the-road.
"In My Father's house are many mansions..."
may call me oil-slick Bush now if you wish, and
i will call you wishy-washy . . . ok?
2007-02-28 00:57:02 UTC
In one age, called the Second Age by some,
(an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
someone claiming to be Harry wrote
in message
... to demonstrate the dishonesty of? What the heck, it's a slow news
Post by Harry
[The words goyim, goy, Gentile refer to non-Jews.
Actually "Gentile" used to be a Greek word meaning
foreigner, while "goyim" and "goy" are derogatory, Jew
words meaning "cattle, beasts (as in beast of burden
(donkey (ass)))", and the likes]
Actually, goy means "nation" or "people" and was used in the Old
Testament to refer to the Jews themselves
Post by Harry
"Do not save Goyim in danger of death. Show no mercy
to the Goyim."-Hilkkoth Akum X1
This is in Maimonides Hilchot Akum (Laws of Idolators) 10:1. The
reason that harsh treatment was given to idolators is because they
were a danger to the surrounding society since they practiced rituals
such as human sacrifice and gross immorality such as bestiality. There
are few if any idolators left in modern times, therefore such laws do
not apply for this reason, and others, as stated above.
Post by Harry
"Kill the Goyim by any means possible."-Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50
Of course, other haters attribute this to Sanhedrin 58b, when in fact
it is neither.
Post by Harry
"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world
are not human beings but beasts"-Saba Mecia 114, 6
There is no Saba Mecia in the Talmud.
Post by Harry
"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the
Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew
is consequently an animal in human form, and >
condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
-Midrasch Talpioth, p.225-L
The book "Midrash Talpiyyot" is appparently an obscure
eighteenth-century Kabbalistic work that is little known and carries
no authority whatsoever. Even if the citation were correct (which
seems doubtful in light of the other examples on this list, and the
fact that Jews never employ the designation "Jehovah"), it is hard to
imagine what could be proven from it about Judaism or the Talmud.
Post by Harry
"Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God
has "exposed their money to Israel.-"Baba Kamma 37b.
Not Gentiles, Canannites.
Post by Harry
"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious
relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if
the goyim knew what we teach about them they would
kill us openly."-Libbre David 37
This is a fabrication. There is no such book and no such quote.
Post by Harry
"Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim
asks if our books contain anything against them."
-Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Via 17
This is a fabrication. There is no such book and no such quote.
Joe King
2007-02-25 23:29:27 UTC
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here http://tinyurl.com/lbgov
What is your country? The Nation of Bumfuckia or Southern Buzzardscrotch?
2007-02-25 23:59:28 UTC
Harry wrote:

Post by Harry
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile:

"Most commonly, a gentile refers to any person who is not Jewish,
or who is not a follower of the Jewish faith."
2007-02-26 20:25:27 UTC
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
"Most commonly, a gentile refers to any person who is not Jewish,
or who is not a follower of the Jewish faith."
Hello Nolan,

OH for crip's sake, Nolan~~~~~~~

The only time the word "Gentile" could possibly mean,
"Refers to any person who is not Jewish, or who is not a
follower of the Jewish faith", is when a bigoted Jew is
using and abusing the word "Gentile". This reminds me of
when the Jew was trying to confiscate Pizza as their own
concoction, however suddenly reneged when they came
face to face with the Mafia “Godfather”. The Jew can walk
all over the Christian with these sort of lies and can get
away with it, because it separates those that love a lie from
those that Love Truth. Or one could say “You will know
them by the fruit they bear”.

2007-02-28 00:57:02 UTC
In one age, called the Second Age by some,
(an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
someone claiming to be Harry wrote
in message
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
"Most commonly, a gentile refers to any person who is not Jewish,
or who is not a follower of the Jewish faith."
Hello Nolan,
OH for crip's sake, Nolan~~~~~~~
?The only time the word "Gentile" could possibly mean,
"Refers to any person who is not Jewish, or who is not a
follower of the Jewish faith", is when a bigoted Jew is
using and abusing the word "Gentile".
Because you say so?

Post by Harry
This reminds me of
when the Jew was trying to confiscate Pizza as their own
concoction, however suddenly reneged when they came
face to face with the Mafia “Godfather”.
You got an actual *cite* to real facts to support this crap?
Post by Harry
The Jew can walk
all over the Christian with these sort of lies and can get
away with it, because it separates those that love a lie from
those that Love Truth. Or one could say “You will know
them by the fruit they bear”.
No, you will know them by their lies.
Douglas Berry
2007-02-26 00:28:57 UTC
On 25 Feb 2007 14:40:16 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Harry
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
Nonsense. The word comes from Old Englsih and means non-Jew.
Post by Harry
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here http://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Wow, that was incoherent. Try these on for size:

Constitution of the United States, Article VI:

"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of
the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial
Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall
be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no
religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office
or public Trust under the United States."

