US Citizens - Marijuana Bills in Congress
(too old to reply)
B Sellers
2009-06-18 21:42:53 UTC
-------Original message-------

Today, Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) introduced a bill in the
U.S. House of Representatives to eliminate all federal penalties for
marijuana possession. This came only one week after he also introduced
a bill to protect medical marijuana patients.

Would you please take one minute to ask your U.S. representative to
support these two bills? MPP's easy online action center makes it
simple -- just enter your name and contact info, and we'll do the rest:

The Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2009 would
eliminate the threat of federal arrest and prison for the possession
of up to 3.5 ounces of marijuana and the not-for-profit transfer of an
ounce of marijuana -- nationwide.

What's more, last week Congressman Frank introduced the Medical
Marijuana Patient Protection Act, which would allow states to protect
medical marijuana patients from arrest and jail without federal
interference, as well as allow pharmacies to dispense marijuana to
patients with a doctor's recommendation. You can take action on this
bill here:

MPP has worked closely with Congressman Frank's staff in past months,
helping to craft both pieces of legislation and build political
support for the proposals on Capitol Hill.

Now members of Congress need to hear from their constituents who want
to see it passed -- that means you! It takes only a minute or two to
use MPP's online action system to send a quick note to your member of
the House, so would you please send your letter right now?

Eliminate threat of federal arrest and prison for marijuana possession:

Protect medical marijuana patients nationwide:

Thank you so much for your help.


Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.



It's time to correct the mistake:
truth:the Anti-drugwar

Cops say legalize drugs--find out why:

Stoners are people too:

bliss -- Cacoa Powered... (at sfo dot com)

bobbie sellers - a retired nurse in San Francisco

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of cacoa that the thoughts acquire speed,
the thighs acquire girth, the girth become a warning.
It is by theobromine alone I set my mind in motion."
--from Someone else's Dune spoof ripped to my taste.
2009-07-02 02:15:36 UTC
Post by B Sellers
-------Original message-------
Today, Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) introduced a bill in the U.S.
House of Representatives to eliminate all federal penalties for marijuana
possession. This came only one week after he also introduced a bill to
protect medical marijuana patients.
who is terrorizing them?


Designed to fit LPN to RN transition courses, this practical book helps
students succeed both academically and professionally -two distinct, but
equally important ways. Unit One focuses on the academic and personal needs
of the returning LPNs, helping them assess their past professional and
personal accomplishments as well as the goals that they would like to
achieve in nursing school. It provides useful tools to help them assess
their academic skills, motivational exercises to complete, and resources to
use throughout nursing school. Unit Two provides the information students
need to bridge the gap between LPN and RN practice, presenting the knowledge
and skills they need for the role transition to a RN. It demonstrates the
difference between the two levels of practice, and it focuses on the
critical thinking, clinical, and communication skills that LPN students need
to successfully transition to the RN
2009-07-21 15:48:30 UTC
Reading from news:alt.drugs.pot,
3.5 Ounces?? That's a pretty big amount for personal.
I dunno. I like having a lot on hand. Being legal means it'd be
cheaper, and the thing I don't like now is spending so much money for an
amount that is not satisfying in relation to the amount of money spent.
I actually wonder if there's another reason. Setting that large amount so
the bill will fail but the politician can say he tried for example.
Restricting possession to 3.5 ounces is still prohibition.
No, there's plenty of things that they restrict the amount you can have
without it being prohibited. The amount of model airplane glue you can buy
at once for example.
And if we
still have to go to the same street dealers to buy it, the prices will
probably remain the same. Prohibition of growing should end, too, to
make things fair. I mean, come on. People seem to be unhappy about the
job market, the economy, and all the wars going on. The least they
could do is legalize pot so we can puff up and zone out.
Crossposted halfway to hell and back as well. Fixed.
And it applies to all groups it was crossposted to. I'd say you broke
it, not fixed it....and you did that after quoting almost the entire
article. I'm not a usenet nanny. I just notice the unbalanced nature of
your action: trimming headers, then overquoting.
Well none of the pot groups there I see anyone posting to - except for
Mike experimenting. However, risking that fact that my server may bounce
it due to too many groups, I've put them back in with a followup-to. As
far as being a "net nanny" I did it to *my* post. I didn't tell anyone
*not* to post to those groups.