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11:

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any
sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no
character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of
Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act
of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the
parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever
produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two

Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
2007-02-26 18:36:53 UTC
On  25 Feb 2007 14:40:16 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Harry
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
Nonsense.  The word comes from Old Englsih and means non-Jew.
truth now: the word "Gentile" comes from the Bible,
was translated from Hebrew, but was originally Greek,
and meant something like "tourist". Look it up in your
Strong's Concordance, if you donot believe me . . . I
Used the definition “unbeliever” because that is what
the children of Father (God to you) often meant for it
to mean to them). There is no such thing as “Jew”. It
is just a slang word used by our last, Bible translators
for want of a better word and usually meant “Judean”
see it–> http://snipurl.com/cfit
Post by Harry
America is a Christian Nation - see it right herehttp://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Wow, that was incoherent
sorry 'bout your dyslexia and short attention span.
Next time take your lunch, and mother with you to read it to you

.  Try these on for size:
ok . . .
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of
the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial
Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall
be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no
religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office
or public Trust under the United States."
so i guess that is why gutsy Jews have taken over . . . ?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
so they have no respect for established Christians,
and that is why Jews took over . . . ?
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press;
from the way things are going on here on the Internet,
i feel it would be a very good idea to make a law
respecting freedom of speech and publication . . .
or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
never in a million years will they get such a law through . . .
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any
sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no
character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of
Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act
of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the
parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever
produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two
when and where was that piece of sht forged to my Constitution?
We need to get rid of it . . .
Douglas E. Berry  Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail
"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
them?" - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN-1784  
America isnot a Democracy. History has proven "mob rule"
(Democracy) leads to Communism/Slavery. The Republic
Govt. of America guarantees the rights of the individual
over and above the mob:
"The Greeks perfected the greatest human civilization the
world has ever known by making the rights of the
individual more important than the power of the central
government. The Jews, on the other hand, were able to
perpetuate a vicious criminal state by destroying the rights
of the individual." http://snipurl.com/debj

Douglas Berry
2007-02-26 19:06:21 UTC
On 26 Feb 2007 10:36:53 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Nonsense.  The word comes from Old Englsih and means non-Jew.
?truth now: the word "Gentile" comes from the Bible,
was translated from Hebrew, but was originally Greek,
and meant something like "tourist". Look it up in your
Strong's Concordance, if you donot believe me . . . I
Used the definition “unbeliever” because that is what
the children of Father (God to you) often meant for it
to mean to them). There is no such thing as “Jew”. It
is just a slang word used by our last, Bible translators
for want of a better word and usually meant “Judean”
see it–> http://snipurl.com/cfit
The word Gentile comes from old English, and has a very specific
Post by Harry
America is a Christian Nation - see it right herehttp://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Wow, that was incoherent
sorry 'bout your dyslexia and short attention span.
Next time take your lunch, and mother with you to read it to you
Not dyslexic, and what you posted made no sense at all.
ok . . .
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of
the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial
Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall
be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no
religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office
or public Trust under the United States."
so i guess that is why gutsy Jews have taken over . . . ?
Name, please, the Jews who have held the following offices: President,
Vice-President, President Pro-Tem of the Senate, Speaker of the House,
or have held seats on the United States Supreme Court.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
so they have no respect for established Christians,
and that is why Jews took over . . . ?
No respect is why the two major Christian holidays are Federal
Holidays, but the Jewish High Holy Days are not?
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press;
from the way things are going on here on the Internet,
i feel it would be a very good idea to make a law
respecting freedom of speech and publication . . .
We have it already. Called the First Amendment.
or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
never in a million years will they get such a law through . . .
They did it in the 1790s.
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any
sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no
character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of
Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act
of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the
parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever
produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two
when and where was that piece of sht forged to my Constitution?
We need to get rid of it . . .
It was ratified in 1797. And it was "grafted" onto the Constitution
due to Article VI:

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be
made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be
made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme
Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,
any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary

Eat hot facts.


Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
2007-02-26 22:43:14 UTC
On 26 Feb2007 10:36:53 -0800 there was an Ancient "Harry"
Post by Douglas Berry
Nonsense. The word comes from Old Englsih and means non-Jew.
?truth now: the word "Gentile" comes from the Bible,
was translated from Hebrew, but was originally Greek,
and meant something like "tourist". Look it up in your
Strong's Concordance, if you donot believe me . . . I
Used the definition "unbeliever" because that is what
the children of Father (God to you) often meant for it
to mean to them). There is no such thing as "Jew". It
is just a slang word used by our last, Bible translators
for want of a better word and usually meant "Judean"
see it->http://snipurl.com/cfit
The word Gentile comes from old English, and has a very specific
Post by Douglas Berry
Post by Harry
America is a Christian Nation - see it right herehttp://tinyurl.com/lbgov
Wow, that was incoherent
sorry 'bout your dyslexia and short attention span.
Next time take your lunch, and mother with you to read it to you
Not dyslexic, and what you posted made no sense at all.
ok . . .
Post by Douglas Berry
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of
the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial
Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall
be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no
religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office
or public Trust under the United States."
so i guess that is why gutsy Jews have taken over . . . ?
Name, please, the Jews who have held the following offices: President,
Vice-President, President Pro-Tem of the Senate, Speaker of the House,
or have held seats on the United States Supreme Court.
Post by Douglas Berry
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
so they have no respect for established Christians,
and that is why Jews took over . . . ?
No respect is why the two major Christian holidays are Federal
Holidays, but the Jewish High Holy Days are not?
Post by Douglas Berry
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press;
from the way things are going on here on the Internet,
i feel it would be a very good idea to make a law
respecting freedom of speech and publication . . .
We have it already. Called the First Amendment.
Post by Douglas Berry
or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
never in a million years will they get such a law through . . .
They did it in the 1790s.
Post by Douglas Berry
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any
sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no
character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of
Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act
of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the
parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever
produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two
when and where was that piece of sht forged to my Constitution?
We need to get rid of it . . .
It was ratified in 1797. And it was "grafted" onto the Constitution
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be
made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be
made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme
Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,
any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
Eat hot facts.
The original word Goy comes from Moorish GOYA... means Brother and is
still in use till to date in Moorish lands...

Later jews when they have stolen our teaching they made Goy of it and
it means Animal...

So truth is they transformed a word that first was used as Brother and
they made a word of Hate out of it... But the crime is more horrible
than I explained here in this few words...

But this word was used to build a Wall Between Muslims and
christians......and the Twins started to do their twist while jews
stole the heritage of the two faith's... Both victimes of jewish lies.
2007-07-11 09:22:32 UTC
Post by Harry
Post by Notan
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi. . . OUT!
Quite the eloquent speaker, aren't you?
I'd imagine that it's not so much the Jews don't want Gentiles
in their neighborhoods as much as it is not wanting people like
*you* in their neighborhoods.
Notan- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Hello Nolan,
In my Country iamnot the "Gentile"; the Jew is. Idiots need to know
things too so iwill teach you something. The word "Gentile" means
America is a Christian Nation - see it right here http://tinyurl.com/lbgov
2007-02-26 01:03:34 UTC
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi . . . OUT!
"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us
give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag
them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood!
I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the
guts of the last preacher."(Jewish Chairman of the American
Communist Party, Gus Hall).
Talmud Law Insanity
------------------->*(1) http://snipurl.com/debf
------------------->*(2) http://snipurl.com/debg
------------------->*(3) http://snipurl.com/debi
------------------->*(4) http://snipurl.com/debj
------------------->*(5) http://snipurl.com/debk
------------------->*(6) http://snipurl.com/dedg
------------------->*(7) http://snipurl.com/dedj
------------------->*(8) http://snipurl.com/dedk
------------------->*(9) http://snipurl.com/dedm
------------------>*(10) http://snipurl.com/dedq
------------------>*(11) http://snipurl.com/dee1
YOU need to take a CHILL PILL!!!
2007-02-26 01:39:09 UTC
Post by Harry
Jews are selling properties to Jew-Only in New Jersey.
Get a load of these Jew names running Taeneck, New
Mayor Elie Y. Katz
Deputy Mayor Lizette P. Parker
Councilmember Jacqueline B. Kates
Helene V. Fall, Municipal Manager
I donot care what the Jew-excuse is for the discrimination
sale of property conducted here in The United States Of
America. If Jew want to sell houses in my Country, they
better be for sale for all Americans, or get out and stay out,
Jew, and take your Communism, lies, war, chaos, hate-of-
truth, LOVE OF LIES, money-grubbing greed, prostitution,
crime, child-death-porn movies etc, with you, and have your
discrimination, house sales in some Communist Country,
such as, for example: "Israel".
If Jew want to conduct the selling of property in a
discrimination manner, they can get the L out of my
Country. All the people involved in this illegal,
unconstitutional sale belong in jail or cast out of my free
Nation. Get them out - OUT OUT OUT!!!! before they
contaminate our American citizens, and their children, any
further http://snipurl.com/1bapi . . . OUT!
"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us
give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag
them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood!
I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the
guts of the last preacher."(Jewish Chairman of the American
Communist Party, Gus Hall).
Talmud Law Insanity
------------------->*(1) http://snipurl.com/debf
------------------->*(2) http://snipurl.com/debg
------------------->*(3) http://snipurl.com/debi
------------------->*(4) http://snipurl.com/debj
------------------->*(5) http://snipurl.com/debk
------------------->*(6) http://snipurl.com/dedg
------------------->*(7) http://snipurl.com/dedj
------------------->*(8) http://snipurl.com/dedk
------------------->*(9) http://snipurl.com/dedm
------------------>*(10) http://snipurl.com/dedq
------------------>*(11) http://snipurl.com/dee1
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks <LOL>
2007-02-26 02:02:32 UTC
ctyguy wrote:

Post by ctyguy
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks <LOL>
Well, it's obvious that you and some of the others are, hands down,
some the *the* smartest folks around.

Care to tell us what religion Jews are?
Douglas Berry
2007-02-26 03:36:14 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:39:09 GMT there was an Ancient "ctyguy"
Post by ctyguy
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks
Are you seriously claiming that Sammy Davis Jr. and Woody Allen are of
the same race?

Judaism is a religion. You can convert to Judaism. You can leave the
faith. It is also, in some respects, a cultural grouping.

Douglas E. Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail

"Where is the prince who can afford so to cover
his country with troops for its defense, as that
ten thousand men descending from the clouds, might
not,in many places, do an infinite deal of mischief
before a force could be brought together to repel
2007-02-26 22:51:09 UTC
On Mon, 26 Feb2007 01:39:09 GMT there was an Ancient "ctyguy"
Post by ctyguy
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks
Are you seriously claiming that Sammy Davis Jr. and Woody Allen are of
the same race?
Judaism is a religion. You can convert to Judaism. You can leave the
faith. It is also, in some respects, a cultural grouping.
Judah are two Tribes descendant of esau... while Israel are 10 tribes
descendant of Jacob. This are 12 tribes of the 13 tribes that form
humanity... Now the problem is of course the Jews want to be 13 tribes
at the same time. This also means that jews have stolen world heritage
and sinned
against all heavens laws with the creation of tiny man made Israel to
make of their lies truth... but they forget that lies are like shit in
water... they always come above.

And I tell ye all this only a tip of a ice berg of jewish(Canaanite
13th tribe) crimes against humanity.
2007-02-27 02:30:19 UTC
Post by Warhol
On Mon, 26 Feb2007 01:39:09 GMT there was an Ancient "ctyguy"
Post by ctyguy
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks
Are you seriously claiming that Sammy Davis Jr. and Woody Allen are of
the same race?
Judaism is a religion. You can convert to Judaism. You can leave the
faith. It is also, in some respects, a cultural grouping.
Judah are two Tribes descendant of esau... while Israel are 10 tribes
descendant of Jacob. This are 12 tribes of the 13 tribes that form
humanity... Now the problem is of course the Jews want to be 13 tribes
at the same time. This also means that jews have stolen world heritage
and sinned
against all heavens laws with the creation of tiny man made Israel to
make of their lies truth... but they forget that lies are like shit in
water... they always come above.
And I tell ye all this only a tip of a ice berg of jewish(Canaanite
13th tribe) crimes against humanity.
Hello Warhol,

I donot understand your "13" tribes, however all tribes are lost and
scattered, and that should be the clue to realizing the Jew is a
liar just as Jesus said in John 8:44. In other words: how can
only one tribe be now "found" when all the others are still
out there somewhere . . . ?

2007-02-27 03:02:08 UTC
Post by Harry
Post by Warhol
On Mon, 26 Feb2007 01:39:09 GMT there was an Ancient "ctyguy"
Post by ctyguy
"Jew" is a race, "Christian" is a religion. I know this is too profound for
all you Usenet geeks
Are you seriously claiming that Sammy Davis Jr. and Woody Allen are of
the same race?
Judaism is a religion. You can convert to Judaism. You can leave the
faith. It is also, in some respects, a cultural grouping.
Judah are two Tribes descendant of esau... while Israel are 10 tribes
descendant of Jacob. This are 12 tribes of the 13 tribes that form
humanity... Now the problem is of course the Jews want to be 13 tribes
at the same time. This also means that jews have stolen world heritage
and sinned
against all heavens laws with the creation of tiny man made Israel to
make of their lies truth... but they forget that lies are like shit in
water... they always come above.
And I tell ye all this only a tip of a ice berg of jewish(Canaanite
13th tribe) crimes against humanity.
Hello Warhol,
I donot understand your "13" tribes, however all tribes are lost and
scattered, and that should be the clue to realizing the Jew is a
liar just as Jesus said in John 8:44. In other words: how can
only one tribe be now "found" when all the others are still
out there somewhere . .
You *really* need to get out of "the park" once in a while and deal with
others, outside of your own family.